Friendship Letters
Like a blank answer sheet, sitting unanswered, unused
the feelings inside emptied, misdirected, confused
poured out, they are dripping now, but in the literal sense;
the crimson flow, it beads from each empty line, creating an intense
silent cry, yet perfectly representing the scream inside
Talking to a wall is nice-it will listen,
and it certainly won’t talk back
but what makes blinds so different?
they’ve a story to tell though a tongue they lack.
Behind their odd corrugation,
Dear Princess Celestia:
"Once apon a time in Equestria" One this day eight years those were the first 6 words uttered by a show that touched so many in some way.
As much as I and others alike wish you knew how special your world meant to us I know this will fall onto to deaf ears regardless I write on behalf of those who love you and all of the world we can only spectate.
Ah hav crippling gay osteoporosis
Your dead af student
Dear Princess Luna;
I have been enjoying my time in your former home there is so much history I have missed during my time away and the literature is filling in the gaps I am grateful to the scribes of the past there were very detailed.
Spending time with ponies have been odd, they seem less serious than before it appears we now live in a time where fun and friendship is a primary focus however I have some security concerns to address have you received my official report I entrusted Rover ...
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It's all a matter of time.
Before all is know.
Love is what it is.
Our true fate will be shown.
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Last you saw me Rose was when I left to quell a rumor. That rumor, of a pocket dimension right under the princesses noses, turns out to be true. They call it Canterlot Avenue and it’s an amazing place really! There are all kinds of ponies and creatures from so many places. I’ve seen abilities I can’t begin to explain! Yet that’s not all, I’ve made friends...many amazing friends and I can’t wait till you can see it for yourself. In any case attached to the bottom of this letter is all my do...
A short list.
Asexual, Apathy, Able, Absence of emotion, Academic, Acceptable, Ache, Achieve, Anger, Accusation, Activity, Act, Adapt, Adequate, Adjust, Admiration, Admission, Admit, Adult, Advance, Advice, Affection, Afraid, Age, Aggravation, Agree, Alert, All right, Alone, Alter, Always, Analysis, Anguish, Annoying, Anxiety, Anyone, Apology, Appearance, Approach, Approval, Argument, Artificial, Ashamed, Attempt, Author, Alive.
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To... whichever Princess reads this.
I apologize for the more depressing letters Java and I have sent. We don't mean to unload such things upon you, as I'm sure you have your own problems. So, instead, I thought I'd write something a bit happier. My... I suppose we'll call them friends right now, have decided that when I am able, they want me to move in with them. I have been playing the role of aide to the female half of the couple, as she is mostly blind, and due to recent circumstances beyon...
I just wanted to say that you are all doing a fine job of ruling Equestria and that I am very grateful for your efforts. Because of what you've done, especially in recent years, I've been able to travel freely around Equestria and beyond and I've seen amazing sights, had incredible experiences, and have made irreplaceable friends. Keep it up, I'm rooting for you!
Your grateful subject,
To my loving fiance I honestly would like to say I never would've made it this fair in my life without you. You saved me in a time I had nothing and for that ill always be grateful. I hope we get to go through many more trials together and come out of them just as strongly. Your my whole world. I love you.
Sincerely yours Newt
As I'm sure you already know I met a wonder girl afew days ago. I won't lie I do love her with all my heart. And although I have a fiance I'm great fun for my girlfriend Calico to be apart of my world. She keeps things interesting and really shows she loves me.
Yours sincerely Newt.
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Dear princess Celestia,
L nqrz L'yh ehhq vlohqw iru d zkloh, dqg L'p vruub derxw wkdw... Li brx'uh zruulhg, sdvv wkh "qrupdo" sduw dqg jr gluhfwob wr wkh frghg sduw.
I've really been having a wonderful time in Ponyville for the last two weeks. This town truly is beautiful, and I can't begin to describe how much cool stuff I got to see here.
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Dear Princess Luna,
Once more I feel my actions paint me as being needy. Maybe I am, but I hope that doesn't colour me poorly in others' eyes. I'm doing my best, or at least I think I am. I'm trying. It's hard to keep it all together and straight in my mind. I hope I'm not bothering you with how often I've written. Though, you probably would say so, because a good monarch is there for their subjects. I'm sorry.
Your faithful subject,
Java Tales
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Dear Princess Celestia.
I love to talking with my new friends, and friendship is more important than being alone in the world. I wanted to make more friends so I could chat with! My friends and I never argue, causing drama. I realized that my friends and I could talk more, and friendships are so important. My friends never left me, or lets me be alone. I don't like being left alone.. So, I hope you read this letter! I promise I will write more friendship letter to you.
