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by on December 29, 2020
"And that should conclude the class for today, not a lot more to learn about the simple acronyms. The test's tomorrow, as y'all probably know by now, but if you paid enough attention to your High Khalani classes, there's really no reason to spend the night awake studying more. Oh, and don't send me questions at two AM, I'm not going to respond... Looking straight at you, Yenn." One by one, the students made their way out of the small park. A colorful bunch of immigrants, they were, all of the...
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by on December 28, 2020
When an old mare claimed to put a curse on Gray after he refused to give up food for a fortune everyone just thought she was crazy. Sure, magic was real, but she wasn't even a unicorn. How was she going to curse Gray without magic? "Uh. Guys?" Nar's voice cuts through the current conversation between Gray, Asuka, and Carmine. They all stop to listen. Asuka feels the car begin to slow down before it comes to a complete stop. Nar then finishes his statement. "We're out of gas." Everyone is qu...
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by on December 24, 2020
“Run.” Leaf was frozen in place, wings halfway unfurled and heart pounding. In front of her, stood a pony, brown in coat and wearing camouflage jacket and a hat. A bright orange vest let other hunters know it was him. She heard gunshots. He turned his head to face her again, a wing holding his shotgun aimed in front of him. His expression twisted to one of almost horror. “Leaf! I said RUN!” ...
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by on December 22, 2020
"A shooting at 3423 BonBon View, Rosetta Apartments. Several shots were heard and several people yelling at each other. Caller stating a pony was shot. Unknow weapons. Unknown Suspect." The mare dispatcher stated over the radio air before asking for elements. The day has been filled with a few murders, a couple robberies, and major crashes which made all elements unavailable. Cally could feel that breath suddenly crawling up her legs and back into her body as she pulled into a small closed ti...
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by on December 18, 2020
Water dripped onto cold stone, freezing shortly after hitting the ground. Sounds echoed far under the ice, yet no wind or falling water would ever be capable of creating the terrorizing screeches that came from below. Eyes glowed in the surrounding darkness, filled with malicious intent but never approaching. Purple, they were, the color of his nightmares, the color of his deepest fears. He knew what awaited him at the end of this tunnel, it wasn't a way out. But he couldn't keep himself from...
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by on December 18, 2020
There Dragonfly stood staring at the button he had just pressed, launching the emergency broadcast beacons after he recorded what could be his final words to anyone. A moment or two would pass before the ship shook and he realized he needed to act instead of staring off into space. The Titandragon was currently hurtling straight towards the moon and didn't look like it was going to stop. The engines were fried and the gravity drive broken, the ship maneuvering thrusters weren't operational eithe...
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by on December 17, 2020
(Please ignore all the periods it was the only way I could get it to stay properly) Friday, December 13th, xxxx ........................Robbery At Root's Mansion! .....Estimated Over 100,000 Bits Stolen in Collectibles ....................And Other Miscellaneous Items! ...
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by on December 14, 2020
//Part two of the series featuring 2 characters I've been allowed to borrow. Music included. Asuka and Nar had been on the road for only two days, and they already found their food supply starting to run low. If they wanted to make it to Canterlot they'd have to stop regularly to gather supplies. This would be a much simpler task if it weren't for the fact that pretty much every place you could find supplies was either crawling with zombies, already looted, or both. The duo had already passe...
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by on December 13, 2020
"Once, a very long time ago, even before the Pillars of Old had found each other. There were three siren sisters…" As she spoke, she'd weave a little magic into the air, disrupting it and showing images that are animated. Her gem glowed softly as she looked down on her pups, Twilight Melody and Tidal Ambience, who were now a little older and curled in between her large forelegs. "The first sister, golden as the sun's first rays with a blood-red gem. Her eyes a piercing yellow, like that of...
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by on December 11, 2020
In the later and darker hours in Equestria when not much would be going on the sky would be illuminated by several bright lights seemingly falling from the sky like shooting stars except much brighter and with smoke trails. If close enough to them they would make a subtle vibration as they impacted. At first look they looked like metal eggs but they would all simultaneously shoot flares up into the sky that would float overheat for a while marking their location. Right after the flares they w...
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by on December 11, 2020
//Had this idea for a series of stories in mind for a while. Decided it was time to start the darn thing. Also going back to an old habit and adding some music links to this series. Might feature some other people's characters in this series if their owners don't mind. ...
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by on December 11, 2020
A soft smile makes its way across her face as she tenderly holds an ornament. A angelic figure, appearing to be an alicorn, holding a candle in each of their crossed forehooves, and draped in a deep red robe with golden ribbing on the edges as well as the bow. Their wings are golden in color and the mane flows softly and gently over the shoulders, encasing their face, and their tail circles the body in a loose circle. The horn separates the mane starkly, holding up a ring. Memories play thr...
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