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Nagathine Irons

Female. Lives in Your Walls,  Dodge Junction,  Equestria. Born on May 10, 1900
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did you guys know this character existed? she's technically canon!
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Nagathine Irons
"...well, you went through all the trouble of summoning me, so...sure, I'll go on a date with you..." Naggie smiled. #rp
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The witcher stood before her, anticipating this to be yet another run in with a hostile spectre. With his oil coated silver sword drawn and potions coursing through his system, he watched her carefully as she was summoned. His eyes were rolled over black like the eyes of a doll, his face turned sick... View More
Like 15 hours ago
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Nagathine Irons
"...oh...I thought you said that was your wish..." Naggie looked away, embarrassed. "...but yes, I am the 'Old Nag'...I ain't a fan of that name, though...please just call me 'Naggie'..." She floated around, looking at the pony before her. "...ya wouldn't happen ta be one o' them ghost hunters, ... View More
Like 14 hours ago
The witcher silently tracked her with his gaze, never taking his eyes off her. “Alright, Naggie. My name’s Loki. I’m a witcher, and that’s exactly what I was sent here for.” He stared back into her eyes, watching the tears well in her eyes. It was hard to tell what he was feeling, if anything at all... View More
Like 14 hours ago
Nagathine Irons
"...what have ya heard about me?...the legend's friends said they threw a party fer me, but when I got there, there was nopony...that was the last straw, so I dove into a well...and now, by ghost rules, I can be summoned over the course a three days..." Naggie grumbled. "...but somehow a... View More
Like 12 hours ago
"....!" Joshua would have his ears down as he was clearly occupied with watching dog soap operas. He would quickly have looked back at her when she said something. "Uhm... Yeeaah. Joshua didn't know babes would be delivery now? Would you... Like to join me?" Joshua didn't really know how to respon... View More
Like 4 hours ago
Calaco Fleethoof
Calaco has spent the last few days summoning the ghost specifically for this day. He wanted to celebrate his birthday with a friend today. Had a cake and gifts waiting and everything. #rp
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Nagathine Irons
((oh shit i forgor)) Naggie was successfully summoned. "...oh, it's you...hay, Cal..."
Like May 14, 2024
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Calaco Fleethoof
"Hey Nagathine, I got a surprise for you." He smiled as he walked out of his bathroom, beaconing her to follow with a wing.
Like May 14, 2024
Nagathine Irons
Naggie floated after him. "...a surprise?..."
Like May 14, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
"Yea, I did some digging in the census archives and found something out. come on, it's in the living room."
Like May 15, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the ghost and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nagathine Irons
" come nopony ever wishes me back to life? won't work cuz I don't actually grant wishes, but..." #rp
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Nitroxus Soulspins
I would wish you back to life, then wish for your hoof in marriage, and then for my final wish, for me to always make you happy for all the days that I live... *Sling was a hopeless romananist.*
Like April 28, 2024
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Nagathine Irons
"...marriage?!...buddy, ya gotta court me first, at least!..."
Like April 28, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
If I must, I shall.
Like April 28, 2024
Nagathine Irons
"...that was...not an invitation, pal...first off, I don't even know you...and second, I'm dead!..."
Like April 28, 2024
Nagathine Irons
"...April Fools Day is over...I will never understand why that blasted holiday is so popular..." Rather than whatever you'd actually summoned Naggie for, she just chose to rant to you about her after... View More
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King James Crone
He would squint slightly as he gave an I directly look in her direction. His arm lit up with each word as it seemed whatever was inside spoke with power. To his own people, they hear something... Odd. His voice was a lot more clear and prominent. "Oh, let them have their fun. They don't have much ... View More
Like April 2, 2024
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Nagathine Irons
"...Speak for yourself...I'm still stuck on this rock..." Naggie rolled her eyes. "...Where are we, anyway?...This don't look like anywhere else in Equestria..."
Like April 2, 2024
King James Crone
"You are in my town, Teardrop Village. A hidden place where sentient monsters come together. " The area was seemingly a rough looking town that seemed once fancy. Thousands of years ago, this 'lush' slum town hidden amongst the darkness of the trees. Monsters did indeed roam the dirt paths of the et... View More
Like April 2, 2024
Nagathine Irons
"...So y'all ain't wanted around either, are y'all?..." Naggie frowned. "...I'd like ta stay in yer town, if I could...Sure beats bein' an urban legend..."
Like April 3, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Sling would blink. He shrug.* So, tell more. I can only answer why this holiday was popular. It was about making small and harmless pranks back when I was a colt. As these days, its just a day that big business put out either fake events or plausable real things, to gather ideas as to release it or... View More
Like April 3, 2024
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Nagathine Irons
Naggie blinked. "...I ain't really a 'pranks' gal...Last time I got pranked, I died..."
Like April 3, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Really, who would that heartless on a lady like you?
Like April 3, 2024
Nagathine Irons
"...My 'friends'...They pretended ta throw a party fer me, but then never showed up..."
Like April 3, 2024
Nagathine Irons
"...y'all know I can't actually grant wishes, right?...I ain't a genie, I'm just a ghost..." Naggie shook her head. "...I swear, y'all need better urban legends...can't y'all just go back ta botheri... View More
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Taffy Twister!
“are you 100% sure?? can- can you maybe try again!” Taffy desperately motions
Like March 12, 2024
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Nagathine Irons
"...sorry, ma'am, but I literally cannot...I have no idea where that came from...if I could grant wishes, d'ya think I'd still be a ghost?!...I'da wished myself back ta life by now!..."
Like March 12, 2024
Taffy Twister!
“i thought it was like a ghost rule… if your dead have you at least seen midnight bliss?? you gotta how some sort of ghost magic!”
Like March 12, 2024
Nagathine Irons
"...what in the hay is a midnight bliss?..."
Like March 12, 2024
Ghost's face lit up akin to finding Santa hooves! "At least it's better than folk calling you a ghost when you only have the power's of one." He said, happy to see that He found a actual Ghost pony!
Like March 12, 2024
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Nagathine Irons
"...y'all have ghost powers?...weird, ya don't feel dead..." Naggie tilted her head. "...if ya have ghost powers, does that mean you can feel me?..." She placed a hoof on Ghost's head.
Like March 12, 2024
"Just me, also Boop!" Ghost said, before... Booping their nose!, Somehow not phasing through them along with Feeling the pone's hoof on their head. Soon He blepped.
Like March 12, 2024
Nagathine Irons
Naggie gasped in excitement. "...finally!...someone I can touch!..." She gave Ghostbit a tight, cold hug.
Like March 12, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Nice to meet you Nagathine. So, anything I can do you today?
Like March 8, 2024
Nagathine Irons
" thank you, sir...I'm doin' just fine today!...
Like March 8, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Okay, so do you to talk? Or?
Like March 8, 2024
Nagathine Irons
"...don't got much ta talk about, I don't think..."
Like March 8, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Oh, so what do you want to do then? Just vibe and relax here?
Like March 9, 2024
Nagathine Irons
Like March 9, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Yay. *Nitroxus would laid on his belly, and just vibe on the floor.* So warm.
Like March 9, 2024
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