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by on February 2, 2019
Now that the wonderful readers of this book have a general idea of what Maréire is like on the surface, it is time that we delve a bit deeper. The native ponies are open enough about their culture, especially after they've had a few drinks in them at their favorite establishment. Their ancient history is a wonderfully rich tapestry of living Gods, powerful warriors, warring kingdoms, and an ancient and mysterious enemy known as the Firbolg. As I sit here at one of the few inns in Gallowmere and ...
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by on February 1, 2019
Far to the northeast of Equestria and surrounded by the turbulent waters of what is known as the Sea of Saint Checht. It's waters are incredibly rough and violent, and only the most daring and or foolhardy of sailors dare even enter them. At the center of the sea lays a large cloud of mist that hangs perpetually over the water, inside of which lies the island of Maréire. It is a large landmass with an area of roughly 32.5 thousand miles and consists of rocky cliffs, rolling plains, and ancient f...
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by on January 30, 2019
Dear Ambient, It has came to slight concern you're asking others, but I understand about getting the full story. As I myself don't remember enough but please be careful, as they can tend to sway your opinion. Now with that said let's get on with the rest of the story you asked for, I've been pacing back and forth for a long while now trying to remember. Anyway! ...
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by on January 29, 2019
Hey Ambient, It's wonderful to hear from you after all these years... Though why would you say ask such a thing? Also who told you about everything that happened? They got it all wrong. This is really what happened. You're mother and I was rather close friends, she was rather unhappy having a few problems herself, anyway I wanted to help so I went to my lab and we'll with ingredients and such I managed to make this really odd.. Looking potion it was a bright pink with slight Glowing.. Anyw...
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by on January 28, 2019
Hello Ambi! It's been far to long since I heard from you, I just can't wait I might need to fly over there sometime! Anyway, I noticed you asked a rather odd question about your past, Acallia seemed on edge when I heard you were asking for information about yourself! Maybe she was just trying to remember everything. Anyway! Your question was a interesting one on what exactly was happening to your mother in a letter that Acallia written to you in reply. Well, i dont really remember much myself...
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by on January 27, 2019
Dear Ambient, I'm glad you replied to why you're so curious and I should of guessed that this point would come. Well let us see where we're we? After I got asked and agreed due to your mother, I had taken you home shortly after seing your curious and adventurous nature. When we got back, I noticed you didn't know much and at the time we didn't exactly have any teachers free in Zypher Kingdom at the time. So I had to take you under my wing and teach you most of the common stuff, I am very s...
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by on January 26, 2019
Hello Ambient, It's been wonderful to hear from you after so long, but I have to admit and ask why would you ask about your family history. Normally this isn't something you would talk about.. I only remember very little about it but here is the history. Ever since I the Anna incident, when I found your mother in a lot of pain from her.. Malicious and unethical experiments that was going on by her, I rescued her with the help of Adine who caught wind of it one night delivering food. Anywa...
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by on January 25, 2019
Hello yes this may be some sort of rant but it's just me writing my thoughts down. When I find somepony to roleplay with, or anybody in general, not only in this fandom, I always wish we could have a plot that we both share in common and work off correct ground. Or you try to nudge them in the right direction, hinting, but they don't really get it and then they change the story completely, or you have a cool story plot and you try and use it in a roleplay, but it doesn't work out like you envisi...
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by on January 24, 2019
// Fans use Machine Learning to HD Remaster Final Fantasy VII ...
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by on January 24, 2019
Dear Princess Celestia... The other day, I really disappointed somepony, Abby. The pony hosting all of the roleplay groups around here. (you probably know of others though) It was only a few words she used, but I instantly knew it was me who'd affected her. And I felt guilty. After hearing confirmation that it stems from the character I use in a roleplay, I realized that I had done it all wrong. Impressions were already coming to me that my character was not going to feel welcome in her unive...
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by on January 23, 2019
To whom it may concern: I have noticed a serious issue during my time living in Equestria. It's great, with the visits to Fillydelphia and Ponyville and Appleloosa, all those places; but why is there such a big lack of insects? I don't mean the kind wandering around places and getting in areas they shouldn't, I mean the kind that are in honey shops. ...Honey shops? You don't know those either? The ones with the glittering outside and an inside full of honeycomb-like structures built by our fr...
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by on January 22, 2019
The year of being officially 20 years of age was one of the most important moments in my life. That whole span of 365 days were the foundations of how I became what I am today. Things between me and Brother at the time had grown rather poor. We did nothing but argue to one another on topics and discussions. There wasn't one moment during this time period that I could remember not having some full out head collision with my brother. The Kingdom would soon suffer along with us too as it ended up b...
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