Friendship Letters
The ride down the track only took a few minutes, but to Asuka, it felt like hours. After Steeltrap broke his bindings, and started going crazy, Ruby hopped into the back of the EMS SUV, and insisted they get back down the track. At first, the driver was confused, but when he noticed what was going on through the live feed inside the SUV, they took off.
The scene has been playing in Asuka's head, ever since it happened. Nar hops up onto a railing. Steeltrap sprays acid ahead. The railing snaps...
With each second of this race that's gone by, Nar has slowly become more, and more comfortable in his place at the front of the pack. Ever since Ruby and Sapphire had their crash earlier it's seemed like everyone else was keen on being far less reckless in their racing. At first, Nar was pacing himself, saving his energy until the last stretch, where he could pull ahead by a mile, and win the race. However, with his nerves calming, and excitement rising, the habits of his casual skates around th...
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//Content Warning for foul language.
With the blaring of a buzzer, six figures rocket out of the garage of the old Helfire Coal Plant. The moment they clear the door, two of the figures, a pegasus, and a blue dragon, unfurl their wings, and take to the skies. Below, a pack quickly forms between the remaining four. Ryuji is in front, with Nar not far behind. Juno follows fairly close behind, and Steeltrap brings up the rear a fair distance...
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//Much like the first challenge in this Battle of the Bands, I'm going to be posting this one in parts throughout the day/multiple days. Mostly highlighting the more notable parts of the challenge.
7 PM, Vanhoover Time, Helfire Coal Plant, Old Industrial District.
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Hey everyone,
I have a lot of OC's up for sale right now.
Recently we found out I have a rare syndrome [i've been send to doctors left and right, this time also.. but they try to help me]
Except last week i lost approximately 200$ already more than half was on cat emergency [she got stung by a wasp and had an allergic reaction]
the other because of my own situation.
This will be VERY EXTENSIVE, for no good reason. At the same time, pretty rushed because ... eh
Lancer was a child raised in a war raging country, surrounded by destruction and hate from all parties of a war he knew nothing of. Born in the once-bright kingdom of Dominus, he was raised by loving parents, who gave him all the love and attention he needed even though their lives were hanging by the thread each passing day. Few citizens remember why the war even started, it goes back decades befo...
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Third quarter, second half, 0:30 left. The score is 5-5.
It's been a hard fought battle, and with only 30 seconds left in the match, the score is tied. Both teams are digging deep to find reserves of energy, and keep playing hard until the very end. The roaring of the crowd has gotten so loud, and feverish that they can be heard for many blocks away from the arena. No one expected the first challenge in this historic battle of the bands to be ...
//Last post for the day. I'll post the final post some time tomorrow.
Second quarter, first half, 2:05 left. The score is 2-4.
Juno silently curses himself after a failed attempt to block a shot leads to Dragonautica gaining a 2 point lead. Playing two on three, with their center, and defender out has been tough on the two remaining members of Attack on Mango. Juno has tried his best to fill in for Nar, but Ruby hasn't practiced any defense. She's just getting battered all over the rink w...
2nd quarter, 1st half, 4:15 left. The score is 1-2.
Attack on Mango is down by one point. It's been a very hard fought battle so far, but they're still less than halfway through the game. Both teams are staring to show some signs of tiring, but are still playing their hardest.
After a blocked shot from Ruby, Noxian passes the puck forward to a waiting Sapphire, who is headed down the left side of the rink. Her attention appears to be solely focused on the goal. Asuka notices this, and qui...
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//I'll be posting the first match in the battle of the bands over the course of the day tomorrow. Most posts shouldn't be posted as stories, and will likely just be wall posts. Posts will mainly highlight big plays, or important events in the match.
05/27/24, 7 PM, Timberwolf Arena, Vanhoover
The four members of Attack on Mango stand inside a pristine locker room. Each sports gear for playing hockey, and stylized uniforms. The uniforms are black with purple trim, and feature the band's log...
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After the one young filly was attacked his friend looked at the creature it looked like a normal pony exept, its teeth had blood on them and it had Pony coats on it...The Thing bit the young foal on the throat and the foal died right away and then the Thing looked at the other pony and said, "FlEsH!" In a bone chilling voice then it lunged twored the pony but the pony made it out. It was attacking ponies all the time and that young pony will never forget the Disturbing Image of the Thing...
