Friendship Letters
Hectic. Hell. Boring. Discouraging. There are a lot of words that can be used to describe one’s day…. Or even one’s life.
As life goes one, as one grows older, we learn and grow. We laugh and we cry. We feel pain and happiness. We cry and we smile. We go throw many experiences the longer we live. As we live our lives, we only hope we are living life well enough. But how are we living.
For many of us, life is a hellscape of sorts. Whether it be true, what we believe, or how we...
Oh my Celestia... Oh my... He's so my type! Gold mane and beautiful white fur. His smile is so... Beautiful. Amy would adjust her binoculars and slurp up the saliva about to run down her face.
Yet... YET...! Amy would reel back as her eyes nearly went back into her head. He had a girlfriend... Bastard. How dare you cheat on me?! We've been talking behind another girls back this whole time...
Bastard... bastard... BASTARD! She would break her binoculars in half out of sheer anger. Amy would...
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//CA died on me when I tried to post this regularly, and I'm not willing to type it out again.
After 32 hours on shift, Asuka is finally able to go home, and get some sleep. While walking from the tram to her house one may be forgiven for mistaking her for a zombie. Her eyes are bloodshot, sullen, and unmoving. Her hair is disheveled, frayed, and caked with dirt, soot, and blood. Then, there was her uniform. Once a spotless white. Now it's more of a light gray.
Asuka's feet can barely mov...
Camille took a deep breath, reaching up to adjust the bandage around her head, then the one around her chest and midsection. She winced at the stinging of the wounds underneath but stood strong. Stepping forwards through the darkened hallways of an abandoned hospital, her already activated gauntlets clanking against the cracked floor. The place was definitely freaking haunted. Or at least it seemed like it, for how the place reacted to her presence.
It was like the building itself was alive, ...
Hi there guys it's Cfriday101ArtsReborn. Firstily I wanna say thanks for the mods, staff and other people for allowing me to be here. As per what I do I will be roleplaying as multiple characters as my time extended here. Here is a small list of characters, I'm only doing 10 for now, so I'll have the details up and running soon!
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Hi there guys it's Cfriday101ArtsReborn. Firstily I wanna say thanks for the mods, staff and other people for allowing me to be here. As per what I do I will be roleplaying as multiple characters as my time extended here. Here is a small list of characters, I'm only doing 10 for now, so I'll have the details up and running soon!
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What remains of the forward team stands in what looks to be a master bedroom to a relatively large house. The room itself is fairly spacious, with what looked to be a fully fledged bathroom, closet, and even a small study. In the middle of the room rests a king sized bed, with a night stand to the left of it. The nightstand sports a picture frame with a picture of what looked to be a married couple on their honeymoon. The bed, sports the bride of said photo, only a few decades older, and much le...
Things kept getting worse, and worse. First, the news of a litch running around. Then the news that he'd killed the majority of the explorers on this operation. Then the team started to run low on supplies, and finally the druid never came back after she went to forage for food last night. The team was preparing to abandon their mission, and head out of the AHS. That was, until they found the castle.
The halls of the castle were vast. Paintings, and sculptures lined it's walls, some depicting...
[Quick note, this chapter is in 3rd Person. It will remain this way from here on out.]
The ground was clear. The remaining speckles of blood scattered across the fallen leaves and branches. A broken gauntlet lay beside a magical artifact that shimmered with an evaporating energy. Two mares lay entangled with each other on the dirt, one with her thestral wings pressed back against a fallen tree. The other laying on her lap, eyes scanning the sky above.
"I'm sorry."
Camille's ears twitched as...
Central Headquarters. By far, the largest of the E.S.E.E's HQs. Though on the outside it was no larger than the a small office building, the inside was much larger. Though Nar expected that when he noticed the Astral Highway door on the front of the building. He, and the 9 other members of the E.S.E.E's northern branch who came with him arrived at central HQ just moments ago. They'd practically stepped off of the train, and into the HQ with how close to the station the HQ was.
The outside of ...
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Dr. Lindsley's Report
29th entry.
04/05/1056 A.N.
08:00 PM
Dr. Lindsley's Report
28th entry.
02/05/1056 A.N.
04:35 PM
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