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Misty Nights (PR)
Hi, everypony! Misty Nights here,
Can you believe that it's that time of the year again? Another time in which we celebrate this place's anniversary! Not only is that a major milestone in our history, but it is just amazing how we've been a part of your lives for this long if you have been with us from the start. For those of you who are new, we are so happy that you are here to be a part of this momentous occasion.
This year we want to celebrate it by doing a bit of a fun activity. It's something that we have done before, but my sister, Sunshine Serenade, and I know that you guys love it for its simplicity. We want to encourage our users to share with us either a short story of where your OC will be in five years, a drawing of your OC in five years, or share with us where you plan to be at in five years or what goals you want to accomplish in your life in the span of five years
By participating in this event, you will be able to get our 5th-anniversary badge, which was commissioned by the lovely and wonderful, Comp, and made by the ever wonderful, Snow Storm.
This thread will be closing on December 12th at 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time or GMT -8.
Here is a preview of the badge you will receive
Topics: anniversary, ca, staff, events
Last update on December 4, 3:54 pm by Corona Lionheart IV.
Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
A Short Story Of Where Your OC Will Be In Five Years:
(Sneak Peak Of My Fifth Book)
It was a cold place. Not in the sense that it was freezing, but there was an eerie feeling about the island. Darkness was everywhere and Svarlet started to feel dreary. She kept walking despite her hooves feeling heavy as they became covered in the sticky mush. Spoof stayed close and Svarlet could tell he was nervous. The sound of a twig breaking somewhere to the right had broken the silence. The noise had echoed through the air as Svarlet spun around frantically looking for the source of the noise. She heard soft voices all around them.
" Hah." Svarlet chuckled aloud. "Good to see the Whispering Island living up to its name." She was just trying to lighten the mood but as she spoke, she noticed Spoof floating away in a flash. He stopped behind a tree and peeked out, looking at her and shivering. Svarlet, scared to turn around felt a breeze from behind. Suddenly, from behind her, there was a huge glow that overwhelmed Spoof's own and lit up everything in front Svarlet.
A Drawing Of Your OC In Five Years:
(This Is In About More Than Five Years. Part Of Her Story Arch. Art And Redesign By BeamyButt)
Share With Us Where You Plan To Be At In Five Years:
We all know that where we plan to be is different than where we truly end up. I have made plans that will help me to save enough money. Enough to be able to buy a property and start building my own home. These plans also took into account taxes, hook-ups, bills, and most importantly resources. It has not taken into account any unforeseeable work circumstances such as layoffs, firings, pay/hour cuts, replacements, or transfers. I will be working on those later but for now I hope to have a property bought, built, and livable in around 5+ years! Because who wants to live with family for the rest of their lives? Hahah.
What Goals You Want To Accomplish In Your Life In The Span Of Five Years:
(I See "Plans" Being Separate From "Goals". I Have A Lot Of Unrealistic Goals. I Am Slowly Going To Make Them Realistic.)
1 Year ~ I have been streaming a lot. I got affiliate in a month and then I lost my laptop to water damage and had not good internet once I got a new laptop. I am hoping I can find some and get my streaming back to normal. It may take about a year though because I still struggle with money, and everything is so expensive now.
2 Years ~ I have paid someone, and they are helping me to build my own website. I am hoping it will be done fully and PUBLIC in about 2 years. There is no way it will be public before that as I have too much work to do on it first, after the base code is done.
3 Years ~ My art has gotten a lot better and although I feel like I have enough confidence to animate, I am still not ready. I feel like I will ruin it. So, I would like to learn to animate. I am hoping to learn the basics in about 3 years.
4 Years ~ I am a slow learner. One thing I hope to learn sooner than later is coding. I can't seem to retain anything educational so it may be harder and slower to do. Hopefully I can get the basics down in 4 years. I am going to need it.
5 Years ~ I am slowly continuing to write my books and even though I am NOWHERE near done, I hope to finish them (all 30+) in the span of 5 years!
Polo Fastter
Five years later...
"So, six years ago I was dealing with old magic and things went south in that one timeline and a lot of versions of me exist which is weird. I'm glad that you told me about this spaceship because the view is nice." Polo said to Sheep as they are on a spaceship heading for the moon. "Baaa baa? Baaaaaaa baaaa baaa baaa baaaaa baaaa baa baaaa baaaa." Sheep said while Polo drinks coffee while looking outside of the ship. There are a few that ventured this far into equine space due to the chaos that magic has from years of two princesses controlling the sun and moon.
Sivanro was on Equestria working in the cabin while Sheep was in space collecting mineral samples of different rocks. "Now, I just know there more to it than thinking about how a spell works. "Let see if I can levitate a table..." the table didn't move due to magic being weird for him to use. "... Okay back to the white board again" he sighs as he crosses out that spell from the board.
Astro Blitz
//I first want to say its still an honor to be using this site. I been here since Day -1, and its been a real trip. Here to being here for yet another 5 years. Below, I will write out my short story of my son Nitroxus. As I don't write FanFics, so please bare with me with the story.
