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Company, Organization, or Institution » Aerospace/Defense
#rp Phoenix would come crashing out of the air, knocking you off your feet "Damn.... sorry about that"
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Bright Brave
Chow pulled his dagger. “How sorry?”
August 28, 2021

Phoenix Wind
The pegasus didn't seem intimidated "Like I said. I'm sorry. Just take a hike tough guy"
August 28, 2021

Bright Brave
“That’s what I thought.” Chow smirked and tossed him a bit, before walking off.
August 28, 2021

Phoenix Wind
Phoenix rolled his eyes and flew off again
August 28, 2021
"Anyone have a question about martial arts? I'll do me best to answer it but no promises"
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He sighed "Your barking up the wrong tree pal. Martial arts isn't about being a hero. It's about surviving. At any cost. There's no room for morals or ideas like 'right and wrong' all that has to melt away when you fight someone"
July 21, 2021
"Does the wannabe 2000s anime hair come with the lessons? Or is that something you earn over time?" The stallion chuckled to himself.
"Well I can pull off sunglasses but yeah leather pants would be awful. Too restricting ya know? If I want to pull off badass kicks they need be above the waist"
July 21, 2021
"Let's change up that wardrobe then! Take a walk on the wild side maybe, be the focus of attention... grow that mullet out and burp bald eagles."
July 21, 2021
He cringed slightly and shook his head "Oh man that'd be tacky" He said with a laugh "I'm fine with the way I look. It's not super important to me. My proportions are already messed up for a pegasus. The muscle building and conditioning will do that"
July 21, 2021
Ephee attempts to imagine martial arts being used by ponies, but all she can imagine are joints being horribly distorted beyond their anatomic capabilities...
July 21, 2021
Mainly the punches would be very strange but hey the show bends the rules of that stuff all the time
July 21, 2021
i like to think that all ponies are naturally blessed with a form of magic and a bit of agility for running around, earth ponies getting a significantly larger factor in physical power and some being literal rock breakers but are otherwise mostly grounded, pegasi have all the speed to probably break... View More
"It's come to my attention that my son probably should have a couple friends... So uh how else here has kids?"
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"There's a weird feral wolf-kid in the forest I know about. Does that count?"
"Oh. Okay. You sure? They're friendly. Maybe. They don't talk to me much."
July 15, 2021
sivanro and the sheep are simply throwing ice cubes at each other as polo said "um, i mean if your kid knows how to make fruit juice"
i dont have kids...even tho ive lived for so long....golly im old...
July 15, 2021
Phoenix looked around cautiously "Who would be willing to bet some money? If you can beat me in a one on one brawl I'll give you fifty bits. I beat you, I get fifty"
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He sighed "I'm not a complete jerk. You can have the money if you want. No point in having a battle if your heart isn't in it, you know?"
April 5, 2021
Instead of taking any money, Arcana conjures her wallet, and removes 25 bits to give to Phoenix. "No no. As I said, I'm do not wish to make bets. Though I do wish you'd find a more appropriate form of sparring."
April 5, 2021
Phoenix shook his head "Thank you but it's fine, I don't want to take your money for nothing"
April 5, 2021
"I'm not much for fighting, but I can provide some delicious snacks for you all when you're done fighting" she said with a smile as she brought a cart full of various baked sweets, most notably her specialty cinnamon rolls.
April 6, 2021
"I enjoy baking" She said with a gentle smile, "Oh by the way, I'm Cinnamon Swirl, but you can just call me Cinny!"
April 6, 2021
"A pleasure to meet you Phoenix Wind" she would give a slight curtsey as she spoke.
As a poor and desperate mare, Cakepop put down some bits and immediately resorted to pulling hair.
April 6, 2021
I mean...I don't really like fighting but I would happily challenge you to any sport you want :P (willow why XD)
July 12, 2021
Phoenix looked around in slight confusion "So I guess I'm a mare now.... I hope I'm at least a good looking one" She muttered
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Phoenix looked herself over "I guess these trends always catch up with you" She said with a sigh "At least my name is pretty gender neutral"
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Phoenix watched his son with a smile as the colt set up a little stand with a pitcher of lemonade. The young pegasus put a sign that said the cost for a glass was two bits. He seemed excited, a huge g... View More
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It's common to take a calming stroll through Ponyville. Developments in Lemon's life haven't been simple to cope with. With all the upheavel in the family life, and Shen being a difficult pony to govern. It's due for some mother alone time!
So the cheery mare trot along, stumbling across this lemon... View More
"Yes I'm having a lovely day sir! I'll order one cup of lemonade please." Lemon placed her two bits on the table, pleased to reward the efforts of a local foal.
"Then I can guarantee that being thirsty won't ruin your day!" He said as he poured her a cup of lemonade "Thanks a bunch" He said with a grin as he held the cup out. It was a basic lemonade but it tasted good enough.
January 13, 2021
(oh my gosh this is why I should be banned from wall RP I never remember I have it)
Lemon found the response simply adorable from the colt, and she couldn't hide the gigantic smile on her face even if she wanted to. She'd accept the cup in her magic and take a sip.
"Mmhmm! Thank you sir! Keep up th... View More
Phoenix looked around as he thought for a moment "What do you all think of me? My son says that I might not be getting work because of an 'image problem'"
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The protoss warped in, flipped Phoenix's profile picture and gave a short nod. "Image problem fixed." With that, he warped out in the usual twist of lightless blue flames.
Phoenix looked around and narrowed his eyes "So... I need a babysitter. Who here is good with kids and wants some bits?"
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“Always needs money. I can make a ‘solve a murder’ kit for the young’un to build their mind!”
He blinks. “Uh— could also just watch a movie. Yeah.”
October 7, 2020
“I usually ask questions, but okay. I could do with a role reversal. Whatcha wanna know?”
October 7, 2020
"What's your name? What do you do for a living? When I go check your name out will you be a criminal?"
October 7, 2020
“Uhh, Carmine. PI. No, most likely not,” he answered with a nod.
October 8, 2020
Sylvia smiles happily, keeping her eyes closed as she does. "Sure! I can babysit. Free of charge!~"
October 7, 2020
"Because I want to help~" she keeps her smiles as she closed her eye
October 7, 2020
"Ok well I'm gonna say no. Thanks for the offer but you seem like a creep"
October 7, 2020
"........" she tilts her head slightly but keeps her smile. "Alright." A purple aura surrounds her and she flies away
October 7, 2020
I’d babysit. But I’d probably just end up leaving my own daughter with your son and going out drinking.
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