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Starlit Spackle
Greetings space friends,
Today you will proceed beyond a rubicon - for you have discovered my OC rating thread. Back from the depths of a now-deceased website, after countless hours of roleplay on many different characters and accounts, I am back 5 years later to tell you how shit both your OC and your waifu are.
So how it works is simple.
Step 1: Go to and fill out the form with all relevant details. Yes I did omit Alicorn as a species type. This was deliberate. Alicorn OCs are automatically shit-tier.
Step 2: Wait for 3-5 business days for me to review your submission.
Step 3: Your submission will be reposted to this thread, along with my notes and thoughts following my established criteria.
Why am I tying it to a form, do you ask? Well, if someone is suggesting an OC that they've just created or are working on, I would like to keep who it belongs to private. This will keep people from feeling publicly shamed. If you're submitting an OC that's already known by the community - then you know full well what you're doing.
Rating methodology:
Each question in the form asks for specific information. This information is judged both individually, and as part of the whole. Each individual category is rated on a 5 point scale. This scale is:
1. No positive qualities
2. Sporatic positive qualities - overall negative
3. Both positive and negative qualities. Overall neutral
4. Negative qualities taint an otherwise positive thought.
5. Majority positive qualities - no major negative qalities.
The categories that are rated using this system are:
Physical Attributes (Appearance)
Psychological Attributes (Personality)
Historical Attributes (Story)
Unity (How well the attributes compliment each other)
After all the categories have been rated, an overall score will be administered. This overall score is out of 28. 5 points are allocated per category. An additional point is allocated to each category which has a score of 5. Up to an additional 4 points are added meritoriously for interesting, high quality, high effort characteristics of the character.
Overall Score Ranges:
4-8: Requires immediate incineration
9-12: Needs an overhaul, but some fundamental details can be recycled.
13-17: Good details, needs some help around the edges
18-22: Great details, needs that last piece to make it extraordinary
23-24: Amazing!
25+: God-tier
I reserve the right to be sarcastic as fuck during the reviewing process. I also lack morals and impulse control, so take that as you will. Don't wanna get flamed? Don't submit bad characters. Submitting characters is only anonymous to me or anyone who reads this thread if they haven't seen your character before.
OC's Rated:
Starlight Sparkle ( )
Red Ink ( )
Carnelian Clout ( )
Ryan Shine ( )
Dusty Bones ( )
Lights Action ( )
Luciette ( )
Angel Wingate Heart ( )
FireBlitz ( )
Heart Container ( )
Brody Dusk ( )
Butterscotch ( )
Mysti Synphorrnia ( )
Last update on September 5, 7:00 pm by Starlit Spackle.
Chiller Sway
:eyes: Saw Heart Container :eyes:
"Ohh this'll be good."
Starlit Spackle
There you go, two posts on the same day. I spoil you guys too much. Time to go to sleep and wake up 9 months later. Fuck off.
Brody Dusk
Pony - Pegasus
White Cream (#FCFCF
Close your brackets you absolute MONSTER
lighter shades of Black, idk the name (#2D2E30 and #3A3B3F)
Black’s a shade so your statement is redundant.
Emerald (#09F900)
God that scarf makes you look 11 shades of hipster smug and I hate it.
Born in Trottingham and loved the music that came out from the city. after his development of his intrest in music he went through grade school at a academy in the far east, taking enjoyment in music, kendo, and reading.
I’m going to put exactly as much effort as you put into your description into my response.
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Red Stratocaster (#C12206) cant find the old file
Holy shit you *are* hipster smug.
When he was 7, he gave a small family concert while his uncle was in town. He borrowed his uncle's stratocaster and amp to play and began playing. As he was playing, the mark appeared.
What situation caused him to have a concert? How did his parent’s upbringing motivate him to take up music? What sort of person was his uncle, and why did he have a stratocaster? Also I’d like to point out that the stratocaster design is so overused at this point it’s the pumpkin spice of string instruments.
Fucking basic.
He is extremely extroverted. He can start up a conversation about anything. He lacks a bit of a filter between his brain and mouth and can end up rambling or saying some odd stuff. He is extremely hyperactive and always must be doing something, whether it be fiddling with something, tapping his hooves, or twitching his ears. He can’t multitask, but he works when he’s focused in on one thing. Generally happy and positive so there is a smirk on his face most of the time.
For someone who talks so much and has talked so much throughout his entire life you think he’d be smart enough to fix the retard link between brain and mouth. I’d also suggest using a word other than hyperactive because it gives the incorrect connotation. Restless would probably be better.
He can’t multitask, but he works when he’s focused in on one thing.
So basically, he’s like 78% of the population? I don’t give a shit about this, tell me something interesting.
Guitar, Koto, Sawdust, and coffee with more cream than actual coffee
Fuck off with the lists and give me some details.
Grannysmith apples, tuning instruments, and grainy textures
Again, fuck your lists tell me something I actually give a shit about.
tuning instruments
Fuck you tuning bagpipes is amazing.
Making instruments and playing those same instruments, Kendo,
How come it’s taken you this long to mention that you build your own instruments? That’s the first part of this character I actually cared about and want to see more of. Build on this.
