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Being as Sylveon is one of my favorite Pokemon, and Eeveelution, I had to draw one for myself. My own little Sylveon
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Your Sylveon looks good and adorable. And I can see why you like them, they're just a bunch of cuties. ^^ I'd say though my favorite is Glaceon but Sylveon would be a close second.
November 2, 2019

Skyra Heartsong
Unf I am so edgy. Let me just use my Straight Razor of self infliction. On myself. It deals 11 damage. Plus bleeding damage. meaning I take 11 damage every second!
November 2, 2019

Well, at least you're efficient. :P
November 2, 2019

Skyra Heartsong
Why thank you dearest~
November 2, 2019
Gonna be doing a "Draw it Again" thing for an old christmas art I made back in 2016. Its time it got updated, and I want something for my holiday festivity icon lol
Btw commissions are open owo
Man....I'm in a serious creative slump. Haven't even felt like making art. Rp is meh right now.
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I get that as well sometimes. I can go from being super invested into RPing, to being stumped on how to even come up with a paragraph. It’s only natural, and it’ll blow over.
July 27, 2019
It sucks worse when you have people who want to rp with you, or expect you to, and you can't feel driven to rp. It falls flat, or I get bored. I've been trying to find a way to spice things up but my ideas fall flatter than my drive to rp.
July 27, 2019
I get that. I think at some points everyone gets that. If it makes you feel any better, the times you and I have interacted on wall posts, they were always quite enjoyable.
July 27, 2019
I doodled a bird owo Well, I obviously did more than doodle, but I made a birb. I have a name picked out, but it's still up in the air...so I felt maybe I could ask yall what a good name for her is.
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Welp. I now officially have diabetes, and it's all thanks to Cabbage-Arts on DA for making this gorgeous and sweet as fuck art of Darren and Skyra. My heart is going to explode now.
17 people like this.
Squeeeeee~ Some cute af ship art with yours truly and Darren Cuffs is on the waaay~
-bounces about excitedly-
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-rubs her face- So, some jackass decided to set off a firecracker or something at 11:30 last night right outside our apartment building next to a bush. I was watching Crank with my hubby when we heard... View More
Which Canon MLP character should I draw?
I'm bored. I'm in a mood. I need to do something and cheer up...so here I am. Asking you, the users of Canterlot Avenue, which character from MLP:FIM I should draw.
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