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Star Hope

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on May 25, 2000
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
The Writer's Tale
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Bright Brave
@Honey seep Are ya'll real? Are you's the same person ? X3
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Honey Seep
Yes to both
Like June 27, 2024
Bright Brave
God save us....
Like June 27, 2024
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Honey Seep
You don't truly believe that the two of us is all that exists here? >:)
Like June 27, 2024
Yearling Writer
There's also me
Like June 27, 2024
Reila Hope
Like June 27, 2024
So many
Like June 27, 2024
Star Hope
Yeeees and many more to come
Like June 27, 2024
Bright Brave
Such terrible power
Like June 27, 2024
Honey Seep
I warned you of my hyperactive honey-coated power >:)
Like June 27, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus slowly floated down from using gossamer wings on his arms. He landed in front of the pony. He smiled as he passed a gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Star Hope
Aww thank you! *Star gave him a gentle hug before carefully opening the gift*
Like May 25, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Welcome to help. So glad to be helpful. *Inside was the one thing that she truly wanted.*
Like May 25, 2024
Star Hope
*She smiled as she brought out a nurses cap, looking to it longingly before holding onto it tightly* Thank you so much, th-this means so much to me!
Like May 25, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would smile.* Welcome to help! I'm happy that you got thee greatest gift possible.
Like May 25, 2024
Star Hope
So as far as updates go, this is gonna be a pretty bad one. So the injuries I've been getting lately have been rather temporary. Call me accident prone, call me a cry baby, but one thing I can take so... View More
2 people like this.
Oh! You poor thing. I live with a woman that has a badly curved and fused spine and has been trying to convince the doctors they need to operate again. Advice I would give is to look at the x-rays yourself, and get any second opinions you can, preferably from a specialist in back pain (they exist!).... View More
Like June 23, 2024 Edited
Star Hope
I'm out of the hospital now! So they gave me some medicine and I went through an entire IV in about 30 mins, so I should be doing better. Gonna try to get some sleep, but for now, nothing but good new... View More
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Bright Brave
Like April 6, 2024
Star Hope
Welp, I'm in the hospital now. I got nurse Star watching over me right now, but hopefully I'll leave here feeling better. Sorry for the lack of activity lately, but the pain's been killing me. Once th... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
yooo :( feel better soon!!
Like April 6, 2024
Star Hope
Thank you, I'll keep y'all posted
Like April 6, 2024
Bright Brave
:3 We are with you.
Like April 6, 2024
Star Hope
Thank you!
Like April 6, 2024
feel better soon
Like April 6, 2024
Star Hope
#rp Star had made her way to the front lobby of the hospital, looking to a clipboard for a moment before looking around at the ponies there. Eventually, she'd call your name, indicating you were up ne... View More
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Star Hope
Sooooo I'm not sure how many people know, but I'mma say it anyways. HAPPY INTERNATIONAL DERPY DAY! Tis the day of the derp in which Derpy got her first lines in the show!
7 people like this.
Like January 20, 2024
Star Hope
Like January 20, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Like January 21, 2024
Star Hope
Like January 21, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
i wonder if i still have my old Derpy is Best Pony definitely doesn't fit me now (i'm a bit taller and wider than i was in seventh grade), but it's festive ^w^
Like January 21, 2024
Star Hope
0o0 am big jealous
Like January 21, 2024
Angel Bloom
I never even knew this! Happy Derpy Day y’all!
Like January 21, 2024
Lovinity Hearts
We must go to the bakery and buy all the muffins in celebration!
Like January 21, 2024
Star Hope
I'm heading to HarmonyCon everypony! From Febuary 2nd to 4th, I'll be trying to send updates of my activities there and hopefully get a couple cute boops! I hope to see some of you there, and remember... View More
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would knock at Star's front door. He snickered and chuckled as he knocked.* I hope she is having a wonderful day.... So epic!
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Star Hope
Really? That sounds like it must have been crazy chaotic.
Like January 28, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Almost everyday. Yet, having a big family will do that.
Like January 28, 2024
Star Hope
I do hope I end up having a big family one day. I just adore foals. *She said with a smile, looking forward as the house now came into view* Oh, here we are!
Like January 28, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Huh, I pictured the house to be smaller in my head. Impressive. *Nitroxus would think about Star being a mother, it made him blush to see her with 4 foals. Shaking the thought away.* You would be a great mother.
Like January 29, 2024
Star Hope
Hey! So a final update regarding my current health. I've been put through the ringer and still don't know what's wrong with my back, but my pinky has healed and I'm pretty much back to 80% (Functionin... View More
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