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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on January 2, 2001
Mutated Geode Pegasus
Roleplay Availability
About Me
An excitable, ever-curious, somewhat naive pegasus. From a nation disconnected from Ponykind since before Equestria was founded. Mutated to have four wings instead of two. Carrying an evil crystal that eats souls on her neck! What could go wrong?
Discord: Chiroptera#0291/chiropteraerudite
Profile Picture Art by Pepper Snap
Roleplay Universe
Canon, mostly
Roleplay Type
User Achievements

Status Update

The air booms as the four winged golden pegasus approaches from the sky. Holding all four wings out to try and airbrake while also forcing every ounce of weather magic she has ahead of her might seem ... View More
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Sprout leapt back. She didn't even notice the Opal, she was more concerned with the pegasus...or what could be generously called s pegasus, at this point. She picked up Firefly, carrying her to the hospital, but leaving the Opal behind...
Like December 1, 2024
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Spins opened the door and pulled Dragon inside before shoving her onto the bed.
Like December 15, 2024
Oh no, the consequences of her actions! Now that the situation has flipped on her, Dragonfly's brain pops a fuse and abandons her, a molten blush glowing on her face, feathers fluttering. "U-u-um..." Word slush for a moment, "I-I mea-m-mean... Ar-are, I, Am I m-misunde-understandi-ding? I-I'm prob-p... View More
Like December 17, 2024
Spins crawled on top of Dragonfly, smiling maliciously before giving her a passionate kiss.
Like December 17, 2024
Dr. Normodd
Dr. Odd would look at her. "My! Wait one moment...!" Reiner would put his ear to her chest. He would press a button. "Don't worry. Ma'am are you okay! Help is on the way!" Reiner reassured her unconscious body. "Best not to move her yet without properly assessing her and having the right support.... View More
Like December 1, 2024
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She wasn't going to convince him, she knew that by now. Maybe it was just paranoia- in fact it probably was- but it had kept the gem from eating more than just her own soul for months now. She wasn't going to stop being nervous just because her doctor was cute. It's not like being cute had stopped ... View More
Like December 2, 2024 Edited
Dr. Normodd
He would chuckle. "You're in good paws miss. You and your belongings." He gently touched his pocket. She felt woozy and the room gently crawled like skin repositioning itself. However, she would not sleep but rather the room around her would lose color. The walls paint was melting. The long and wide... View More
Like December 3, 2024
Smiling in this situation is not something a normal pony would do. But, despite her feathers ruffling slightly as her instincts tell her to be afraid, Dragonfly does just that! She hasn't seen any sort of giant spider since her 'expeditions' into the stone seas of Geode! Though, they weren't so... M... View More
Like December 4, 2024
Ghost just stared at the opal, Before slowwwwwwly pushing It back, Picking the MAre up using some Magick whilst He finished putting up decorations, After placing the mare on a coach inside, He began to wrap them up in multiple blankets. Ghost also made Vegan chikin noodle soup!, It was like... Free... View More
Like December 1, 2024
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// Is that the end of the Rp ?, Just asking to try help clearing up some confusion ^w^;
Like December 10, 2024
(No, but I think I've mentioned before, Ghostbit isn't the easiest character for me to write with. I'll come back to it at some point probably. Hopefully. I mean, I do have to see it everything I reply elsewhere on this post! So I'll have a eureka inspiration moment at some point. I do really like t... View More
Like December 10, 2024
(Ah, Okay, Thank you for explaining it to me ^w^)
Like December 10, 2024
Nightengale Nighttime
-Nightingale approaches from cover slowly, as silently as possible. Looking Dragonfly over as she approaches.- Huh....another freak, like me. -Looking to see if any other pony saw, she focuses and four new limbs, each ending with paw-like things, grow from her upper and lower back, gripping Dragons ... View More
Like December 2, 2024
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(I doubt any of your characters would be in trouble from Dragonfly, she's no fighter, and even if Dragonfly dies, I have plans in place for that eventuality.)
Like December 11, 2024
(Ye you start in DM. You can pick up where you left off or start over if you want.)
Like December 11, 2024
Nightengale Nighttime
(Will, if your okay with it, than lets give it a shot.)
Like December 11, 2024