Pegasus (primary), Alicorn, Human, or Touhou Angel
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I use double-slashes when speaking OOC.If you believe anyone I friend or talk with is a bad person, then talk with a staff member. Do not message me and start drama about it. I don't care what you think about them if you're not a staff member.
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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// Sorry work has me sometimes dropping off for many days. My notifications are not telling me everything I missed. Please comment if I was RPing with you and a link to the comment. Appreciated!
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// Those of you IRL single this Hearts and Hooves Day, do yourself a favor. Stay away from social media. Treat yourself to some delicious food (because food never judges you). And raid the stores of a... View More
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// I firmly believe there should be a rule... February 15, only certified single people can get discounted V-Day chocolates. Everyone else has to wait until the 16th or later. Suck it, "in a relationship" types. I got my discounted candy first, hehe. :P
Hey everypony! I just re-gained access to my Tumblr. Step right up and ask a question, any question! I might even reply as a picture. . I know Tumblr is so 2010s but ... View More
Lovinity Hearts
Hi! I'm a My Little Pony Original Creation! My destiny is to show the wonders and magic of infinite love! Have a question? I love to hear from you. I might reply as text or as a picture! Have con
// I will be back soon. I've been laying low a bit to focus on work. ^^
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// Weird. Someone tried to send me a message with an attachment (according to my email). But neither Canterlot Avenue is showing the message nor does the attachment exist anymore. Seems to be someone ... View More
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// I'm not impressed with CA so far. I was told there is less drama here than other sites. I've only been here for... less than 2 weeks? Already I get PS vibes. That's... not something you want to hear coming out of the horse's mouth... pun totally intended LMFAO.
// Haha, sorry but don't get your hopes up. I'll probably never open / run a community similar to L^3 / TLC+ again. Not only do I not have nearly as much free time as I did back then, but also I am not capable of running such community anymore. My values have changed. I'm a lot different now IRL fro... View More
All I remember is apparently being registered and getting emails from it, but never having the mood to pay any mind
Change doesn't necessarily mean you've become a whole new person, just that your core values have evolved. people benefit from their actions being called out, and how they react refle... View More
// Yeah, agreed. What I'm saying I guess is that, due to my new values, it would be a bad idea for someone like me to try running a site that's about supporting each other.
January 28, 2024
Odd, I haven't encountered any dramas here. Been around since august or something like that.
// Pro tip: if you're offended that I commented on someone else's status, first off don't message me about it because I don't care; I can comment on whomever's statuses I want (if they don't have me b... View More
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(I am so happy I don't know what prompted this. This seems like a lesson along the lines of 'RP romance isn't real romance, our characters aren't us'. Something equally concerning to need to learn.)
// Indeed! That and don't believe everything someone else tells you especially online; take everything with a grain of salt.
Should... I be concerned on wanting to know the context? Who would be mad at you? *Confused*
I'm struggling to make correlation to exactly what post caused it,. unless it's like... within a very small timeframe. I cant think of anyone who would act like that
January 28, 2024
// I wouldn't advise trying to figure out whom it is anyway. That's not really the point of my post. I don't want people dog-piling them. I just want them and others to understand my point; if you're gonna get offended easily, walk away and smell the roses.
January 28, 2024
It's probably a person that'll stand out eventually if it takes a single comment for them to act on another privately, not worth the effort
Agreed. Like that Maxine person from a while back ago who, mind you, had a DEGREE IN ENGLISH, called my series dogshit. I even have screenshots too to remind myself not to interact with dipshits like that. Just forget and move on.
// Hooman! Ahhhhh!
(This was made several years ago by Spaca; Lovinity's human non-angel form)
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Roleplayer, Techie
Pegasus (primary), Alicorn, Human, or Touhou Angel