As Nitroxus sat on the porch of his latest bunker, the green burrowing pony would have a swaddled pair of twin foals in his arms. Nitroxus looked very tired, with the bags under his eyes being so large that they could hold a gallon of water each. Nitroxus would smile weakly, looking out to the sunset. He was now a father, to 2 young boys. Solarius Soulspins and Solurium Soulspins. Nitroxus held his sons, knowing that his wife was just inside resting from making sure the bunker was in order. Nitroxus laughed in his mind, how did his life get to be this good? He was married to a mare, just as paranoid as himself, and loved his bunker. He was married and living out his happy life. Nitroxus looked up, just to see his brother Astro fly in.
In the 5 years, Astro have strangely matured into a smart pegasus. As it turned out, Astro had a strange learning method, he had a perfect photographic memory, as well comprehension. All it took for Astro to unlock it was to get hit in the head with a bowling ball. Family bowling night was over after that. He wasn't smarter than Nitroxus yet, he was getting close. With that in mind, Astro soon got a new job. He was a voice actor, so good in fact he was considered to be the next Morgan Freemane. Astro had been happy since, still sadly single since the mares just couldn't believe he lived a simple life, despite being a celebrity. Along side him was Sling.
Sling was now shredded. As it turned out, Sling got into a serious relationship, yet the break-up that followed almost killed him. He nearly lost his home and business due to the stress. He got super depressed as well, until it finally snapped. After taking a chance with a gym that wanted him to sponsor them. Sling agreed to it, thinking it would be his last good deed before he make an attempt on his own life. Yet, the gym business was a success, as it turned out that they played his older music for background noise. Sling's music was so motivating to others, that in little time it was motivating to Sling. As a result, Sling, who was now overweight, started to work out. Now considered a chiseled Adonis, Sling was happy again. So happy, that he almost made the mistake of calling his parents again. Sling also got married, with 2 foals of his own. Drop Tune and Melodious Bass. They were 2 and 1, respectfully.
The 3 brothers would laugh at each other. They didn't expect all of this, mainly for Sling since they worried about him the most. Yet, they were happy. Neither of them would change how their lives at all. Well maybe Astro, as he would have picked to have that bowling ball hit him a bit later in life. By at least 2 weeks, after that date with that purple zebra mare. He was so scared of her. The three brothers, were happy.
The End?
//5 years...golly it's been a long time. I like the fact of how we've come together to make this place lively. It's like my internet home. Anyways my plans for the next 5 years aren't set in stone and probably never will be knowing me, but I plan currently and perhaps in the future of selling my art whether it be traditionally or digitally to the best of my ability. To continue to grow and work hard on my work portfolio. I plan to move everything I wish to take from my hometown with me for my full on move to the current place I'm staying at. Hopefully within the 5 years I find some time to learn to drive. With each year like the years prior I will continue to grow emotionally stronger as most of my important family has long since passed and overcome my mental issues. I hope to get better socially speaking to others so as to avoid toxic situations as I've learned from the past. I also plan on both reviving my YouTube channel and start streaming more on Twitch. With streaming more I hope to get enough subscribers or followers to create a welcoming community and share a bit of myself as well as my work. A plan I do have aside from all of these is to get a new laptop that can handle all my work. I do apologize if this seems messy but I haven't typed anything this long or so in a while so I may improve that on a later date not sure.
In five years I hope to be working in a field that I truly love. In five years i've came a long way, but the next five years will be truly special <3
as for glimmy, i'm sure he'll be around. He came this far already.
Obsilion and Others
In five years? Idk. Honestly, in five years, i just hope this inflation shit calms down. I hope to be working a decent job. Depending on how things go, I hope to be starting on working on my bachelors... Maybe get some much needed mental help. MAYBE. Idk man. I just hope to be living decently with minimal stress in five years. thats it.
In five years I hope to already be done with studying and hopefully already working a job in a field related to my studies (biotech). I hope to have accomplished some other things I've been working towards, some of those things are much too personal to share, but one of them I don't mind saying is that I'd love to already have a driving license by then. Hahahaha... Most of what I'm looking forward to is to finally be independent from my parents, or at the very least to be able to collaborate in a bigger way to my household. I'm close, so I really hope that looking back 5 years from now, everything I've set my eyes on today will be a reality.
Queen Lesa
I hope I'm not too late! I missed out on the first anniversary of this site when it went live....Work is officially in the silly season! Trying to get as much done before our Christmas break.
Nevertheless~ where do I see my character in five years time? Hopefully still ruling alongside her husband as most know his body is failing him. There is a possibility if him passing on leaving the Queen to rule on her own. Would she find another? Possibility not depends on where her heart sits. I was still surprised that King Artemis was a returning character and a good friend from Ponysquare days, but he was playing as Dusk Shine back then~
I've enjoyed my time here~ made a lot of good friends and memories. I'll be here again next year~
In five years I hope to have successfully finished with my apprenticeship and be working full time, so I will finally be able to do all the things I have always wanted to do without having to save up money for a long time. I also hope that in the upcoming five years my personal life will also improve from what it is right now as well.
Besides that I really hope to find some time again to get back into some of my hobbies I liked to do during my free time, but have no time for most of the time because of work and studies. One of the things would be drawing some art, since it is very calming and I have so many ideas I haven't drawn yet.
