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by on August 18, 2020
//Totally not skipping ahead in this storyline just so I have an excuse to post wall posts people can reply to. It had been a long few months for Luis and the rest of his cartel. All sorts of mishaps kept popping up what seemed like every day. Shipments went missing. Money never exchanged hands. Rumors of a snitch inside the cartel were spreading like wildfire, and people were getting paranoid. Yet through all this Luis found hope. Not only had he scored an amazing girlfriend a few months ago...
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by on August 18, 2020
Adherence is a curse. Adherence is a blight in the form of addiction. An addiction that when played out screams in the face of those that follow its dark definition. Adherence, over all else, is a word- but words have power. A vocal call, a spell, a command that is conjured up through the voice. ...
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by on August 17, 2020
“Okay, okay! Everybody off stage! That was just… That’s just terrible. I can’t. Roll back, we need to redo the entire shot.” After that initial statement there was a collective sigh coming from the entire cast, not only had they been here all day and it was way past 8, this particular scene had already been shot 15 times. Visual Cue is a very talented although extremely picky director and he’s in charge. With no other remedy, every extra, every actor, every camera man jumped off stage to make...
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by on August 11, 2020
// Decided to look into my unpublished lore posts and found this. Did some rework, but I haven't written something propper in a while, so bear with me. Very short one as well, which is good. "Those that close themselves off are the ones in the most need of affection." The chloromancer read out loud, the dull blue eyes focusing on those words. He stared at them for a while before setting the book over the desk and pushing it aside. "Huh. Any thoughts, darling?" He asked, the focus shifting ove...
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by on August 3, 2020
(AU where Wyatt is doing the Single Pringle) There's nothing worse than feeling unneeded or unwanted. Than feeling unwelcome. And in Equestria, that was how Wyatt felt. Twilight may have helped, teaching him to survive in a more mundane world than he was used to, but it still left a hole. A hole he hadn't found a replacement to fill. It showed in his body language, his manner of speaking, his attitude. Wyatt was currently in some pub in Canterlot, a pint in his hand as he sat in a booth, alre...
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by on August 3, 2020
Dragonfly was given up by his Rassulian parents and treated by the rest of his kind as inferior and weak like he was broken. He was adopted by a mare from a neighboring planet and raised there with her loving care. Although being bullied harshly for being a Rassulian, the ones who took over half their own galaxy for control, he would follow in his adopted mother's footsteps and forgive. After mandatory military service as a rescue pilot Dragonfly would inherit a ship and become the stallion, he ...
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by on August 3, 2020
Everything was quiet. Ponies trotted along, talking flamboyantly among themselves with jubilance. The shouts of peddlers trying to sell their wares and the buyers arguing or negotiating right back. The chittering of rats and other pests scurrying about trying to find any scraps that hadn't been cleaned by one of the many homeless that took refuge on the streets. Despite all this, the world was desolately empty, audio void of its existence in this alley. Everything was quiet. A cardboard wreck...
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by on August 1, 2020
//DISCLAIMER: Some of the content featured in this post may be unsettling, or disturbing to some readers. The streets of Ponyville had quieted down significantly compared to the afternoon buzz, and bumble. Where the streets had been filled with ponies trying to get from here to there just a few hours ago they were now largely empty, and quiet. The sun's light had stopped illuminating the streets thirty minutes ago, and the street lamps were all that provided light for the nighttime travelers...
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by on July 31, 2020
Everything felt like a dream. Floaty. Carmine felt as if his soul was buoyantly floating above his body and kept from soaring away by a rope tied at his neck. The rope was... cold. Metallic. No, his senses were starting to come back. Vision was restoring... he saw a myriad of blurry shapes, moving and squabbling. What were they saying? He was hearing words, but he couldn't understand them. Screams. Pleas for mercy. As his eyes began to wake up, the blurry shapes began to transition to their true...
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by on July 31, 2020
According to the other agents in the room getting the jitters before a meeting like this was common. Only the Special Agent-in-Charge wasn't usually missing like he was now. The three other agents in the room are sitting around a well made circular wooden table. They've all grouped up towards one end of the table, leaving the other end open with it's own chair. Hiari stands guard by the door. Everyone's wearing formal clothing. Suits and ties. Stuff like that. The room is mostly silent until the...
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by on July 27, 2020
Before Pride went to work today, he was lurking B&N's manga section to search for next manga to consider and he found [he aint saying this manga's name]. Its name and cover flailed how much of an LGBTfest it is Pride was curious and gave a 5 page sample read because he optimistically expected to be pleasantly surprised He was not ...
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by on July 27, 2020
The bag was over his head, his hands tied and bound, a wad of socks in his mouth to stop him speaking. Or calling for help. He could see virtually nothing. They got him while he was sleeping, cowardly bastards. No way to signal for help... '.' No... Not again. 'Quiet!' '' ...
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