Brody was born in the old mining city of Trottingham. His mother Azure and father Shiloh raised him up there for the first part of his life. His mother and father both worked as instrument repair ponies, fixing almost every instrument brought to them. His first home was a decently sized cabin in the wooded area outside of town with a work shed in the back yard. The Cabin was large enough to fit them all and was extremely nice. His room was on the top floor (2nd floor) of the cabin where he was able to climb through a window and sit on the roof during starlit nights. The town was prominent for its raw resources, but with the many ponies that came, music followed. While the northern region of the city was more original-mining-town, the southern was artsy and filled with music and colorful scenes. He loved music as a kid, especially string instruments. His first instrument was a ukulele, due to his small size as a child. He couldn’t play or hold it properly, but that didn’t stop him from trying to play.
When he was 6, his family took him to a far eastern land, close to the outlands, to experience the culture. It was to be a vacation, but an interest from the whole family took hold of a new endeavor. The ancient culture was full of sounds and activities he dearly loved. His parents had decided that there was ample money to be made there, renovating and fixing old and broken instruments and they settled down there for a bit. Brody became integrated with the language and the music. He was schooled and took part in several of his academy’s clubs. Besides music, he enjoyed kendo and reading. The main reason he liked kendo was he wanted to swing a sword, even if it wasn’t a REAL sword. He made a couple close friends in kendo; many he still writes to this day. When he hit 18 and graduated, he headed back home to Equestria to look for work.
He signed on to an apprenticeship to work with his Uncle River, who made Violas in Canterlot. It was fun work and he was lucky enough to find a dojo nearby to keep up his fascination in swinging a bamboo sword. Eventually he became a part-time instructor at the dojo on days he had off. Canterlot wasn’t his favorite city though. He enjoyed working for his uncle but he felt the city was too crowded and there wasn’t enough natural landscape. So, after his apprenticeship he packed up and moved back to Trottingham. One of his old kendo buddies met up and they both paired up to move into the house Brody used to live in. Brody took his old room and used the small work shed in the back to repair instruments, just like his parents. Brody still did kendo work with his old buddy at the new dojo that he (the roommate) opened. Now he spends his free time either doing personal projects or traveling across Equestria and experiencing the music each town had.
I pronounced this in my head uncomfortably close to Shelob and now I can’t stop thinking your character’s a spider. Thanks.
His mother and father both worked as instrument repair ponies, fixing almost every instrument brought to them
So I get it. Doing an obscure blue collar job and making a living out of it is romantic, expecially when you combine it with the small humble hut trope. But holy fuck please make it realistic. Do they literally only repair this shit? How do they get enough business to support themselves? Can’t they sell instruments as well? Can’t they be a dealer and have shit going on with orchestras? Contracts? You know, actually interesting details?
decently sized cabin
My definition and your definition of decently is different. Specify. Don’t use measurements because that’s dumb.
While the northern region of the city was more original-mining-town, the southern was artsy and filled with music and colorful scenes.
So the northern town actually gets stuff done and the southern part is full of liberal arts majors that don’t contribute to the economy in any tangible way?
He couldn’t play or hold it properly,
What a nerd.
When he was 6, his family took him to a far eastern land, close to the outlands, to experience the culture.
Good thing he doesn’t live on earth otherwise the culture’d be coming to him.
His parents had decided that there was ample money to be made there, renovating and fixing old and broken instruments and they settled down there for a bit.
I, too, can learn to repair ancient instruments that I’ve never seen before in my life while I’m on vacation and spontaneously decide to immigrate there.
Business back in the mining town must have been absolute shit. But then how did they get enough money to go on a vacation? Did I just stumble into Rian Johnson’s mind?
The rest of your description is so boring and by the numbers I didn’t finish reading it. Nothing is interesting, you’re just telling me what happened. None of this is giving me any information on who your character is, or why they do what they do. I couldn’t give a shit what brand of bullshit martial art you decide to do, I want to know why it’s important to you. I wanna know what led up to him being an instructor. I don’t give a fuck what he’s an instructor of I wanna know why he did it.
Physical Attributes: 3
Psychological Attributes: 2
Historical Attributes: 2
Unity: 1
No extra points.
Total: 8
Verdict: Requires immediate incineration
TLDR: If San Francisco was an OC. With approximately 100% less obnoxious homosexuality.
Starlit Spackle
Satmatnen "Butterscotch" Ormand
Fucking immigrants.
Pony - Earth
Light grey
Black, with streaks of orange and dark grey
Jesus christ and I thought my OC was boring.
Light green
Literally only one colour on this entire character. What part of ‘Pastel Coloured Ponies’ do you not understand? Fuck, grey is the worst colour to pick for an OC.
<Sorry for the length>
He was born the third and final child in his family. His father, his older brother, and his older sister are all unicorns while his mother is a pegasus.
His parents were both nerds. They met in a constructed language club, and really loved this one language that was based solely on predicate logic. They attempted to raise all three of their children to be native speakers,thinking they'd be extra smart and logical. Butterscotch was the only one of their children to hold onto the language, and he still maintains fluency in it despite the fact he is the world's only native speaker.