As for my activity here on this page I am really happy that this page is still going after all these years and the end of G4.
Even though I have never been really active on here, I will surely stick around the upcoming five years to see what is to come.
I wish Canterlot Avenue a happy anniversary and hope Misty Nights & Sunshine Serenade are having a great week!
Also a special thanks to all the staff members and supporters, who kept the site safe and alive for all these years.
Carmen Gumshoe
in five years, i’d like to have finally taken up animation as a hobby. i’ve got blender downloaded, i’ve a backlog of tutorials and assets ready to mess with the program, but it’s all about time and motivation for me.
i would like to have some improvement in my career, too. something to where i don’t have to work all the time away from home in order to (barely) make ends meet. to have a job where i can have some sort of life outside of it without feeling entirely guilty about missing hours would be a literal godsend.
character-wise, i’m sure i’ll have given Carmine a satisfying conclusion within the next five years. that’s not to say i’m killing him or retiring him permanently, but i’d like him, and all my characters, to be able to have their ending. that way, when the time comes and i sign on CA for the last time in my life, i can walk away satisfied that i gave my babies a proper sendoff. :relieved:
Bird Song
in five years i hope have my own space! i wanna have my a neat little job working as a librarian assistant and live in a small flat with my love and a cat or two. as well as surrounded by loved ones! [:
and to add to that, i hope that i'm able that Bird Song is able to grow with me. we've grown through literally everything together and she's gone through so many changes! i hope that my drawings do her justice, and show how much love i have for her :3
Last update on December 8, 12:52 pm by Bird Song.
Well me personally I will hopefully move into a more populated town and get a job, meet the special someone and maybe start settling down
Ephemeria Spring
in five years i might just be doing the same exact thing but cooler! it's hard to think in the long term but hopefully stuff works out
Kadai Montanya
So, another five years huh?
Kadai and I are in the same boat, enslaved to our careers in the Military/Guard respectively. For Kadai, he tries hard and tiredly to balance his work life with his home life, often spending what time he has left over with his wife and kids, trying to be there as a father.
For myself, well, with the world we live in and the nature of what I do in the Forces, I hope to be out of country posted, or on deployment. My country's armed forces is unfortunately very undermanned, so doing five jobs/trades in one is always a fun thing.
Chiller Sway
"Cleanliness isn't about presentation, or personal achievement. We tidy around to keep ourselves and others safe. We know magic transfer happens, and we know how to prevent it from spreading. I keep everypony that enters and works in the mansion safe. I like it there, and it's the best I can do in these times..."
It wasn't that a cream coffee wasn't enjoyable, but the energy spike it offers wasn't welcome this late into the night. Seafoam she had become too old and weary to have really considered the late hour she'd actually walked through the door tonight." Luna & Sol's" was the most homely place The Huntress would socialize at. Their old-timey asthetic appealed to her age, despite appearing to be in her 40's.
"Yeah, well, it probably isn't easy for you out there. What with the NEO-Upes around and everypony practically born with magic access, fighting isn't what it used to be in the Cel period."
"Or the magic revolution."
"How'd you fair back then, by the way?"
"My abilities were still better than your average unicorn." Seafoam cast her glance aside while crossing her forelegs. The past replayed in her head from an era over a lifetime ago. "Hell, most of the Guard too."
"But now anypony with some determination, they could learn a couple Upe spells." The stallion offered a pitying sigh, and she took no offense.
Neither party spoke for awhile after that, but Seafoam knew what he was thinking. She lived outside the newest magic developments, and kept her enemies from being studied. What if she'd allowed Equestria's brightest to study her foes for weaknesses? Others could develop new weapons to destroy them and take the burden off the mare's shoulders.
But Seafoam had her instructions, and her stubborn nature. La Rovina Delle Stelle was the only weapon to destroy her enemies, and she was ok with that.
She was taken out of her thoughts by an unexpected question.
"How'd Rosa fair?"
"It would be rude of me to disclose. Her life is, or was, her own to live after I saved her. And that was many lifetimes ago."
"That's alright, didn't mean to intrude. But I hope she did well." He's thrown the line out to get a read from her, but he got nothing back. So he shrugged and changed to a closing subject.
"Do you wear a self cast at work? They make cleaning easier."
"No, I don't. I--" She was about to speak out of turn about dishonoring her son's memory, but thought better of it. "it's personal. Not something my master would fire me over."
"You got that right. Hell, if you worked here, I'd let you work as slow as you like. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that."
"We see employment differently. For I, it's a pastime. You need to make a living wage. I take no offense." Seafoam allowed a fleeting genuine smile. It had gotten easier to smile more as she worried less. She hoped that change of mindset wouldn't come back to bite her in the tail...

I know it said "in five years" meaning oc time, but I wanna know where she'll be in 5 years my time. I hope she learns to relax, not let the hundreds of years she faces get her down in the dumps. I hope she makes casual and close friends, and for Equestrian technology to evolve without getting rediculous. And that I keep thinking about her. She means alot to me personally, full of possibilities and things to admire.
Last update on December 13, 4:20 am by Chiller Sway.