Crystaline Pegasus
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hi! I have no idea what to put here. /(o_o)/ *flips table* Wait never mind i know. Ok, Hi! My name is ellie (my nickname). I'm a dancer, doing modern and classic ballet, as well as hiphop and kpop, and am ADDICTED to bubble tea. I like to read, draw and play video games with friends.
Roleplay Universe
Uhm, I guess Fortalia?
Roleplay Type
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I’ve noticed some peoples pages are not as aesthetic as the candy pon. Candy pon offers to dm you an aesthetic for your page if you comment.
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Discord, the prettiest boy
"CSS me like one of your french mares~" Discord said as he seductively laid on his portable couch
July 18, 2019

Confused blushing blinking
July 19, 2019

Anzo meep
"Well is hard to be so when you feel lonely" Sigh~
July 20, 2019

Oof, ill send ya one
July 20, 2019

Anzo meep
I saw and accept it.
July 20, 2019

July 20, 2019

Bright Brave
July 20, 2019

July 20, 2019
Candy is sitting in the middle of a forest, covered in honey. Bees fly around her, seeming to not mind her, as she licks some of it off her hooves. A broken beehive is lying next to her.
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She smiles, before offering her own hoof to dream. “Isn’t honey the best?” She smiles, her ears perked as she blushes a lil, sitting in the forest with honey isnt one of her usual past times.
Offering their hoof, the tiny horse gasp as Dream continue to lap the honey off of it like a dog. Just a normal Wednesday at
Silver stumbles across Candy while on his daily walk! He slowly approaches the strange sight, mindful of the bees. "...Candy?"
"Good! looks like you might need some cleaning up after your feast," he says, suppressing a chuckle as he gestures to her sticky hoof. "Are you almost finished?"
July 19, 2019
“N-no..” she turns away, gently offering her hoof. “Be careful wihth it, I need it..” Her tail wrapped around him, for all the world looking as tsundere af.
July 19, 2019
His ears perk up; this wasn't what he intended, but he went with the flow! He hums happily as her tail curls around him, and gives her hoof another several licks, smirking a little and making eye contact!
July 19, 2019
“Where do you want it?” Candy lifts up a hoof, which has a jar stuck to it, which in turn has honey stuck to it. Shes quietly wondering what a honey glazed changeling will look like.
She decides to drizzle it over zatens horn, as she giggles. A few bees buzz by, holding small supplies. Candy sits back to inspect what he looks like, and giggles.
July 19, 2019
Fun fact: Candy’s real name is Bea Everhardt! She doesn’t like being called it though.
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*adjusts randomly appeared spectacles* Commander Wyatt Ryder would be proud of this nEw name of mine
July 17, 2019
“Then..” she looks at him, as she triumphantly proclaims. “Call me bea! But only you’re allowed to call me bea! She smiles, and something is just so funny about this, you cant help but laugh.
Silver gently boops her nose. "As you wish, miss Bea," he says with a nod, holding back laughing.
July 17, 2019
“Good!” Candy is much triumphant, as she desperately tries to make herself taller than him. Realising how silly it is, she settles on teasing him with a peck on the cheek.
Candy would sadly pat his floofy head, and offer to give him a name.
Candy is lying on her couch. Her tail flicks side to side underneath her, as her speaker system blasts, “Poplar St-Glass animals”. She flicks a knife with one wing, each time above her heart, before c... View More
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She doesnt take her eyes off the knife, as she coldly laughs, crossing her legs over her petite body. “As if!” She smirks. “i still got something to live for~”
July 16, 2019
Oh trust me, I KNOW *she rolls her eys, as her wing wavers, and the knife makes for her heart. But she grabs it, just before, and a tad bit clumsy. “But death is too good for me.” Her eyes darken, as she holds the knife to her face, tracing her wing along the side.
July 16, 2019
July 13, 2019
She always searched for it
The thing, called..”love”
When she realised she had to
She packed her bag
And set out
Never to return
She met the strangest people
She explored the most exotic places
She went everywhere
Till she was bonetired
Till she was ready to give up
Just beyond the seventh sea
Just when she had stopped looking
She found you.
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(Warning! This is a campaign roleplay. i recently read a choose your own choose your own adventure book, and its based off that.) You’re flying over a desert called Nimabe with Candy. Candy consults t... View More
