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There isn’t much to be said about me, I’m just chillen. Feel free to approach me at any time, my own personality doesn’t reflect my character.
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Nitroxus Soulspins Loki
*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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While his armour was busy being serviced after a not-so-friendly encounter with a monster, Loki was left with some time on his hooves. He debated heading to a local tavern or bar to drink his fill whi... View More
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Thunk thunk thunk BLANG!
The offered blade and two more made bullseye, but the forth ricocheted off.
"Must be pretty rough and lonely being a witcher, but I suppose the training weeds out the chaff." The big war horse walked over and retrieved the blades.
"But the whole sword things not my style.... View More
August 23, 2024
Bright couldn't help it.
"Your moms a mute!"
He scampered off into the bushes. For being such a big hardened war horse, he sure was a silly goose. Perhaps it was a trauma response, whatever the case, BriBra was still laughing to himself.
*Nitroxus was confused. He wasn't sure why he was brought here. Nitroxus didn't even drink alcohol. Yet, he took the knife and threw it. He knew from the metal composite and material that this was a very durable knife. The blade landed at the upper left of of the picture.* Huh, guess my aim was bad.
Sure, I can fix my aim. *Nitroxus would take the knife, feeling this knife again. This one, felt heavier. What kind of metal was this one? He could tell that true aim was possible, yet this time he knew to still not hit the target. Loki was a proud drunk, yet Nitroxus couldn't predict a drunkard's a... View More
August 24, 2024
“Go for the kill.” Loki said, taking half a step back to give him room to throw. He watched on, his gaze silently shifting between Nitroxus and the target before finally settling on the drawing, awaiting the knife to make its mark. Just shy once again.
He’d snort, nodding. “Pfft, heavier my ass. T... View More
August 25, 2024
Well, I never claimed to be an expert. Still, thank you greatly for letting me throw the knives.
The mare was surprised he had seen her, she was usually so good at hiding! Not... Always from people trained to look, but... She was proud of it! So the bush she was hiding in suddenly sprouted four silver-tipped golden wings. "You knew I was there?! Did you? Did you just now notice? Nevermind!" She... View More
In but a blink her eyes had returned, Loki watching on in intrigue. *He* was typically the one being questioned and stared at for his eyes, but he had never seen nothing like this. He let out an amused snort, shrugging. "Sorry 'bout your disappointment, us surface folk aren't quite as unique. You're... View More
August 27, 2024
A shake of the head as she spreads her four wings. The inner wings are clearly softer, more feathery than they should be. Probably not great for flight. Her outer wings just seem normal, though. "My wings are just a mutation! They're pretty common back in Geode, the scholars say the amount of weird ... View More
August 27, 2024
The hunter would shift and look back to the mare as she extended and outstretched all four of her wings, his gaze trailing along them as she explained they were a product of such intense exposure to magic, thus resulting in an abnormal mutation. “Another mutant.” He said in concluding thought. “I’ve... View More
August 28, 2024
The old stallion watches Loki carefully, his long, aged eyes wondering between the offered throwing knife and the one imbedded in the eye of the drawn monster. He blinks, slowly, before finally taking the knife and positioning himself to throw it. His shoulder ached against the strain, and though hi... View More
Loki inspected the older stallion with silent curiosity and observation as he retrieved the knife and set his sights onto the target, shifting his hooves to ready himself for the throw. He could tell by the way he moved alone this might’ve been nothing new to the stranger, though perhaps the rust of... View More
August 25, 2024
Loki sat quietly by himself, nose deep in an old tattered, worn out bestiary while he munched away at an apple freshly picked off a nearby tree. It had certainly seen better days, but all throughout t... View More
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"Why. Are you. In my Territory!?" She Exclaimed with a huff coming through her nose, the smell of Sulfur and Brimstone along with a Cold chill coming from the Creature... one that had some elements of what Loki was reading.
August 13, 2024
These Words would've caused her blood to instantly rise to a boiling point as she walked to another tree and, Without hesitation, kicked it once more, but it had shattered the Tree in multiple pieces.. now she was coming down finally.
August 17, 2024
With a look of curiosity Loki watched as Cotton huffed and puffed, storming over to another tree. He was just about to look back down at his book, expecting just some more tree kicking, when he was suddenly given the brilliant display of the tree being shattered to pieces. A loud wooden ‘CRACK’ was ... View More
August 19, 2024
"Nah, It's more like 50% Drgon, Part Rabbit, And somethin' else ?, At least that's what them vets tell me." She told them finally calming down, letting steam roll off them due to how hot she gotten.
August 20, 2024
Phoenix stepped forward and leaned his shoulder against the apple tree "If you're doing research for a job then I want in" He said with a smirk as he reached up to grab an apple for himself "Or I've got enough loose money for a proper meal" In truth Phoenix probably just wanted to see his old. Altho... View More
Loki waved his hoof in reassuring dismissal. “Don’t be. ‘Bout time I got moving, anyways.” He’d place his arm back down after the shake, chuckling at what Phoenix said next. “Ain’t that the truth.” He’d turn and face the nearest town, not too far up the road. “Been doing decent for myself as of late... View More
He would start walking as well, adjusting the position of his sword as he did "Glad to hear it, simple isn't so bad" Phoenix nodded softly as they headed towards the light of the lanterns "Yeah not a lotta coin to get around here. I've had to head down to some of the larger towns to pick up odd jobs... View More
August 14, 2024
“Simple is how I like it. Try to keep it that way, but you know how shit goes.” He said as the pair walked down the lonesome road, various prints embedded in the soil from the hundreds that have recently walked it. He listened close as he walked, letting his golden gaze stray off to the side to soak... View More
Hearing a strange voice, Loki lifted his eyes just in time to see the other leaning in to get a peek at what he was reading. He didn’t much care if they wished to look at the book, he wasn’t hiding anything, but he did seem to have a bit of discomfort seeing how close they had gotten.
