Before Pride went to work today, he was lurking B&N's manga section to search for next manga to consider and he found [he aint saying this manga's name]. Its name and cover flailed how much of an LGBTfest it is
Pride was curious and gave a 5 page sample read because he optimistically expected to be pleasantly surprised
He was not
There are a lot of financial channels on YT and Pride had some spare money. He got suckered into falling for the investment hype and bought silver and stocks
It was a mistake
He estimates he dropped about $2,000 on this stuff and now they're worth $1,490.26
Think about it
Esports is a business and businesses need money. 1 tournament runner & streamer streams at a horse racing venue that's in poorasfuck town and the place is so much worse than their previous venue, in Pride's opinion. He went there once and never wants to go back there again. But also they're like 50 miles away from his house anyways. Still, they are a really famous local tournament & stream team. He'd rather go to a tournament that's closer and in a better venue. They only food ...
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1st, there's this famous tweet
Think about it
What better way is there to tell esports gamers "this is the shit you want" than to show the pros on stage using the same equipment?
What do gamers even think when they see a mere logo on screen taking up space? "WTF is this shit? Clutter? WTF do they even sell?"
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This is just a theory craft from intuition and observation only. Pride never did any statistical research to test his theory
Esports devs are too afraid of making anything too good so they just make everything equally bad and boring
Older esports games are broken as fuck. Halo 1's pistol kills in 3 HSs (Head Shot) which takes less than 1 second. Halo 2 nerfed its main gun, the battle rifle, to kill in 11 bullets, or 4 3-bullet bursts. Then Halo 3 further nerfed it by changing the bullet sp...
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1 thing quarantine taught Pride is to stop having material possessions. He has a long history of buying shit because he has a replenishing source of money called a job which made him not care about how much money he has because he'll always regenerate more. He also has a history of giving/throwing shit away because he ends up not needing those things anymore
"Less is more" is a stupid phrase because of its blatant contradiction. Maybe "less is better" communicates the idea better. Minimalism ...
Pride isn't gonna put in the effort to actually test anything. These ideas are just on his mind right now
Playing Smash Melee on Dolphin emulator is so painfully laggy. Melee is way too sensitive to lag for him to tolerate even if it's as little as 1 frame. He's tried it before on a gaming monitor used at EVO tournaments, aka "The EVO monitor" and at native resolution, it has 8.3 ms of lag. Upscaling the Wii's 480p resolution to 1080p makes monitors have to process the smaller image and up sc...
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Once pollen season 100% ends, Pride's gonna practice some archery while listening to anime dubs so he can multitask looking at screens less (hopefully improving eye sight) and listening to fun stories
But also, social media is fake because everyone fakes themselves into making the best presentable versions of themselves for attention and approval. The internet connects people from far away, but those connections will always be severely limited. Everything seen is through a screen and everythi...
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Crunchyroll struck down a 60 frames/second conversion of an anime OP that's been on an alternate channel of mine for like a year
Could they be polite enough to just block the video instead of being strike addicted? Probably half of every strike I've ever received was from Crunchyroll
I know clip uploading is in a gray area and I set myself a 2 minute clip because I think that's a fair length without getting too close to stealing territory. I hate when shows get worldwide copyright blocked ...
Anecdotal stories time, yay!
So 1 time I was in the mall in line at Panda Express and a woman approached me asking if I could pay for her meal because she has 2 kids to feed. I just automatically gave her $1 without a thought. But then she asked for more. So then I just awkwardly stared at her and noticed a significant detail around her neck that only then struck my attention like a nail. She was wearing a pearl necklace! Even if it's fake, you can't pretend to look rich while asking for mone...
The only games played during this time frame were Melee, the best Smash, and Brawl, the worst. Times were great because the scenes were 100% community run. Smash never had sponsors during these years. There were no rules. *****s would say "***" or "****" in half of every sentence they ever said. There were no filters, PR, clout, or any of that shit. Brawl vs Melee internet fights broke out every time both games were mentioned in the same discussion. Melee vs Sult fights hardly even exist compare...
Anyone is allowed to make up any award for anyone but themselves. Ships can be nominated but nominators can't be in ships. Polygamy allowed. 1st to get nominated gets the award. 1 user/ship per award
♥ Users ♥
‘The one’ and only fish in the sea = Hymn
Dear Princess Celestia,
I didn't learn anything!
Except how to not be irresponsible with money. Looking at saved brony commission art I have and recalling prices from memory only, I think I spent at least $1,100 on art commissions & packs. I don't have a well paying job so I shouldn't have spent that much money on mere picture files. I understand that art skill is rare and difficult to develop, which explains the price, but I'm just saying that the benefit of digital art pics might not be ...
1st of all, the pacing of this anime is the slowest as fuck thing I've ever seen. And its 2nd worst flaw is how confusingly the show explains things. Just watch episode/movie 8 for these flaws in their purest form. Like 25 minutes of it is the main protagonist girl, Shiki, saying honestly nothing that can't be compressed to a tweet-length few sentences (She was born without a soul, but then her soulless body created a soul, and she created 2 opposite personalities in her, and her previ...
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Fans use Machine Learning to HD Remaster Final Fantasy VII
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I love to delete my own shit that's not good enough because I want people to see what's worth seeing. And unfortunately, I realized on October 30, 2012 that tournament videos aren't worth seeing on Youtube anymore. Being a tournament video uploader has made me keep track of a lot of dates, so I know when things happened. The 1st of my regrets was deleting the grand finals of a small tournament on May 26, 2014. It was probably the 1st time I ever drank a Monster. I lost to Frozenflame in winners ...
There are only 4 rules. The 1st person to get nominated for any made up award gets it. Only 1 user per award. Ships are allowed to be nominated too. You can not nominate yourself, not even if you're in the ship
♥ Users
Unpopular opinion among Smashers, but they hate this new controller called the Smash Box that looks wanky as fuck yet somehow has huge advantages
More than half of the community is adamantly against this because it's different. Really. Smashers aren't used to controllers that aren't Gamecube pads. Other fighting games are perfectly fine with players using arcade sticks which have undeniable advantages like faster access to buttons and better control stick control. Smash is a fighting game...
showoff, legit, relaxed, oblivious, think they're elite, love being technical, take the game really really seriously,
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I'd make it an FTP multiplayer game with DLC campaign missions. The game is by far played more for MP than SP. Why not invest more resources into that aspect instead? If there's no base price (of $60 each year), there'll be far less complaints of RNG DLC ruining the game by locking out functional content. It's less of an annual financial throwaway for the players. The lucky items they get, they can keep forever
And for the small minority that (somehow) likes CODs campaigns, they can optionall...
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In most fighting games, you have a certain type of move called "specials" which you do a certain control stick motion then hit a button. Ryu's hadouken, for example, is quarter-circle forward + punch. And then there are supers which activate when you do a more complex series of inputs, like shinku hadouken, double quarter-circle forward + punch
The problem occurs when you change characters. The series of inputs for their specials also change. Chun-Li, for example, has none of the same command...
This site's still less than a month old, but that's no excuse to not nominate anypony for any made up catagory award. There are only 2 rules. 1; you can not nominate yourself. 2; 1st pony to get nominated gets the award
#1: Riley
Absolute bestest of all the users on the entire site whom nopony else even compares to tyvm: Hickory
Always skips leg day: City Bread