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by on July 27, 2020
"♫ Down yonder green valley, where streamlets meander, When twilight is fading I pensively rove. Or at the bright noontide in solitude wander, amid the dark shades of the lonely ash grove...♪" It was a late summer's evening, and Lenore found herself singing quietly as she skimmed the canopy of the temperate forests far outside the reach of civilization. The stark black griffon soared with purpose towards a clearing. There, camped on a hill were a collection of wagons arranged in a loose c...
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by on July 22, 2020
Click! A twist of the skeleton key signaled the end of the work day for Cynbel, as did the setting sun. It wasn’t a particularly profitable day, but he would at least break even. A marginal success, but one the young alchemist felt he needed to celebrate given his particularly sour mood. For the past few weeks, he’s been silently accepting that his shop, Splendor Solis, may be in its final stages. Business just wasn’t outweighing the cost of keeping the doors open Customers were becoming less ...
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by on July 17, 2020
Not yet it wasn't, but four years ago it was... Lesa stood outside on the balcony looking over at the city below which city you ask? The capital city of Canterlot. She couldn't sleep mainly cause she had a bit on her mind, and she had just put her daughter to bed... here she was now engaged once more not only that but being an actual mother for the first time it would have been the second but... that didn't go too well. Four years ago she was engaged and she had been through a few heartbreak...
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by on July 15, 2020
It was a rather cool evening in Equestria. It would have been nice if the gray stallion didn't already have a lot on his mind. Obsilion would currently be wandering deep inside the Everfree forest, trying to clear his head a bit. He hasn't been in of minds. In fact, he hasn't been well at all. He's been having a lot of mental troubles lately. It even got to the point where he had to hire someone to take care of his daughter for him, at least until he gets better. He had just come from...
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by on July 15, 2020
//With special guest appearance by Carmine Gumshoe. (I made sure to get permission before adding him to the post.) If there was one thing Betty Yakushi disliked about the Ponyville Courthouse it was that they always seemed to keep the courtrooms below freezing temperatures. Sure it was better than being left in sweltering heat, but how were you supposed to present evidence, and give statements while your teeth chattered constantly? Despite her dress coat, and long dress the cold still managed...
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by on July 14, 2020
//Said I'd make some story posts for Asuka's family members, so here's the first of the three. The sun has not yet risen over Ponyville, and the lights inside the small restaurant between the 'Haysea Corp' offices, and the Biglow Department store have just come on. Inside stands an older stallion (mid 50's) already hard at work preparing for the day ahead. Kisho Yakushi was always the first one to come in for work. As the restaurant's owner he had to set a good example for his employees. As o...
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by on July 13, 2020
"You're a warrior with no war to fight" The mare said with a sigh as she looked at the stallion "That's what you're feeling" The blue unicorn stated as she brushed her orange mane out of her face. Phoenix looked at his hooves with a grimace "It isn't my fault....I...I just get a bit bored" The young pegasus said weakly. He knew she was right. Why was he such an idiot? He always screwed these things up. The unicorn frowned at him "I can't be with you. I want a life outside of battle, outside of v...
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by on July 10, 2020
It was 3:40 in the morning. Its been four hours since Buster had taken his wife to the hospital for an important moment in his life, his wife was pregnant. The doctors wouldn't let him enter the room, but he was able to hear every scream she made, and the smells, the smell of chemicals and most of all, blood. The doctor warned beforehand that there could be complications, serious complications, but he believed in the doctors expertise and that they would be able to do the birth with ease. He was...
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by on July 10, 2020
Alone. Weeks go by with the blink of an eye, months fly on the other side of the closed window just as quickly as the swooping birds. Yet nothing changes. The letters go out, but no reply ever comes. It happened again, didn't it? He never wanted to leave, but it wasn't much of a choice. It wouldn't be long before his last energies dripped away, thanks to the disease. If anything, he lessened her burden by saying that last goodbye and vanishing off to the world, rather than staying and hav...
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by on July 6, 2020
//When I said soon, I meant SOON. (I know some people don't like exposition, so I'll leave a marker for the juicy stuff (Nar Lore). Don't feel bad about skipping to the marker. I have a hard time reading exposition sometimes too.) The lush, green grass, and abundance of flowers that covered the hills to the east of Ponyville would lead you to believe they would be a popular place for the citizens of the town to visit. Sure, that was the case last year, but ever since the attack these hill...
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by on July 4, 2020
I just seemed to lay there. Laying there with nothing going on except for the continued breathing that my body was doing. Along side the breathing of my sleeping beauty that was accompanying me in my sleep. My eyes were closed, but my mind wasn't. These past weeks have pushed me towards an area of exhaustion that I wasn't sure was possible. What's funny about that tho, was that this was still only the beginning. As Prince of the Night, Future Husband, and Father? I never would have guessed that ...
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by on July 4, 2020
It's been a few months now since Jule had brought the vacant plot of land just outside of Canterlot. He's been working hard and long hours trying to make the perfect house for Lana, their foal and himself. He had hoped to have the house finished before the foal arrived, but he barely had the bones of the house up by now. But between getting the permits, blueprints for the house approved, finding the right contractors for the more technical stuff, inspections and replenishing funds to buy supplie...
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