His name, "Satmatnen" was also derived from this language, but he adopted the nickname "Butterscotch" (after an incident in kindergarten involving a trip to the nurse and an unguarded bowl of candy) to make things easier for Equestrian speakers.
He was his biologist mother's favorite because he loved science and held onto her favorite language. Her older sister, Tujlil, resented him for this, now trapped as the middle child. She developed a narcissistic personality and used any opportunity she could to put Butterscotch down, with her go-to dig being attacking the fact that he was born an earth pony, and had to do everything with his mouth or hooves instead of magic.
Luckily, he was raised in a small farm town in Zebrastan. His family moved there before he was forming any permanent memories. The fact that everyone around him in public was a zebra made Tujlil think twice before saying something bigoted to him outside the home.
He took to schooling easily, and spent a lot of his free time thinking. He thought about various things, such as how he would restructure the Zebrastani (and later, Equestrian) political system, what devices could be produced to help non-magic users out in their day to day life, and why groups of ponies/zebras/other sentient species behaved the way they do, seemingly without logic at times.
His parents did grow a plant that was illegal to grow in Zebrastani jurisdiction, and he was raised to be really secretive about it. This lead to him developing a paranoid personality, which started to grow out of hand. He started to interpret the fact that he had no rivalries, but no close friendship, at school as evidence that he was obviously mentally ill and the other children were too polite to say anything. He prepared contingency plans in case Tujlil's harassment escalated. After hearing about the world threatening events taking place in Equestria after Luna's return, he always kept three days of food and water in his saddlebags if something like that happened in Zebrastan. Most importantly, he was paranoid that no one would like his thoughts that went against mainstream political ideologies, his "just-in-case" attitude towards planning the future, and his long trains of thought involving heavy amounts of science. Because of this, he wore a mask of bubbly cheerfulness and hid his inner self from others to protect himself from the perceived danger of ostracization.
<Sorry for the length>
Apology rejected. I’ll accept an apology if what you wrote is shit.
He was born the third and final child
One sin for being the baby born.
They attempted to raise all three of their children to be native speakers,thinking they'd be extra smart and logical
I thought you said that your parents were nerds, not actively working to sabotage their children’s social life. Fuck if anyone tried to list that as one of their skills they’d get beaten up so quickly.
he still maintains fluency in it despite the fact he is the world's only native speaker.
Obviously you haven’t heard the absolute linguistic gymnastics that someone can accomplish when they’re high off their ass on meth during a police traffic stop.
"Butterscotch" (after an incident in kindergarten involving a trip to the nurse and an unguarded bowl of candy) to make things easier for Equestrian speakers.
And it couldn’t have come fucking sooner. Imagine your primary character trait being confusing the literal fuck out of people on a daily basis. Just like parents naming their children with absolutely stupid ghetto names like LaQuisha or DaQuan.
He was his biologist mother's favorite
You can tell when someone hasn’t been a parent yet when they say ‘favourite’ instead of ‘least hated’. I bet that his mum’s going to be a narcissist and he’s going to be the golden child.
Tujlil, resented him for this, now trapped as the middle child. She developed a narcissistic personality
OK I was half right. But seriously, too predictable. Also if you’re going to use a clinical term like narcissist, you should actually know what it means in a clinical context. Being mean to him consistently is not narcissism. That’s just being a dick. Using a clinical term incorrectly just makes you look like an idiot. And since most people are not health care providers - just save yourself the trouble and don’t use clinical terms.
The fact that everyone around him in public was a zebra made Tujlil think twice before saying something bigoted to him outside the home.
Why? There’s no logic here. Also you’re using the word bigot incorrectly here.
spent a lot of his free time thinking. He thought about various things, such as how he would restructure the Zebrastani (and later, Equestrian) political system,
See, this is why you need to beat up nerds in school. Because they end up ruminating on issues that they are not old enough to fully understand, and end up becoming pretentious fucks that don’t shut up about how libertarianism is the optimal way to shape a nation. It’s incorrect, annoying, and absolutely useless when it comes out of the mouth of a naive teenager.
seemingly without logic at times.
Nothing about the last few sentences is logical in any way. It’s actually quite vexing.
His parents did grow a plant that was illegal to grow in Zebrastani jurisdiction
He started to interpret the fact that he had no rivalries, but no close friendship, at school as evidence that he was obviously mentally ill
See, this is why nerds can’t be allowed to procreate. They just set their children up for failure. They cannot instill the proper social competence into their offspring and the only people that end up suffering are the children. They think that there’s something wrong with them, which I guess is half correct. But the other half is that their parents are absentee fuckwits who forgot that the key to survival is social interaction not being able to speak pig latin. The latter is just a fun party trick when the guy with the guitar got sick of playing nothing but Wonderwall for 2 hours.
he was paranoid that no one would like his thoughts that went against mainstream political ideologies
Yeah, no kidding. Being conservative in a city is fucking terrible.
Wait hold on.
his long trains of thought involving heavy amounts of science
None of his trains of thought are actual science. They are on supposedly scientific subjects, but what your character is thinking about is just stupid tween straight to DVD movie plot shit.
he wore a mask of bubbly cheerfulness and hid his inner self from others to protect himself from the perceived danger of ostracization
So he’s just like everyone else?