“Bestiary. J... View More
August 14, 2024
"Just thought i might drop by is all." Red stood back up and to the horizon using a hand to block direct sunlight
"I see you often around but never stopped to ask, just figured now would be a good time." Red says looking back to him with a smile
"Supposing you're fine with company for a bit befor... View More
August 14, 2024
Loki eyed the fleshy appendage presented to him with a slightly wrinkled nose, slowly lifting his gaze back to his as his brow raised. “Right.” He said, lifting a hoof to return the shake. “Loki.” He simply said, shifting to face forward again as he gave a nod to the seat opposing him.
“It’s a fre... View More
August 15, 2024
A silver gaze met his golden, so reflective the mare's eyes are like a mirror. Lying on a branch, she grins when the stallion looks up to her, "Nothing much, mate! You looked interesting, so I came to read over your shoulder. Curse-breaking, ghouls, you're some sort of monster hunter, ay?"
She twir... View More
August 15, 2024
She doesn't even have to think about it, looking up to the sky. "I won't be at peace until I've been forgotten, or become irrelevant, or /something/ happens that lets me retire, ay? Not until I can safely stand on a stage and bring joy in illusion." She holds up a hoof and forms a glowing, tra... View More
August 17, 2024
It was the answer Loki had expected, the same one he had found himself so many years ago. He scoffed with a quiet snort, shaking his head as he flipped his bestiary open, beginning to flip page after page to return to his original spot. “Didn’t work for me, either.” It certainly hadn’t brought peace... View More
August 19, 2024
Light looks back down to him, raising an eyebrow, "How long do you think I've been at this?" She takes a jar out of her mane and takes a sip. Of the sauce. "I mean, I don't know either, bringing me back did something to my sense of time, but I'm /definitely/ not green, ay?" She creates fourty-seven ... View More
August 19, 2024
Loki offered you a gift. This “gift” was numerous varying species’ teeth, fangs and claws strung together with a piece of string to make a necklace. Thought that counts, right? #rp
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Vanil shifted her eyes to have a back and forth stare between the peculiar offering and its offerer, doing her best to process the situation. Nope, her shallow mind still can't properly comprehend the suddenness of this so she blurted out the first thing that did come into mind "Is this an invitatio... View More
In response to the magic being used, the silver medallion hanging from Loki’s neck began to softly twitch and tremble on its chain, as if coming to life. He seemed to pay no mind to it, simply lifting a hoof and softly grasping it. In response to his touch, the medallion seemed to ease and steady it... View More
*Nitroxus would smile.* I didn't think you cared at all about me. Thank you grealy for this.
August 8, 2024
Never mind, I really love air. Maybe next time buddy. Can I give you something then?
August 8, 2024
*Fiddlehead perks up, tail swishing cheerily and he taps his front hooves against the ground in excitement. He's fluttering his wings, utterly delighted by the necklace as they take it.*
August 8, 2024
The strangers grin seemed to be contagious, judging by the small smile that crossed his face momentarily. He’d glance over his shoulder to the grip of his silver blade, steel opposite of it. “They’ve gotta be. Can’t afford having cheap shit break down on me.” Reaching back, he’d grip the handle and ... View More
“That’s a wonderful story. You seem very kind.” *Fiddlehead steps off from the stump to examine the sword closer.*
August 9, 2024
“Hm, nah. Kindness had nothing to do with it. I just did my job.” As much as he believed that, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel an immense satisfaction bringing that father justice for his daughter. Even if it meant an eye for an eye.
As he stepped closer Loki’s cat eyes kept a watchful gaz... View More
Tality stared at the gift, then at the pony offering it, then back to the gift. She couldn't say it was beautiful, but it was certainly unique, and it reflected the pony that made it. Tality had never really seen the appeal in trophies herself, unless there was someone she could hurt with them.
Wea... View More
August 9, 2024
Hearing the mares jest made the witcher quietly chuckle, letting out an amused chuff. “What can I say? I’m a true, regular charmer.” He’d jest in return in a lighthearted manner, shifting his gaze away from her to study the necklace and the trophies hanging from it before fixating his cat eyes back ... View More
August 9, 2024
Well that was enough for her to understand this was nothing other than what it appeared to be. She chuckled back and accepted the necklace, and even put it on. "How does it look? Does it make me look like a savage bush mare that might as soon eat ya as look at ya? Which sword would ya use on me?" Sh... View More
August 9, 2024
“Stunning, truly. The bones really make your eyes pop.” It was exceptionally hard to tell whether he was being sarcastic or not, but the glimmer in his golden eyes and the little smirk tugging at his lips told of his amusement. He’d lift a brow at the bold mare, tracking her eyes as they worked thei... View More
August 9, 2024
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