Friendship Letters
The Skyscraper that serves as the headquarters for Equestria's most prestigious record company, Royal Records, towers over the city of Canterlot. In size, it's only beat out by Canterlot Castle itself. At the base of what is essentially, the gothic spire Attack on Mango, and their agent prepare themselves. All morning, they've been giving each other pep talks, and re-assuring one another that they can do this. After Nar's speach on the jet yesterday, the band already has their mind made up. They...
Fall, 2018, Vanhoover.
It's a cool, Saturday night in Vanhoover. A group of 8 young adults enter a small skating rink just after the sun has gone down. The group consists of Asuka, Juno, Nar, and his group of friends from the Northern Adventurer's League. Usually, Nar didn't spend much time with the Adventurer's League, and his Band together, but tonight was a special occasion. It was Nar, and his girlfriend Amy's 2 year anniversary, but they still weren't super serious about their relations...
"Dear Everyone who reads this letter
You all are doing wonderful doing your best to keep up with yourselves going through life one hoof at a time not giving up
"The Great Papyrus is here for everypony That needs a shoulder or a hand to help them through tough times Nyeh hehe
Below is a letter, found by castle staff while sorting letters to the castle. It sports a wax seal of the Ridgewell family. The age of the letter is unknown.
"Darkness enshrouds the good people of the Ridgewell Estate. Through deceit, and trickery, a great evil has wormed it's way into my estate. It took the form of a prince, using magic so powerful, neither myself, nor my estate mage could detect it. Unable to see through it's ruse, I allowed the evil to take refuge in the one great castle u...
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The setting sun washes the grounds of the Ridgewell Estate in a beautiful, orange light. Among the grounds, a lone stallion takes an early evening stroll. He's heard much about the estate from his brother, who lives here, and he has not been disappointed. Though from Manehatten, the man decided to surprise his brother with a visit this week. It's been too long since the siblings had been able to spend time together. The man thought his brother would have been overjoyed when he showed up at his d...
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Channel 2, 8 PM, Equestria Tonight Entertainment News block
The show begins with an opening jingle, and the show's logo transitioning off screen as a camera pans in to a fancy studio. In the middle of the studio sits a large, marble desk, with marble pillars on each side. Behind the desk sit two hosts, with a large screen displaying the show's logo behind them. On the left sits a mare with purple hair that glows, and shifts like a nebula. On the right, a stallion with bright, orange hair, and a...
9:30 PM, Vanhoover Central Park, Vanhoover Music Festival
It's been 10 minutes since Dragonautica finished their song, and it looks like the stage crew has just finished setting up for Attack on Mango. Both excitement, and dread fill the air. Excitement because the next song is from the number one band in the city. Dread, because they're the last song of the festival. Once they're done, the festival will end, and everyone will have to go back to their lives. Though, the Vanhoover Department o...
9 PM, Vanhoover Central Park, Vanhoover Music Festival.
It's been a long, but fun day for the city of Vanhoover. With the music festival taking place throughout the day, artists and bands from all over the city have gotten the opportunity to make themselves known to the city at large. From RnB, to Techno, to Rock n Roll, and even Bluegrass. The festival boasted a large variety of genres for all the festivalgoers to enjoy. However, all things must come to an end sooner or later. Even then, with...
Imma just keep it short...I'm tired...I'm exhausted really. I don't see a reason to live on. There's no point anymore. They always say things get better, but shit just gets worse.
I attempted suicide already for the first time in years...and I haven't been able to shake it since....Ever since I felt as if I don't belong here. Like I should be alive. Really, I'm just too tired of this world.
I'm tired of the injustice. I'm tired of the betrayal. I'm tired of the evil. I'm tired of the lack...
After a lengthy stay in the hospital, Nar has finally been discharged, and is happily re-united with his bandmates in their home. They had planned to celebrate at Shifty Sai's, but it was closed due to a pipe bursting. So instead, the band sits in the living room of their home with an extra large pepperoni pizza, cheesy breadsticks, cinnamon squares, and multiple 2 liter sodas on the coffee table in the middle of them. Once everyone has had their fill of the food, Asuka stands, and exits the roo...
Inside a dim, dry, dungeon, far below the quiet little town of Appleoosa, a man hangs against the back wall of a stone cell. There is little light to illuminate the cell. Only the residual light from an oil lamp affixed to the wall outside of the cell. A cloud of ancient dust permeates the air, and the man's lungs. Every breath he takes feels like he's sucking in dust directly off of an old piece of furniture. Worse still is the strain of bei...
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'Ah, shit. How long was I out? My everything is KILLING me. I can only see red in my right eye. Places on my body feel warm, wet, and kinda sticky. Must have taken a bad tumble. Wait. Is that a car? Shit! The race!'
Ever since Nar fell from the railing a few minutes ago, the race seems to have come to a halt. Save for Steeltrap that is. When he realized that Nar would not be coming out of the trees he fell into, something inside him snapped. He roared his rage into the trees for some time befor...
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Hello, everyone!
We are here once again at this time of the year where we celebrate the birthday...