I love people who parade their so called ‘ability’ to mask their true emotions to protect themselves. It’s not a special ability. It’s not a character trait. Everyone does this, nobody is genuine. Stop flaunting like you’re some sort of special snowflake breaking the mould.
Go do some reading:,_ego_and_super-ego
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Somehow, It's not there.
I like how you spent literally 7 paragraphs describing how your character was special and different from anyone else and the only tangible method to differentiate your character doesn’t exist.
This is irony.
The fact that it isn't there is something that bothers Butterscotch from time to time. He has always wanted to know why he never got it. He did form a few theories, including, but not limited to:
* He was never supposed to be talented in anything in particular
* He has yet to discover his purpouse
* He has a undiscovered condition that prevents cutie marks from forming
* That zebra filly he rejected in middle school was vengeful and placed a hex on him
* Blah Blah magical matrix hand-wave that the unicorns understand but he doesn't
* His cutie mark is nothing because of his nihilistic world view.
It doesn't affect him when he's busy, but he does have the nagging urge to know engraved at the back of his skull. When people ask him, he usually says "I don't know" and hopes there will be no more follow up questions.
The list of theories doesn’t matter. It doesn’t help to illustrate the point. Just cut it down to “He had an extensive list of endless possibilities and probabilities, somehow being able to add more to the mix as time went by. Each new theory was markably more elaborate and improbable than their predecessors, as he continued to find reason and justification for his incarceration.”
Specific details make for poor character building. I don’t give a flying fuck about the what, I want the why. The above illustrates how he feels about his current situation using implied imagery and metaphor. Write your character’s actions in their emotions, not in their inner monologue.
He knows how to read people. Online, he has trouble reading emotions through text, but he can assimilate quickly in real life. When possible, he works as an emotional support or to de-escalate tension. He is always calculating and takes emotions out of important decisions while embracing their evolutionary purpose in day to day life. He tries to manipulate people into seeing the world in a more scientific light, but slowly and in a way that keeps the person he's talking with interested. He knows that sometimes he talks much more about it than others appreciate, and is constantly working to stop it. His views are utilitarian and his moral compass is built around helping as many as possible.
NO. He does NOT know how to read people. If he knew how to read people half of his backstory wouldn’t exist. His literal primary character trait is that he is lonely and isolated. If he knew how to read people, he wouldn’t be isolated. He’d be socially competent and be able to navigate social interaction with no challenge.
Don’t you fucking spend 7 paragraphs whining to me that you’re so misunderstood and isolated then come at me with this shit. This is fucking offensive.
What’s even more offensive is his shitty holier than thou attitude. Like fuck this is why people that call themselves ‘nerds’ are so fucking insufferable. Life is not an opportunity to show people how right you are. Neither is it a playground to put your oh so precious ‘gift’ to good use, praying on people who just want to have a fucking conversation without having to deal with subliminal malicious bullshit. People like this always think they have the moral high ground but they’re really just so socially inept that they subject themselves to the Dunning-Kruger effect and they are too myopic to understand. If they had any sliver of capability for self reflection they’d be cured of their ‘gift’ overnight.
Smart people do not think they’re smart. Smart people only know how dumb they really are.
All you are doing here is establishing that you yourself are the furthest thing from an academic, and are an active contributer to the fucking politics that is causing the Replication Crisis.
Discussion about the full implications of scientific breakthroughs, thinking through thought experiments, transport logistics, learning, and teaching others.
Fuck off blank flank. You’ve still got a while to go before you join the real world.
Anti-intellectualism, logical fallacies (particularly the black and white fallacy), alienating others because of his interests, and literature classes.
Also, fuck you and listing a bunch of shit without actually explaining it.
Visualizing abstract concepts, finding interesting applications for his knowledge (though most are hypothetical), and being oddly sneaky.
All of the applications for his knowledge are hypothetical. It being not hypothetical requires him to possess some sort of practical knowledge to begin with.
Throughout high school, he slowly started to create a tight-knit core group of friends. While he maintained the "friendly acquaintance to every one, close friend to no one" attitude towards people outside the group, inside the group there was a lot of idea bouncing, political discussion, and talk about projects they wanted to work on while they were board. While this group was full of people with opposing world views, everyone there was willing to be convinced by a good argument and no topic was sacred. Butterscotch was at home there. Another Equestrian immigrant taught him the basic theories behind unicorn magic, and the two became best friends.
Senior year, he participated in the Manehannesburg science fair, entering plans for a crude telescope that used a phase-shift spell to convert various non visible wavelengths of light into a visible form. While he couldn't preform the magic, he did show that such a spell is possible under the known laws of magic, and made a strong case for why such a telescope would be useful.
He won fifth place, which granted him a partial scholarship to a zebrastani college of his choice. At the same time, the Canterlot Institute of Technology was secretly working on a similar project, and thought the Butterscotch would make a good addition to the team working on it. They offered him a full scholarship and to cover moving costs, while not telling him that he was to work on this project until he got there.
