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by on November 30, 2024
Entering the library, Misty peers around at the small quantity of ponies rifling through the shelves and holding quiet conversations at the tables. A lot of rectangles around here. Squares, even. It's annoying. Out of nowhere, a librarian appears! What an unusual place to find such a person. "Excusez-moi?" Misty asks of the custodian, cautiously approaching. "Do you have any computers around here? The cool kind? With all the buttons and the mousepad?" She questions of the secretary, glanci...
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by on November 28, 2024
"Knock knock!" Betty Yakushi opens the front door of her house to find the face of her son staring back at her. Oh! And he's carrying her granddaughter too! It's the first time she's gotten to see her in person! Betty's face lights up as her eldest children, and their best friend enter their home. "Kisho! Our favorite band is here!" She calls out to her husband, as she gives each of the young adults a hug. A few seconds later, her husband emerges from the kitchen with a 'Worlds Best Dad/Boss...
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by on November 19, 2024
The hunt for a new keyboardist for Attack on Mango was on. The four current members of the band sit behind a desk inside a rented out studio, and wave goodbye to their most recent tryout. So far, every candidate that's come in has either just tried to play covers of their songs, or played some half-assed original composition that usually sucked. At this rate, it looked like it might take weeks before they find their new keyboardist. With only 10 minutes left before the auditions wrap up for t...
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by on November 18, 2024
. The only fitting word comes to Verdant's mind as he ascends the crystal spire. Floor after floor of cobwebs is only part of it- some of the things he'd seen the past few hours predated the founding of Equestria. Perhaps predating even the first coming of the windigos! Where would you even find a thunderbird eye in the present day? Nevermind the fact that they've been extinct for at least two thousand years, thunderbirds  resided in the area Equestria occupies! And yet Verdant stops his ascent...
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by on November 16, 2024
Verdant Shade stares up at the towering pillar of dark crystal in a forest near the western border of Equestria. His destination. His end. But even worse... Nopony else could see it, and yet they avoided it like the plague. He'd asked around so much that nopony within miles would talk to the seemingly crazed stallion. Ponies of a nearby town said the forest is haunted, refusing to elaborate out of fear and superstition. A tribe of buffalo said the forest is cursed land, driving dwellers insane...
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by on November 5, 2024
It's been about 3 hours since the patrol started, but everything's gone smoothly so far. Wattzis Buckets, and Wildfire have been standing guard in the Lord's Manor since they arrived. There's been little to do, and conversation has to be kept to a minimum, so more than anything, Wattzis has been bored out of his mind. Such is the life of a guard. Wattzis' eyes move to watch as Lieutenant Spellsword enters the manor's atrium on her patrol route. She gives the two guards a short nod. Nothing to ...
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by on October 28, 2024
((CONTENT WARNING: blood, gore, violence)) The hive was unusually cold.  Even less usual, it was empty.  As Spinneret wandered the ever-changing corridors, there was not a single changeling in sight.  She made her way to the dungeon, which conveniently doubled as the hive's mess hall; not even the prisoners-slash-meals were there.  Not only that, there was no trace of them ever being there, no remnants of changeling cocoons.  In fact, there was no sign that anycreature had ever been in the hive...
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by on October 26, 2024
//Woe, introductory post be upon thee. For a guard, Ponyville was one of the best places to be stationed. Whattzis Buckets woke up every day, excited to protect the town he'd grown up in. He loved to patrol the streets, converse with the townsfolk, and help them when they needed it. He particularly liked when the schoolhouse reached out to him to read to the children. They were always so excited to see a guard in person, and he loved to read them stories of the great heroes of old. Today w...
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by on October 25, 2024
The Voices are all consuming. Fear, Pain, and Suffering surround Nar in a cacophony that tears away at his very being. He can feel the tendrils of the Voices attempting to rip apart his mind, and steal the memories within. He screams, but it only joins the thousands of other screams coming from within the Voices. There is no defense against the Voices once you're in it's clutches. Deep within the parts of Nar's mind, not yet under assault, he knows it's only a matter of time before he becomes li...
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by on October 24, 2024
//Feel free to add an excerpt from your character in the comments if you like! I may choose to feature some of the characters in the comments in an upcoming post from Nar! ( Artuo looks up from the table he's cleaning in his restaurant to look over to a booth near the middle of the restaurant. It's the booth that Attack on Mango usually sits at, but lately, they haven't been coming in 3 days a week like they usually do. When they do, it's on...
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by on October 19, 2024
//CONTENT WARNING: MENTIONS OF BLOOD, AND DEATH. NOT DESCRIBED IN DETAIL. ( The air is knocked out of Nar's lungs as his abdomen slams into the edge of a large piece of stone. He feels himself begin to slide backwards. His arms reach forward, and grab hold of the other edge of the stone, pulling himself up so his chest, and abdomen can rest atop it. As Nar gasps for air, he takes in his surroundings. He's stuck on a piece that's broken off of on...
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by on October 18, 2024
Three figures stand before the doors to the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The first is the royal jester, Pulsar, standing in the middle of the two doors. Behind him, Nar, and Amy stand in an embrace. A sinister, powerful, arcane energy radiates from within the throne room. It pulsates in rhythmic fashion, like a beating heart. He is expecting them. He will not allow them to leave of his own accord. They're going to have to fight their way to the exit, and Pulsar is going to help them do it. ...
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