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Candy looks over to the pony. “Calm down, calm down! We’ll be landing soon.” You’re here in the hot, zebra populated land of Nimabe to help with an outbreak of quivela. Just the word sends shivers down your spine. It starts off as just a headache, and a loss of balance, but quickly becomes a problem... View More
July 13, 2019
She's just saying it's based off the book she read, not that the two are exclusive terms
Fianlly, with a juddering bump, the plane lands on the dusty tarmac, announcing that you’re here. Candy seems excited.
July 13, 2019
Sway was now stuck with Candy's belongings in his possession. He just shrugs and sets them down on the ground as Oak approached him. Sway merely looked at the stallion and was about to speak a greeting when the scientist pushed the money into him. Sway looked up at the pony confused, a dozen thought... View More
July 13, 2019
“J-just buy me a drink!” He looked quickly over to somepony in a cloak, before pointing to the other end of 5he airport, where there was a cafe, with varied drinks and food.
July 13, 2019
(No, oak is just telling sway to get him a drink from the toher side of the airport, possibly to get him away..
July 13, 2019
"Oh." He seemed confused, lifting up Candy's bags in his magic once again. "You want a soft drink or alcohol?"
July 13, 2019
"J-just any!' *he grew more nervous* Just hurry over there silly! leave me alone!" He sent another meaningful glance at the suspicious looking pony another glance, before shoving you*
July 13, 2019
"Ok, alright." Recovering his step after the shove. Oak must not be aware of the fact that Sway could plow him through the floor with ease using his magic. But he just turns toward the cafe. "Gee, if you want to look less suspicious you could just answer questions simply." As he trot off.
July 13, 2019
*you see a pony sitting in a throne, dressed in royal robes, a black crown floating above her head. You’re pretty sure its candy..right? But..candy would never look like this. Shes smirking, seemingly... View More
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She walks up to him, raising one eyebrow nonchantly, doubting that. She puts her hoof to his chest, and pushes. Her hoof goes through the stallion. “You exist...or I don’t. Either way~ *she laughs* everything here can and cant be done~
July 17, 2019
And release her he does, as he rolls her over onto her back to stand over her! "Candy?!" he asks, his tone worried now. He wasn't sure how this nightmare thing worked, what if he'd somehow hurt her by trying to beat it?
July 19, 2019
“H-ha!” The nightmare gets up, and immediately uses her hoof to push him down, “fool! You fell for my tricks!
July 19, 2019
Silver wheezes slightly as he's pushed to the ground, his legs pressing against the ground in an effort to stand. His horn starts to glow again, trying to prepare some sort of weaker protective spell. "Why..."
July 19, 2019
“She tilts her head down, raising an eyebrow. Her shaded eyes are dark, as she smiles* “Because, the current ruler..*She raises her head up, revealing fanged teeth* Isn’t around~
July 16, 2019
(He looks around at the shadow creatures before turning back towards her)"Well umm...I don't think she would want you to sit there...miss.."
July 16, 2019
Sadly! *her head raises, as she shouts this, seming to grow larger* She sadly LEFT us, ahaha!
July 16, 2019
I got some wonderful art of candy as a human! No wings though, the first one is drawn by me, and the second is from th wonderful @ShirotaniArt on twitter!
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As you walk past a door, you hear a faint screaming, and banging. A large bust of a pony with sunglasses is stuck in front of the door.
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Silver tries to peek past the bust, through the door. "Is everything...all right in there?"
July 12, 2019
*bad idea. Candy triumphantly bursts the door down, practically knocking him over. She stands over him, her wings stretched, then looks down, surprised.* O-oh! Whoops! *she giggles, foling her wings as she steps off him*
He yelps a little as he's knocked onto his back, landing on the ground with an oof! "It's all right..." he says with a strained voice, letting her step off him before he stands back up, brushing himself off. "Glad to see you are so enthusiastic about being free," he adds, raising an eyebrow.
July 12, 2019
Neon eyes the pony curiously. "Um hello?" She asked trying to push past. Her eyes giving a faint glow
July 12, 2019
It may be because, of a certain..stallion unicorn next door. But anyway! Why dont I take you somewhere for lunch next door?
July 13, 2019
"Okay?" She was confused but agreed to it anyway. Her head tilting as she went along with her
July 13, 2019
((Hi! You mind if i end the rp here? I’m involved in several atm, and its hard to keep track!
July 13, 2019
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Crystaline Pegasus