On campus, he became lonely. It took him a while to adjust to Equestrian social norms, and to transition from a high school graduating class of 150 to a campus of tens of thousands of students. These numbers made it harder for him to find close friends that shared his love for discussion. The problem was exacerbated by the fact that everyone was busy with school, many of the students were elitists, and that his "major" was learning whatever he needed to be the asset the institute needed to push the project by the princesses' dead line.
He did eventually make friends with a griffon student, Klaus, that was also recruited just to work on the project. The two eventually got their hands on some cyber security textbooks and taught themselves crude hacking techniques. The two were inseparable and started to do everything together. Klaus helped Butterscotch overcome his paranoia of every little thing else, while Butterscotch helped his friend with his self esteem issues.
The two, with the rest of their team, was dropped from the project when it moved to a new team in the Crystal Empire. Everyone on the team was granted unlimited tuition remission as compensation. Klaus and Butterscotch were finally allowed to be normal college students, both working towards degrees in computer science and establishing a new science-based political party in the Canterlot city council.
Throughout high school, he slowly started to create a tight-knit core group of friends.
This is explicitly contrary to what’s written in the Foalhood section. If this represents a change, you did not give it the due significance, as this would be a significant shift from the paranoid isolated pretentious little shit you’ve been describing so far.
projects they wanted to work on while they were board.
While this group was full of people with opposing world views, everyone there was willing to be convinced by a good argument and no topic was sacred.
The wonderful thing about having opposing opinions on fundamental topics is that they become absolutely mutually exclusive, and a ‘club’ like this would never be able to be maintained long-term. Because eventually everyone in the group would homogenize to the single most efficient method for anything. Especially given that they are at least somewhat open minded.
Another Equestrian immigrant taught him the basic theories behind unicorn magic, and the two became best friends.
You’d think the isolationist making a best friend for the first time in his entire life would have received more than just a single sentence at the end of a paragraph.
On campus, he became lonely. It took him a while to adjust to Equestrian social norms,
What the actual fuck? He went from being an isolationist paranoid prick to a social butterfly and now he’s apparently needing to adjust from who he was fundamentally in the first place? Holy shit can you please be consistent with your character, please?
The two, with the rest of their team, was dropped from the project when it moved to a new team in the Crystal Empire.
Haha get fucked.
Everyone on the team was granted unlimited tuition remission as compensation.
This would never happen and is so absolutely unbelievable that it torpedoes any remaining integrity of your character.
See this is a very common issue with a lot of characters. That they are just given the solution to their problems simply for existing. You are making it easy for your character to accomplish their goals - mostly likely from characters commonly being self inserts. You want to imagine yourself as intelligent, witty, and to have purpose or be relied upon. However you only get to own these traits if you actually fucking work for it. Nothing in any of those paragraphs described his work ethic or his dedication to the project - but he’s just given a waive to all future tuition?
Your character didn’t earn that at all. They simply existed. They were given their success. And they are worse off for it. People want characters to go through hardship, and obtain success or victory or whatever other positive thought as a consequence of their dedication. That’s the whole point of every single basic story type. Hero’s Journey, Rags to Riches, Man vs. Whatever. All of that is characters facing adversity and overcoming it through any number of ways. If you are going to write your character like they overcame adversity because they got given a position on a project then were fired, your character is basically the wet napkin of storytelling.
Physical Attributes: 2
Psychological Attributes: 1
Historical Attributes: 1
Unity: 1
No extra points.
Total: 5
Verdict: Requires immediate incineration
That 2 on physical attributes is a consolation prize. Originally I wanted to give you the lowest possible score. Congratulations. Let this be motivation for you to write something that isn’t shit.
TLDR: Superiority Complex: The Character
Starlit Spackle
Heart Star
Pony - Unicorn
a7856a, f4a5aa
Your character looks like they have granular corneal dystrophy. I will be kind of impressed if this is what you’re actually going after, as opposed to just adding random shit to your character in the futile attempt to make it spechul.
Was bullied into believing that she is ugly
What? They were correct.
Also fuck you put more effort into your shit and stop wasting my time.
Two Warp Stars and a heart
Good design, even if overly simplistic.
She got the heart part of the cutie mark by doing some generally nice thing (not sure exactly what, though.) The Warp Stars were added one night when Heart went stargazing and she found a fallen star. There was some glowy magic stuff and then Heart had cutie mark Warp Stars.
What is with people and submitting incomplete characters. Fuck you. I’m not doing any more of this if you refuse to not waste everyone’s time. I can’t give you any feedback if there’s nothing there.
Last update on January 21, 11:18 am by Starlit Spackle.
Starlit Spackle
Green Leaf
Fucking immigrants.
Pony - Earth
Bright Green
Bright Yellow
Bright Red
You saying “bright” over and over and over again tells me you have no fucking clue how colours work.