8 PM, Vanhoover Time, Channel 10, Vanhoover Tonight Entertainment Program.
The show begins on an opening shot of two hosts sitting behind a desk in a relatively minimalist studio. Behind them are two large screens. Each displays the logo for one of two different bands. On the left, Attack on Mango. On the right, Dragonautica. In between the two logos, is a giant, stylized "VS" logo. After a second of pause, the host on the left perks up to speak. "Good evening Vanhoover! I'm Maple Drags!" The...
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"Regardless of if you accept or not, we're gonna take back the number one spot either way!"
The words linger in the air of Attack on Mango's living room. Silence falls over the band's four members, and their housemate. While Deena appears mildly curious, Ruby's face goes serious. The other three, however, show little reaction. "So." Ruby begins, her voice a low growl. "They want to challenge us huh?"
To this, Nar offers a shrug. "It was gonna happen eventually." Juno nods in agreement, f...
Within Vanhoover's "Cliff Face" rock club, hundreds of eager club goers stand in near complete darkness. A camera crew stands near the back of the crowd, broadcasting to Vanhoover's local Entertainment TV station/streaming channel. Cliff Face is the premier rock club in the city, and only one band is worthy to grace it's stage.
Darkness is illuminated by a sudden gout of flame. The flame slowly grows to engulf the entirety of the backdrop of the stage. 5 silhouettes stand with the flame behi...
There are three ways/ interpretations that i like to play as Flam, sort of correlating with a general time in his life.
1. being the more canon version, a sort of pathetic cheat, who is very perceptive and persuasive in what he does. Cowardly, and is willing to cheat you out of something for a bit of profit. This usually takes place before twilights coronation, and a little bit after, and in my opinion is the funnest version of him
2. Walt disney/ Robert house. An innovator and idealist, ...
Moondancer died today.
It wasnt much of a suprise. She was only holding on by a thread, being a centurian does that to the regular ponies.
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Zerathur can hear them downstairs. The clattering of kitchen utensils being washed by the automata; The chatter of daughter and mother as Spore and Astria idle by the fireplace; Erian hammering away at some new wacky invention down in the basement. An unchanging reality, a long awaited and well deserved dream come true. Everything he wished for, the return of all he once loved and the life that was robbed from his very grasp.
He reaches upwards with his mind, his consciousness slips through...
A dank, moldy smell permeates the stone halls of a dungeon, long since forgotten. Darkness surrounds from all sides, held off only by the light of torches, moving through the dark passages. The only sounds heard in this dungeon beyond the roar of flaming torches, are footsteps, and armor clanking.
Four brave adventurers delve deeper, and deeper into this dungeon. They seek an ancient text. One which could be used to destroy the evil that plagues this land. At their head walks a female barbar...
Ashes fell from above, painted the ground in a layer charcoal. Electra slowly stood, her head pounding as the sounds of the world were muted under loud ringing. She opened her eyes, looking about at the destruction that had be wrought. Many ponies lay around her. Some hurt, others beyond recognition, and she felt the burning sensation of sickness welling up in her throat.
Swallowing hard, the grey unicorn held her head up and let out scream she couldn't even hear; hell, she could barely feel it...
i doN no hw To rite vRy wel BUt mY leson fr tDay wAS iT sux to not hAv frens :( itS my lesOn fr evRydAy
uR obdeNT sbjeC,
spRotiN BLB
With Makabe and his family settled in, it was finally time for Dusty to get back to being a ranger. Well, after he gives his new friend, Dusk Patrolman Misty Steps, a tour of Appaloosa.
The two men walk through the small town with the sun high in the sky. Mid-afternoon in Appaloosa could get pretty hot, but none of the townsfolk going about their business seemed to mind. Mist on the other hand, looked as though he might drop dead of heat stroke at any moment.
"Told yah. Shouldn't'a put o...
//BGM provided, but optional.
It's been nearly a month since Dusty and the caravan set out on their journey back to Appaloosa. Since then, Dusty has become good friends with the lone family of settlers accompanying the trade caravan, and he's even gotten Mist to open up a little bit. In particular, Dusty has grown pretty fond of the family's young child, Johnny. He's one of the most energetic, and bright eyed 10 year olds Dusty has ever me...
What its like inside the head of a cancer patient.
