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by on July 26, 2019
Reposted blog story, as usual! Alright, so... We were on ops. It was a hot country we were in. We'd been standing in full kit in the heat all day, guarding a border. Boring work, really. Nothing special happened while I was on duty, although I've heard some stories and there's been a lot that's happened on said border. Anyway, myself and a bunch of the lads decide to go out past the border that night to a nearby town for some drinks and to possibly pull. Anyway, the latter never happened f...
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by on July 24, 2019
"I've been called a lot during my life. Butcher, Legend, freak, heartless, cold, unkillable. Done a lot too. Been only one thing. When I first came to Equestria, it was... It was something I had no idea could exist. It was like a dream. A fairytale. There was no war. No hatred. It has it's problems of course, but... It's so much more peaceful than my world. Equestria holds a freedom I'd never known. Like the cards of life laid bare before me. It didn't need soldiers. The type of soldier I was. I...
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by on July 23, 2019
Okay, so... Storytime with Wyatt's Admin, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. Part 1 is also in blogs. This one might seem like it's going in a dark direction, but stick around. Oh and I forgot to mention in the actual post that I may have been involved in the events detailed below... :eyes: I fine tune the details a bit more in the blogs as well. Alright, so. We were out with the RA, Royal Artillery on an exercise. They were showing off their big guns *cough*totallynotovercompensating*cough* and w...
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by on July 20, 2019
"Greetings, Twilight! Lemon Breeze herewith a letter from my journey with Chiller Sway. You know my husband, the brown one with the green eyes. Well the two of us have been traveling east for a couple of days now. Trains sure are a wonder of the world, they've taken us all the way from Ponyville to Griffon station. It sure was quite a trip to get around the ocean, and the griffons are weird folk. I can't even call them ponies!" The yellow mare giggles to herself. What a strange world it is over ...
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by on July 19, 2019
Alright, so... story time with Wyatt's admin. Reposting it in a blog. So, I was on a patrol, regulars mixed with one or two reserves. I was Charlie man, or last man. I was there to give the lads a kick up the arse if they started to lag behind from tiredness. It had been a long day for us and this was our last patrol. Anyway, we're walking as usual and then I turn to check our 6, make sure we're not being followed or anything. I turn back around and see a rifle barrel poking out of a building...
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by on July 17, 2019
Dendrite does a huge yawn as she pulls herself out of her sleep. She doesn't know what time it is, or care, really, but she had one of those sleeps so good she doesn't even know what year it is, let alone what she was doing when she fell asleep... ...although the white mare with a rainbow mane next to her quickly explains what she had been doing, as Dendrite flattens her ears. Oh. That...was unexpected? Now she remembers. Her and Persona had fallen asleep talking about their different powers....
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by on July 17, 2019
The following stained, dog-eared and well-protected journal entry could be found tucked in a corner of the cave... "After the Chrysalis hive showed itself in Canterlot, the public fear and hatred towards changelings was established. And who could blame them-an attack on Equestria's capital, the assault on and temporary imprisonment of their rulers, and a swarm of monsters lead against them-their reactions of panic and racism were only natural. However, some responses went too far. One of them ...
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by on July 13, 2019
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If that quote is indeed true, then I am most definitely insane. And that quote applies to every single time I’ve tried to become a part of a community, or fandom, or any type of social interaction. For quite a long time now, I’ve attempted to be part of a social circle, just wanting to feel like I belong somewhere. Try as I might, I can never seem to fit in with a group, and the only c...
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by on July 13, 2019
She always searched for it The thing, called..”love” When she realised she had to She packed her bag And set out ...
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by on July 10, 2019
The room smelled of cheap butterscotch candies, and disinfecting wipes. Sitting across from Nar was his counselor. The two were in the middle of an exercise. "Alright Nar. We're going to try something a little different. I'm going to play some tapes for you, and i want you to act exactly as you would if these events were happening in person." The counselor takes a video tape from his desk and inserts it into a video player. A few moments later a video begins to play. At first the video is an ...
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by on July 7, 2019
Headcanon 1! Sirens age slower than ponies and other creatures! Haven't figured out the ratio yet, but they age slower. Cuz like, Hymn is in her 140's so far, and in pony terms she'd probably be around her 20-30's maybe? Headcanon 2! ...
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by on July 6, 2019
It's quiet. Then again, in a gated off section of a royal library inside of a castle it tends to be. Thin beams of light stream in through the windows, catching the dust that hangs in the stale air. The room itself is circular, and goes up three floors. The bookshelves are carved out of stone, and run the entirety of the walls of all three floors. Even more tall wooden bookshelves sit in the center of the room along with a few chairs and desks. On the third floor, a black leather bound book begi...
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