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Female. Lives in Outskirts,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on April 4, 1998
Roleplay Availability
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Any and All.
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a blue pipe that was in the air. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Bailey is ridiculously bored, her soul yearns for some entertainment.
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Bright Brave
Come fight on the front lines
Like August 20, 2021
Stardusk Strider
Go look for an rp?
Like August 20, 2021
Bailey tosses an ice carved apple in your general direction, she is extremely tired of clients requesting she sculpt the same boring old moveable fruit bowl and has simply had enough of it. #rp
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The Human Kwamis
*Just avoids the flying ice fruit by catching it* What the heck-?
Like August 13, 2021
"Woah, nice catch!" The mare chirped as she spun herself around. "My bad, didn't expect anyone to be passing by so soon!"
Like August 13, 2021
The Human Kwamis
It's alright! but even If i did get hit I have mAgic so I could just find a healing glyph and be done (Luz istg LOL)
Like August 13, 2021
Polo Fastter
"hay can i get a..." Polo get hit in the head by the fruit then, get knocked out.
Like August 13, 2021
Ice Wisp
Ice gets hit by the ice apple on the snoot "Owwww...";
Like August 13, 2021
Stardusk Strider
He catches the apple, staring blankly into it. He didn't stop staring, maybe expecting it to hold some sort of solution or something.
Like August 13, 2021
Goodnight to all, I'll look forward to catching up with you tomorrow!
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Bright Brave
Like August 12, 2021
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Same here as well, hopefully I actually talk here more than I did ps ^^'
Like August 12, 2021
Always up for a chat here!
Like August 13, 2021
Princess Silky ❤
Goodnight! And welcome back nwn
Like August 13, 2021
Like August 13, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would wave at them.* Why hello there. I deeply hope that you'll enjoy this place greatly!
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Bailey would flinch ever so slightly at the explosion of confetti before allowing her gaze to settle upon the creature within, bowing carefully in return. "That's very much appreciated, thank you!"
Like August 12, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
Glad to meet you. I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are? Also, so nice to meet you. So how can I do for you today?
Like August 13, 2021
Having people recognise Bailey from literal years ago and reach out to me with such kind after only having her profile up for less than an hour really has warmed my heart a bit, I'm glad she's been me... View More
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Heart Piece
|| There's been a good few names here that I recognize. It's pretty neat seeing them still roleplaying even after all this time.
Like August 12, 2021
I've seen a few on another character of mine, it really is a cool thing to see!
Like August 12, 2021
I was Ryker back on PS, if you remember seeing that name.
Like August 12, 2021
I actually do! I don't think we ever interacted but a pleasure to meet you here now.
Like August 12, 2021
I think this was one of my older profiles pictures from back then.
Like August 12, 2021
It does look familiar for sure!!
Like August 12, 2021
Bright Brave
Like August 12, 2021
Like August 12, 2021
Bright Brave
You to nice
Like August 12, 2021
Rough Winds
Tbh I hope nobody recognizes me from ponysquare
Like August 12, 2021 Edited
Will update RP info in the morning, but for now, hello hello~
14 people like this.
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Hello there, pleasure to meet you.
Like August 12, 2021
As it is you!
Like August 12, 2021
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Oh ya as someone else states I forgot you were on ps, another survivor from that era long ago, well I don't think we talked much or really knew each other but let me rephrase, it's a pleasure to see you again ^^
Like August 12, 2021
Ah amazing! Always a pleasure to see others from back then still kicking here!
Like August 12, 2021
Bubble Berry
Without wasting any time berry just pushes a welcome cupcake straight into her mouth.
Like August 12, 2021
Bailey would accept this welcome cupcake without any hesitation.
Like August 12, 2021
I remember Bailey from PonySquare c:
Like August 12, 2021
View 2 more replies
A pleasure to see you here!
Like August 12, 2021
Eightbit (changeling #33147)
I was also on ponysquare, I'm just not very memorable xD, but it's dope seeing old ps members hanging about
Like August 12, 2021
I love seeing PS members here! A pleasure to see you here after all this time!
Like August 12, 2021
Icy Creation
Oooh, an ice sculptor pegasus! Always nice to see more ponies that deal with ice on this site! Especially ones with wings, those seem even rarer.
Like August 12, 2021
Ice is the best thing to be dealing with!
Like August 12, 2021
Icy Creation
Indeed it is, mate!
Like August 12, 2021
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