TV Person
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It's TV Time with your friend Mr. Puzzles! I'm your host, and I want to give you endless entertainment! No matter what...
Roleplay Universe
Stickman's Adventures Universe
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
*Mr. Puzzles would be in his lab in Hollvania. He would be sitting in a chair, overseeing his operations. The streets would be lit up with chaos.* Excellent... my plan is working flawlessly! Soon thos... View More
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I WILL FINALLY SOON HAVE POWER OVER ALL OF YOU!!! *He would look at a broken machine* As soon as I figure out how this darn thing works. #rp
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The only thing that matters.
Only humoring a curiosity and thinking of a nostalgia, is all.
Well I'm taking back what's rightfully mine. And that idiot ink hero and his merry band of misfits stole it all away from me! But soon they'll see... They'll ALL see! *He would tune to an insane face.*
March 7, 2025
*Mr. Puzzles would be seen dancing in a cafe, twirling a cane.* Hey pal, hey friend, hey buddy! Why so sad, so downright unhappy? That's not my cuppa tea! You know that this could be your last day her... View More
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*I sigh.* Seems normal. We'll have to keep an eye on him for the time being.
February 11, 2025
poet chuckled "oh yeah, SMG3, I have a friend, Lynx Nightshade wants to meet up with you at some point...she asked me to ask you since she's kind of intimidated by your looks." she muttered, sipping her coffee while pointing a hoof towards a young woman with lynx like features. she was completely ig... View More
February 11, 2025
(Smg3) Uhh huh. I'm only here to keep an eye on Mr. Big Shot here upon request of Stickman... and his wife Skystar. Skystar would've destroyed me if I said no.
*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the being. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Mr. Puzzles would somehow wind up in Hollvania.* Ungh... Where am I? *He would look around to see a techrot infested area.* Interesting... *He would notice some techrot coming toward him* Gah! Don't ... View More
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*He would notice the On-lyne band on one of the tvs on one of the Techrot.* Aha! That gives me an idea...
December 28, 2024
(And thus Mr. Puzzles and the Technocyte Codas come into Void's Past as a threat to the heroes and their search for Alberect Entrati and Shine Shell. The Technocyte Codas will not be deployed against Stickman and his friends until the update drops. Oh but don't ya worry, there's still plenty of Mr. ... View More
(There we go, got him ready for this Saturday! -Stickman)
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(And by move plans up, I mean let's get to it now!)
*Mr. Puzzles would be in his studio, looking over his shows. He would then look at his TV programs. They would have 3-star ratings. He takes a puff... View More
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*He would hijack into Equestria's TVs again.* Hello, everyone! I hope you all have been enjoying my shows as much as I have been producing them. Unfortunately, I have seen that my fair programs haven't been... getting good ratings. So! If you absolutely love this feature presentation, I implore you!... View More
July 3, 2024
No... Blu. *He would put his face toward the screen. He would rewind toward Brazillian love. Sure enough, Blu wasn't there. He would flip through his programs until he lands on the final one. Blu would escape out from the forth wall.* THAT... PESKY FLYING RAT!!! *He crushes his remote.*
*Elsewhere, back at the USF HQ, it would be a darkened base. Blu would come in through the doors.*
(Blu) Jewel? Stickman? Skystar? Anyone?
*A chair would be chucked at Mr. Puzzles, breaking his screen*
(Blu) Turn that back on. NOW.
Augh! My screen! I just cleaned it! No more TV for you!
July 6, 2024
*Mr. Puzzles would be in his TV studio, watching the ratings on his latest show.* Hmph. Here I bring one of the best shows to grace this land of ponies' viewing pleasure... and the ratings are low. I'... View More
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*Meanwhile, in the USF HQ, Jewel would sit in the security room, watching all the cameras for each world. She would send a message off to Knight Wolf and King Artemis's lunars to keep an eye out in their areas. She had a surefire plan to get her brother and his friends out of there, Mr. Puzzles only... View More
Hmm... That sister of Stickman's will be an annoyance in or out of my head... I'll need to stop that before she puts a wrench in my plans.
May 28, 2024
*Mr. Puzzles would make his next move in kidnapping an actor for his gain. His next target? Velvet Lunar. He would slip into the Castle and scout out his options.* #rp
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Hmm. If I can just get near her... I should be able to capture her... but with so many guards around, how am I going to be able to do so...
May 24, 2024
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TV Person