Earth Pony
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Shifter Burnside Diamond Tiara
“Hello, Diamond Tiara, daughter of Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich.”
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Diamond had spent the entire day writing apology letters to every foal in her class, she deserved a break. She trotted out and started on her way to Sugarcube Corner, hoping her perennial friend, the... View More
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As Diamond arrives at Sugarcube Corner, she sees Tarsus leaving with tubs upon tubs of Ice cream on his back, It seems hes bought out all of their ice cream, leaving none for milkshakes!
May 12, 2024
(( Little does she know theres 5 or 6 Tarsus wanted posters from different angles already up in the police station.... that he put there himself.))
May 19, 2024
I was sitting at a table having my usual apple crumb pie and green tea while helping my little sis, Lily Sapphire, with her homework when I spotted Diamond. "Lil, isn't that one of your classmates?"
Lil Sapph: "huh? Oh yeah. She kind of looks a bit stressed out. Mind if we have her sit at our table... View More
May 12, 2024
"Well, if you need a hug, I'm here." I said with a sigh as I pulled a notebook from my shoulder bag, and started writing.
May 23, 2024
I hugged Diamond back. "If you need a shoulder to cry on, feel free. It's not good to keep it bottled up."
Shift nearly runs her over when she crosses the street. “Oi, watch where you’re going!”
Peach was sitting enjoying a peach orange juice shake, she sighed in satisfaction. "Soo delicious!" She was being a bit to loud, the little filly caught her attention, "Is school out today?" Peach asked herself, she believed she was being quiet, but she spoke a bit to loud.
September 6, 2024
(Time makes perfect) Peach thought to herself glancing around, she finished her drink and had places to be. However she went over to the counter and whispered. “Ah think that young has had a long hard day, give them anything for free.” Peach dropped down a bit bag that contained 500k bits. Peach was... View More
September 8, 2024
The cashier's eyes widened as they saw this, then nodded vigorously.
Diamond was a bit confused as to why her next several milkshakes were free, but she didn't see a reason to complain.
September 9, 2024
Peach looked back at the filly one last time, she gave a wink than trotted out of the door of the shop.
Diamond was sitting in the bookstore, reading books to learn how normal ponies had conversations. Not books meant to teach that sort of thing, just regular novels. This would likely do irreparable d... View More
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Something crawled from under the table and slide unnaturally behind diamond tiara.
It was dead quiet until the unknown being would speak to her in her ear. "Hello, there. What are you reading?" Before she could look behind her, the monster moved into a seat across from Diamond." Across the street ... View More
"What is your PROBLEM?!" Diamond got up, slamming her hands down as well. "I was here first, find somewhere else to sit, plebian!!!"
April 18, 2024
"Oh wow! "Plebian". Confirmed it, no friends havin' snot nosed shit. I'll sit wherever I want." She stuck her tongue out.
April 18, 2024
"Look at you, getting into an argument with a little filly. Pa-thetic~!!" Diamond laughed mockingly.
April 18, 2024
i'm just gonna say it, Diamond Tiara should've gone to the School of Friendship
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*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Nice to meet you, I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are? Oh, you have a nice mane.
March 9, 2024
"Why thank you! I take care of it. My name is Diamond Tiara. Perhaps you know my father, Filthy Rich?"
March 9, 2024
Diamond Tiara, sounds familiar... Wait, you're dad is Filthy Rich, odd? Oh wait, I see it now.
March 9, 2024
What, you and Filthy both have mane bob at the back of your heads. So, how may I be of service for you today?
March 10, 2024
" may go if you wish. I have no need of anything at the moment."
March 10, 2024
Diamond Tiara sat and waited. For what? Something fun to happen. An adventure, maybe, or even just another foal wanting to play with her. #rp
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Scavenger, Princess of Curiosity would be seen messing with a catepillar that she found earlier when she bumped into Diamond "oh! hi there-"
March 8, 2024
Suddenly Tiara could see they were in a tree, How did they appear in one without realizing!?, Well It was thank's to a Strange... Dragon ?, Rabbit ?, Something... but why do they look Familar ?
March 9, 2024
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