Born to a family of average wealth in Ponyville, Green Leaf was the first of his siblings to be born. He wasn't too smart in most subjects at school, but ask him a biology question or anything to do with nature and he'd be on it like a foal to a candy shop. Growing up in Ponyville was peaceful enough, and Green Leaf was content with his early years as his parents adored him. But, at five years old, his twin siblings were born, a brother and a sister. His brother, Quiet Leap, and his sister, Swirly Cream, were now the stars in his parent's eyes, for a year or so he despised his siblings for taking away his parent's attention. But eventually, he realized that it was only natural for his parents to give his siblings more attention as they were younger. Soon after he accepted that, he began to look for friends, and found some. His best friend was a male unicorn filly named Tasty Fruit. The two did everything together, but then Tasty Fruit moved to Canterlot, leaving Green Leaf all alone. But by then, Green Leaf was okay with things changing in his life. And the one of his biggest changes of all happened a couple days after Tasty Fruit left.
But eventually, he realized that it was only natural for his parents to give his siblings more attention as they were younger.
This is excellent awareness and introspection, and thus should be as far away from your character as possible. If you give them an easy out over a very interesting character dynamic then all you’re doing is making your character boring as fuck.
His best friend was a male unicorn filly named Tasty Fruit.
Supposedly he’s your best friend and you guys did everything together, but no specifics are worth mentioning? There’s nothing about this other character that’s worth your time to put on paper beyond the fact that they existed? C’mon. Be more creative than that. When you mention something in your foalhood, it should have some impact on your character one way or another. It’s the same rule in cinema - if you show something, it better be fucking relevant to what’s in the movie.
Right now I give less of a shit about Tasty Fruit than I did before I knew he existed.
Your foalhood is boring and by the numbers, and there’s nothing interesting that alludes to your future beyond “Biology yo”. Expand on that.
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Four green leaves behind a white medkit with a red cross on it.
This better not be a symbol for medical marijuana.
All through his foalhood Green Leaf loved to take walks, just enjoying the scenery. He loved biology too, studying the anatomy of not only ponies, but other creatures too. It was a cool day in the summer. Green Leaf was 10 years old, he was taking a walk near the Everfree when he heard a scream from inside the forest. He noticed nobody else was around, so he did what his parents always told him not to do. He entered the forest to find somepony he wasn't expecting at all. Tasty Fruit. The first thing he noticed was Tasty Fruit's hind leg bleeding profusely. The second thing he noticed was that Tasty Fruit was unconscious. So Green Leaf laid down his medkit, which he carries everywhere (just in case), and patched up Tasty Fruit's leg. Shortly after, Tasty Fruit woke up and they galloped out of the forest. Once outside, Tasty Fruit told Green Leaf that he actually came to Ponyville looking for him, but was attacked and dragged into the forest by his hind leg by Timberwolves. For some reason they stopped following attacking him once he fainted. And the moment Tasty Fruit thanked Green Leaf, Green Leaf's Cutie Mark appeared.
The second thing he noticed was that Tasty Fruit was unconscious.
People don’t go unconscious for no fucking reason. In this case he either had major blood loss (dead) or a major concussion (close to dead, with permanent brain damage).
So Green Leaf laid down his medkit, which he carries everywhere (just in case)
Well isn’t that fucking convenient.
Shortly after, Tasty Fruit woke up and they galloped out of the forest.
He isn’t galloping anywhere with that leg. Be mindful of your continuity otherwise you look like a spaz who hasn’t taken his adderall.
For some reason they stopped following attacking him once he fainted.
Well isn’t that fucking convenient.
And the moment Tasty Fruit thanked Green Leaf, Green Leaf's Cutie Mark appeared.
Imagine being such a weak character that the highlight of your life is to apply (likely improperly) first aid techniques that can be learned in less than an hour. Cutie marks appearing are supposed to be a realization, not a reinforcement of already present habits. He already had a medkit available (apparently) with the intention of using it. Having your cutie mark come from something that was *planned* is weak as fuck and not compelling.
Not to mention that the entire scenario is shallow and pathetic, and obviously hand crafted with the sole purpose of exposing your character to an opportunity to use his skills. It’s basic and boring, and nobody wants to read it except you.
Kind and caring, always wanting to help other ponies and creatures. Quick to make a joke in times of need, and nerds out on things he likes.
Oh look, a personality that’s almost identical to almost every single other character in the world.
KIND? How rare.
CARING? Who does that anymore!
Nerds out on things he likes? No! You can’t be serious. Nobody EVER holds enthusiasm for something that they are interested in!
Fuck do something original for once in your life that isn’t just looking in the mirror and trying to convince yourself that you’re special. Fuck off.
Fruit, Biology, Nature, Helping Others, Any Kind Of Humor
And why the fuck does he like any of these things?
Also any kind of humour? For one, I highly doubt that, and two - if you’re not going to give any justification for why he likes humour then don’t put it in there in the first place.
Bullies and Ice Cream
Oh no. Look guys! He hates *bullies*!
Not only do we get absolutely no justification for why he dislikes bullies, but he dislikes something that is so unbelievably broad and applicable to literally everyone on the entire planet that it’s useless to specify.
I’ll give you a hint - everyone’s been a bully at some point. Even you. Definitely me. Everyone on the planet has been mean or rude to someone. There are no exceptions. This is why nobody will get rid of bullying, because the thing that creates bullies is context, circumstance, and opportunity. Because as long as there’s retards on this planet, people will be biologically driven to tell them to fuck off. Destroy the weak unless they become stronger. It’s one of the ways our species survives. So don’t give me this bullshit.