From Purple Flame
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Description: An android pony with the shape of an earth pony stallion. Is mostly unpainted, but from the neck-up he is red. Scratches cover most of the surface, and has thick black bands around the upper part of each leg. The eyes are made up of blue “eyelid” shutters to protect the cameras and to simulate blinking, and a red glowing pupil that contains the cameras that provide vision. LR-77 has normal vision, night-vision, x-ray, and thermal vision channels. His mane and tail are made up of syn...
~Princess Luna
Give me the strength to make it through the night. If not for my own sake, then the sake of those in my care. I'm not doing great, but I am trying to tough it out. I try to remain positive and humble, but some people push the limits of even my patience. I'm sorry to trouble you with such trivial matters, across the fabric of reality, space, and time.
Your servant from another world,
The 7th Wall~
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To: well who ever reads this
I've never done this before, so, I guess this is a start... I'm bored and wish I had more ponies to hang out with. I honestly don't know what to say or write, cause I'm shy about interacting with groups. If you want to play or anything I guess let me know... I don't know. Thanks
Dear princess Celestia, as I told you in my last letter, I have been in Ponyville for the last few days. The little town is as lovely as ever, and seems to be even more thriving than the last time I came.
I went around, encountered some familiar faces, some familiar places, and I even got a chance to visit the recently opened School of Friendship. Princess Twilight Sparkle was kind enough as to allow me to explore the place as much a I'd like, as long as I didn't disturb the students and staff....
Dear princess Celestia, as you advised a few days back, my most recent trip was around Equestria. You were right in saying this would be a nice change of pace for me, since I've started to get used to far away lands, and the places I went to this time were quite interesting.
I'm thankful for this advice, a bit of travel through this beautiful land can be quite calming and I needed this.
The neighagra falls were as beautiful as ever, and the sight from the Foal Mountain was majestic.
On my way...
Dear Princess Luna,
How do you fight the tendrils of loneliness and depression that worm their way into your heart? How do you combat the feeling of the dark abyss in your heart and soul, that even friendship cannot seem to banish? I try so hard every day to focus on the positive, to keep my mind busy, but it always finds me. You are a pony that I always look to for guidance and inspiration, and while I don't wish to be a bother or a burden, I could certainly use your ageless wisdom. I hope thi...
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned that Hades is best Disney princess. Deadpool second. And Gantu third.
Dear Princess Luna,
I have come upon this "web site" a few weeks back, and so far I am enjoying my stay. There are a good many interesting ponies, and even some non-pony residents that add to the diversity one would expect of a small community. Yes, some can be abrasive, but it reminds one the importance of patience and to remain understanding of others points of view. There are many stories to experience here, and I hope to be a part of some of them, as well as to take what lessons I can from ...
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Dear Princess Celestia,
I have searching my friend since a half year ago, but I haven't find her yet. I don't exactly know who is she, but I know we are similar, and if we met, we would get along very well. I know she would be my happy friend, and we could share our pleasures with each other. I know if she would be sad I could cheer her up, and she could do this about me as well. I know we could talk about what we love, maybe she as loves art and literature as me. Maybe she feels lonely now, ...
First of all, you want to go to the Pages section of the site which can be found on Or if you want to find it yourself it's in the left menu if you scroll a little bit down.
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The next screen you'll be met with will look something like this:
This little Arctic pony has a very long and troubling tail. Due to the circumstance of their mother's family history, Snow Storm was born with an entity known as a Windigo attached to them. Because of their plains of existence being intertwined, their death became prolonged as long as the Windigo stayed with them.
They out lived all who they knew, and grew quite lonely during their existence. Death is not inevitable, and they could in fact be killed. But like a zombie, Snow Storm rose ...
Jump time forward and Princess Luna was banished for her tyranny. The land again shattered and fell into dispute. Princess Luna, although not a favoured leader, definitely had influence over the folk who converted to the nocturnal life. Thieves grew violent in the streets and bandits became merciless as a protest to the loss of their essential goddess. To defend themselves, Snow Storm grew meaner and brutal with the council of her Windigo, Ahote.
Snow Storm obeyed because she did not know wh...
Does any pony remember the time back before life in Equestria was full of equality and nourishment?
She remembers. At least.. Vaguely.
Back then, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fought together to defeat Discord, ceasing his tyranny and torment across the realm. Alas, what was left of Equestria resembled a lifeless husk of sadness and decay. The state of farms, to homes, to life itself was almost unthinkable to bring back from Discord's blight. It was only through perseverance and the ...
Lexi Morgan had a dream. She was walking up a dark staircase and when she got to the top, she walked into a bedroom. The bedroom carpet was made up of large squares that looked like trapdoors. And each of the windows was fastened shut with big nails that stuck up out of the wood.
In her dream, Lexi went to sleep in the bedroom, but during the night, a woman with a pale face, black eyes and long black hair slipped silently into the room. She leaned over the bed and whispered, “This is an evil ...
Yep this is happening, so here are some of my non Mlp ocs pls enjoy.
Rinda the Mew
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