
New Coltenheim
#rp *The herald of New Coltenheim makes his way to the podium with a declaration to be read to the populace* "By order of the Prince Nebulous Coltenheim due to the expanding population and growth of t... View More
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#rp Citizens of New Coltenheim at the princes request our nation's heraldry and banner have been changed and updated be proud of our new crest.
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"I apologize the city announcer can get a bit too excited I will be sure to tell him to tone it down a bit however I do hope that you like the designs at least"
#rp is there a science problem i have to solve?
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#rp Attention citizens of New Coltenheim and those of Equestria and beyond Prince Nebulous Coltenheim is seeking to fill the following royal roles to his court he will personally interview each applic... View More
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*The announcer looks at chow* "if you wish for the position please visit the palace to be interviewed by the prince" ((PM for this RP))
October 13, 2021
No chef? Hm..guess not everypony can appreciate good food these days
"If you wish for a royal chef position then dont hesitate to visit the prince" ((PM me for interview RP))
The royal archivist has finished his new entry.
Stories of Northern Equestria: Equestrias New Dawn and the North's Reawakening » Canterlot Avenue | The #1 Roleplay & Social Site!
*After finishing his first entry the Archivist begins to write the second and most latest entry to the tale*As mentioned in my last entry the city and the country have been concealed and hidden for hu
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*After finishing his first entry the Archivist begins to write the second and most latest entry to the tale*
As mentioned in my last entry the city and the country have been concealed and hidden for hundreds of years because our prince sought to protect us from what Equestria had become and his concerns were vindicated after many generations Equestria became what it was all those eons ago during the time of the founder prince Ragvar Coltenheim. A time where unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies feared and resented each other and the same has happened again after Twilight's passing, propaganda from the earth ponies spread through their own kind, the pegasi have decided to keep to themselves, and unicorns have lost all hope and wonder with the loss of their magic. As for our kingdom New Coltenheim, we still held true to Twilight's lessons and teaching and always remembered her history as fact and true history as for our magic the unicorns who live here were losing it as well in order to address this concern Prince Nebulous used the cities endless supply of Stahlranium as a way to refuel a unicorns magic after depletion. And with their increased use of the enchanted ice metal, only increased scientific and medical research to new heights and new ways to utilize the ore in terms of magic but still, the prince knew that this could not last forever and some unrest came from this tactic some stores were charging high fees for unicorns to recharge their horns with Stahlranium thankfully in due time those who exploited the unicorns were exiled from the city.
Then only a few months ago something extraordinary happened one night as the city was still under a dome and concealed by the windigos blizzard as it has for hundreds of years the prince felt a shift in the wind and in the distance to the south a flash of light and what came from it seemed like a sonic rainboom but it was not. As the mass rainbow-colored wave washed over The Frozen North and the kingdom and country of New Colteneheim the windigos vanished along with the blizzard and the prince knew what this was magic had returned to Equestria and felt a renewed sense of hope that Equestria is not lost yet. He then shattered the enchanted ice dome now his country was no longer hidden and concealed and every creature in the country of New Coltenheim and even the prince looked up to the clear night sky that has not been seen in many moons as northern lights streaked across the stars as every unicorn in the city and land had their magic returned to them in full and the prince began his mission to re-connect with the south.
Prince Nebulous soon learned about Sunny and her friends being the ones who brought magic back and hoped someday that he might meet them face to face during his tour of the south I managed to reunite with his long-time friend Prince Glaciem and making new allies and forging new friendships. Right now all is well New Coltenheim continues to thrive as one of the most technologically advanced countries in Equestria years ahead of those south but we still hold to our traditions and history for lest we forget we will truly be lost for all time.
*A he finishes writing he places the book next to the first one in the massive cathedral-sized library and returns to his quarters to rest*
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The royal archivist of New Coltneheim made a new entry.
Stories of Northern Equestria: Equestrias Twilight and the North's Preservation » Canterlot Avenue | The #1 Roleplay & Social Site!
*The royal archivist of New Coltenheim is up late now writing two entries to chronicle one detailing the events after twilights passing and how New Coltenheim whether the ages despite being hidden for
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*The royal archivist of New Coltenheim is up late now writing two entries to chronicle one detailing the events after twilights passing and how New Coltenheim whether the ages despite being hidden for so long until magic returned he takes the quill and begins to write*
Fortune has favored us with a prince that has ruled longer than his forefathers and it is good that this is so and many are grateful that he did not become like his father Solaris the Vengeful after many years in exile and gathering artifacts of Old Coltenheim and donating them to the crystal empire he managed to find support and friendship in one Prince Glaciem to rebuild Nebulous's lands and the kingdom of his birth. However, it would not be built in the old location since the territories of it now belonged to The Crystal Empire but rather deeper in the north built along the northern slope of Mount Everhoof and thanks to it being built on top of the strongest metal in the world known as stahlranium the city and the kingdom was built using this enchanted ice metal and used for many things other than construction however those secrets I will not write down. Then later with an audience with Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Flurry Heart, our prince managed to legitimize our kingdom's autonomy but still wished to be allies and partners with the two princesses and establish trade even the trade of our stahlranium however in very selective and portioned sizes.
For many years harmony and friendship thrived all over the world however as with time things are not eternal and neither are alicorns despite what we may believe after the passing of Twilight Sparkle and her friends her adventure, exploits the journey and choices she made and the lessons she shared with the world about friendship had begun to fade. Soon history became legend and then legend into myth until everypony thought that twilight and her lessons of friendship were no more than fiction to them except here in New Coltenheim for our prince remained true and made sure that Twilights lessons of friendship and her exploits would not become myth and fiction but actual history and to continue her legacy. Which made what he did next that much harder to swallow, soon Prince Nebulous noticed how slowly everypony was beginning to fear and resent each other and forgetting what twilight did for them and worried about his city becoming a target of that same fear he ordered the cryomancers to create an enchanted ice dome over the city to make sure no one was able to get in unless allowed. Then he made a deal with the infamous windigos to conceal the city and his country in an eternal endless blizzard storm and they would vanish once magic returned to Equestria.
Because of our prince's choice, the Frozen North and the kingdom of New Coltenheim faded once again into obscurity and everypony soon forgot us however this is not the first time that our country has stood alone or faded from the memories of those in the south. In many hundreds of years since then despite being under a dome our city was very self-sufficient thanks to our enchanted ice known as stahlranium it managed to keep the city powered and as for food since Coltenheim was the only place where unicorns were able to still use magic and with the advanced technology provided by our stahlranium we managed to create our own north grown foods. And we always make sure to always remember princess twilights lessons of friendship and make sure that what we teach is not fiction but fact and real equestrian history. No pony or creature knew how long the dome and the windigos would stay for as long as the three pony races in Equestria continued to fear and resent each other it would never return however that would soon change.
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