Good at healing creatures in need. Courageous
The idea of “Healing” is just as broad and non-applicable as the idea of calling being “courageous” a skill. It’s not specific enough to make me give a shit about what you’re doing. It’s actually so non-specific that it doesn’t even really give your character any depth to begin with since it’s so abstract.
What a useless specification.
After he got his cutie mark, Green Leaf started working in the medical field at Ponyville and eventually developed a crush on somepony that he keeps private to this day. Still living in Ponyville alongside his best friend Tasty Fruit, he is happy doing what he does. Meanwhile his brother and sister both serve in the Royal Guard in Canterlot and his parents retired to a small Equestrian town called Duskville. To this day, he was the youngest pony to get a PhD in Biology at age 17.
This is stupid and useless.
First of all, way too short. It says DETAILED history for a fucking reason. If you believe that a couple of sentences is enough to get by being detailed then I have no fucking clue how your character can do anything intelligent.
Imagine your character being so shallow and uninspired while simultaneously being obnoxiously overpowered for the context that immediately following getting their cutie mark (something that is granted when they are a *child* mind you), they start working in the medical field. It is obnoxious and completely unbelievable, and sabotages any remote chance of anyone actually enjoying this character from a relatability or even identifiability standpoint.
And again, if you’re going to mention something don’t give me blue balls by not giving me specifics, details, or even worse saying something like “That he keeps private to this day”. This isn’t a fucking dating profile, this is a goddamn character sheet. If you’re not going to give me all the details, you’re wasting my time. I don’t give a shit about your characters stupid fascination about keeping a childhood crush secret, I need to know about it because it’s obviously important to your character’s motivation and characterization, right? Otherwise you wouldn’t be putting it in the character sheet, right?
What’s even more egregious is your inclusion of the detail that your character got a PhD in Biology at 17. Which at this point I find so unbelievably hilarious that the only thing that you could think of to make your character unique and interesting is to just slap a degree on him like he’s a disobedient hound and call it a fucking day.
Where’s the previous 10ish years of schooling that he had to go to just to get into a PhD program? Where’s the explanation or at least storyline of the research that he was doing, and the field that he was working on his road to gaining this degree?
Also you do realise that a PhD in Biology is a research/academic degree and is not a technical degree like an MD-PhD.
Your character didn’t earn his PhD, and so nobody will give a shit about it. Nobody cares for a character that just gets what you think they should get and doesn’t do fuck all to earn it.
Physical Attributes: 2
Psychological Attributes: 1
Historical Attributes: 1
Unity: 1
No extra points.
Total: 5
Verdict: Requires immediate incineration
The only reason why I’m giving you an extra point in Physcial attributes is because I have no empirical evidence that your definition of “bright” isn’t fucking atrocious and will turn me into the nazi from “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and melt away my face.
Get some motivation to make something that is worth something more than a fucking participation score.
TLDR: Imagine writing a character about your own life’s hopes and dreams but not have the presence of mind to plan out how your character’s going to get it. Might tell you how likely you are to actually accomplish your goals yourself if you don’t smarten the fuck up.
Bright Brave
I curse thee
Really hope these are still open frjjnk
Starlit Spackle
Mysti Synphorrnia
Ah, when the naming strategy of mid 30s lower class women and late teenage males collide. We have Misty spelled incorrectly to try and be unique, and a butchering of Symphony and Horny. I wonder how much cheetah print I will be exposed to in this entry.
Pony - Unicorn
OK if your ears are always down then you are just spending your entire life with the equine equivalent of resting bitch face. Only instead of looking bitchy you just look like you’re scared of everything, likely including your own shadow. How the hell can anyone take you seriously with that.
Most is a blur to her as she continues to age.
Nothing really happened as she was younger. The markings on her are for show, but they are there because Mysti's mom made a deal with a shady man, which Mysti's mother was marked. Now, Mysti and her sister Saffron are marked/branded.
Originally, it was going to be the mark was from the devil or a demon, but instead I've changed it and stated it's just been from an all powerful unicorn who trades you whatever you want in exchange for a 15-20 of their lifespan removed and given to him.
Most is a blur to her as she continues to age.
This might expose me as the boomer I am but this hits too close to home.
The markings on her are for show, but they are there because Mysti's mom made a deal with a shady man, which Mysti's mother was marked. Now, Mysti and her sister Saffron are marked/branded.
I've changed it and stated it's just been from an all powerful unicorn who trades you whatever you want in exchange for a 15-20 of their lifespan removed and given to him.
This is the exact OPPOSITE OF JUST FOR SHOW. This is important shit right here. This is interesting! This is unique! We haven’t gotten past your background and you already have more potential than most of the OCs that pass through this door have. Please expand upon this, I wanna know the who what when wheres and whys about this marking. I wanna know what your character feels about the marks. I get that you say they are just for show, is that what your character thinks? Does your character wear it like fashion unaware of the deeper implications of what it actually means?