I've been in remission for a couple years now, but the idea of it, and the fear I went through stick with me to this day.
In February of 2021, I collapsed in my kitchen, for a few years up until this point I had been feeling faint. My vision would black out, occasionally, and I couldn't stand for terribly long without needing to sit down, but I stubbornly refused to go to the hospital, I had too much to do.... until I collapsed, and passed out...
"Guess what? going to Canterlot!" Damsel bragged to her small friend group.
"Canterlot?" Elytron asked, tilting her head. "Like, why are you going there?"
Damsel beamed proudly. " was chosen to participate in Operation Cuckoo!"
Prosoma scratched her head, a behavior she'd learned from disguising as a pony. "What's...'Operation Cuckoo'?"
"It's a fitting name," Mandible butted in. "After all, Damsel's pretty 'cuckoo' herself!" He laughed his loud, obnoxious laugh that everyling in the h...
Dusty can hardly believe that a month has already passed. Guess time starts to blend together when all you see for a whole month of travel is sand. He, and his compatriots arrived at the border of the San Palomino Desert a day prior, and have set up camp to await the caravan from Ponyville. In the distance, he can see the green hills of the road to Ponyville. He's not sure exactly when the caravan will arrive, but they've got supplies for a good month or two so they should be able to wait fairly...
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(Content Warning: Body Horror)
A lone voice screams it's rage into a ceaseless, and uncaring void. A man thrashes against his restraints, but they only tighten in response.
Visions flash into Nar's mind. Visions of a life he could have had. A life of joy, and happiness. A life with his beloved cousin, and best friend. A life he threw away.
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"I swear to Luna, this is the fifth night in a row you've brought your case to me, Bright Spot. You need to learn to talk to your neighbor instead of insisting they're some kind of chimera in disguise. We've already confirmed their identity, you're just being paranoid. My decision is the same as yesterday, further provisional investigations are denied. Now go home." My exasperation was not a difficult emotion for the blue stallion standing in my office to comprehend, and with my closing remarks ...
Cheesy, upbeat Italian music plays at a fairly quiet volume over the speakers inside a mid-sized pizzeria. Generic 'Italian' themed decor lines the walls painted to look like a stone balcony overlooking the sea. Though there are plenty of seats, and it's currently dinnertime, the pizzeria is occupied only by staff, and one group sitting at a corner booth at the back.
Around the circular booth sits the members of Attack on Mango, alongside their plus one, Deena. Arrayed on the table in front o...
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Being a town on the Equestrian Frontier, Appaloosa was home to folks from all walks of life. From hard working farmers, and cowboys, to rich businessmen who lived surprisingly lavish lifestyles in such a small, dusty town. Despite this, almost everyone was as friendly, and welcoming as could be. Though, with the town being so secluded, trouble was bound to pop up every now and then.
This afternoon, Dusty is making his rounds. Checking on the townsfolk, and gathering supplies for a coming trek...
you know, we don't really know all that much about how years work in Friendship is Magic. some episodes suggest Equestria uses the Gregorian calendar, but aside from that, no years are ever referenced specifically. so, here's what i like to think about how Equestria tracks years; specifically, they're tracked based on certain eras, which themselves are determined based on the current ruler of Equestria.
this is the period of time before the first unition of the four ponykinds (Earth, Unicorn,...
There was no time for rest.
Stormfeather had scarcely had any time in the Castle of the Two Sisters since she arrived in Ponyville, and while she wished she could process her journey through the Maze, she simply had to spend some time doing her actual job. Besides, she felt very good from White Ring’s magical healing, and she didn’t feel she really needed rest.
In the daylight, it was no difficult task to find the Castle of the Two Sisters. There was a fairly well-worn trail leading to it;...
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Seafoam has had alot of posts over the years, and it's actually quite difficult for me to track them all down for reading in the present. This blog post will serve as an easily-navigable (and updatable!) index of everything important in this mare's storied life on CA.
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Things have been pretty hectic for the Yakushi family ever since Asuka returned. Many people have had questions, but none of the 4 people involved in her return are willing to give any concrete answers. Asuka won't talk about her experience at all, which her father is adamant everyone respects. Nar will only give small snippets on answers that usually just leave more questions, Ruby is following Asuka's example, and not talking. Then there's their new friend, Deena. When she's asked questions, s...