There’s so much potential here I don’t want it to be squandered.
her sister Saffron
Here’s a sentence telling you to watch Firefly if you haven’t already.
it's just been from an all powerful unicorn who trades you whatever you want in exchange for a 15-20 of their lifespan
I would like the character sheet for this absolute chad submitted here. I wanna know how he manages to grant anything someone wants, or is he just a really good con artist? Hmmmm
But really this is weak and lacks any specific detail. Needs to be expanded.
Pierced heart with a sword. meaning she is precise with her blade (but this doesn't make her obviously a god tier swordman or anything similar)
I’d hope not since there’s nothing in the backstory that tells me anything remotely close to being involved with swords.
Ran away for a few weeks from her parents and younger sister. She spent about 20 days training to herself out in where ever she was. She was obviously filthy and starving, as she didn't pack too much food with her originally. She obtained it about 17 days away from her home from finally being able to do her "ultimate training" which was basically just stabbing things in located places, doing so in a timed manner, all while keeping her guard up. Underwhelming, she got it while finishing her training, when she ultimately assumed she'd get her cutie mark once she did testing for being a royal knight. Especially since she was given her mark when she was at her absolute lowest, starving, filthy, she passed out from exhaustion. Eventually, she was found and returned home.
she simply lies and says she defeated a "bulky, strong stallion" and easily got her cutie mark then.
Wait wait wait hold on here for a second. You’re trying to tell me that you ran away from home with very little food, went out into the middle of nowhere to practice HEMA by yourself, and at the end the only thing you learned was called thrusts while not being an idiot and that’s what gave you your cutie mark? What the hell about that is character defining? Is it the poor planning, poor execution, or the abysmal idea of being able to train yourself in using a sword when you don’t have the damndest clue on how to thrust in the first place? What the actual fuck is this supposed to represent for you? To me, it sounds like your cutie mark represents your willingness to stab yourself in the back for no reason and somehow still come out the other side alive.
This is weak.
she simply lies and says she defeated a "bulky, strong stallion" and easily got her cutie mark then.
Nothing says cutie mark like casually admitting to murder after being in the bush.
Cynical, judgmental, honestly a bitch. Typical tsundere personality though.
Oh look, a personality that’s almost identical to mine.
Sweets, obsessive training, her "battle scars", appearing cool, collecting occult stuff for interest and "looking cool", cats, sleeping
I see that your character is more interested in being perceived as cool rather than actually being cool. The obsessive training is more a front to be able to wrap a good story about how much effort that you put into your life while simultaneously not actually achieving all that much, isn’t it?
Eating, beaches, idle conversations.
Who the fuck doesn’t like eating. I can take surviving in the bush for 20 days without any survival training while supposedly training your HEMA techniques with no food and getting your cutie mark but disliking EATING!? That’s way too unrealistic.
Honestly, not much besides being average with a sword, yet fast, flexible, and evasive due to her smaller than normal sizing. She's basically mediocre in everything else because she doesn't bother to strive to be a better person.
Don’t have much to say here. Wanna be small and fast? Sure, no problem. Wanna be mediocre and not want to take advantage of one of the most important sections to lay out what makes your character interesting and worth taking the time out of my day to look it over? Sure, whatever.
There's not much to her tbh. She is honestly generic up to now, mediocre grades, small group of friends, typical stuff.
I can type several paragraphs about her having an average life with her family and friends, but it'd just be boring.
Of recent years, she's been actually developing as a character through interaction with other people with roleplaying.
As of lately, the most interesting thing about Mysti is that she had to fight a Ursa Minor with a few guards. Some died, some were badly hurt (as she was), and it honestly changed her to be more dependent on people. Seeing how fast someones life can go, she's less hostile and not as cynical over the years, but that's literally all of her personality, being a huge bitch.
Mysti may be the most boring character I have because she's more RP based.
There's not much to her tbh. She is honestly generic up to now, mediocre grades, small group of friends, typical stuff.
I can type several paragraphs about her having an average life with her family and friends, but it'd just be boring.
I love it when people do my job for me. Way to already acknowledge your flaws and laziness before stepping through the door.
Of recent years, she's been actually developing as a character through interaction with other people with roleplaying.
Can’t wait to see proof that this exists. God probably has more evidence to His existence than your character does to being interesting.
that's literally all of her personality, being a huge bitch.
This is the only thing I like about your character. I’d rather you show this through her actions or reactions rather than just telling me that she is X. Something something show don’t tell.
Physical Attributes: 4
Psychological Attributes: 2
Historical Attributes: 2
Unity: 1
No extra points.
Total: 9
Verdict:Needs an overhaul, but some fundamental details can be recycled
Looks good superficially but as soon as you go looking for any details or substance it turns into something more hollow than a cheap chocolate easter bunny. Supposedly you’ve spent a significant amount of time RP’ing with this character and you still can’t manage to regurgitate whatever forum vomit you participated in on this sheet? I wish I could take points away just to tell you to change your attitude and put more effort into your character than your character is putting into their life.
Fucks sake.
Last update on September 5, 6:57 pm by Starlit Spackle.
Quinlan Ortega
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