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by on April 9, 2024
Ashes fell from above, painted the ground in a layer charcoal. Electra slowly stood, her head pounding as the sounds of the world were muted under loud ringing. She opened her eyes, looking about at the destruction that had be wrought. Many ponies lay around her. Some hurt, others beyond recognition, and she felt the burning sensation of sickness welling up in her throat. Swallowing hard, the grey unicorn held her head up and let out scream she couldn't even hear; hell, she could barely feel it...
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by on April 2, 2024
With Makabe and his family settled in, it was finally time for Dusty to get back to being a ranger. Well, after he gives his new friend, Dusk Patrolman Misty Steps, a tour of Appaloosa. The two men walk through the small town with the sun high in the sky. Mid-afternoon in Appaloosa could get pretty hot, but none of the townsfolk going about their business seemed to mind. Mist on the other hand, looked as though he might drop dead of heat stroke at any moment. "Told yah. Shouldn't'a put o...
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by on March 17, 2024
//BGM provided, but optional. ( It's been nearly a month since Dusty and the caravan set out on their journey back to Appaloosa. Since then, Dusty has become good friends with the lone family of settlers accompanying the trade caravan, and he's even gotten Mist to open up a little bit. In particular, Dusty has grown pretty fond of the family's young child, Johnny. He's one of the most energetic, and bright eyed 10 year olds Dusty has ever me...
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by on March 13, 2024
"Guess what?  going to Canterlot!" Damsel bragged to her small friend group. "Canterlot?" Elytron asked, tilting her head.  "Like, why are you going there?" Damsel beamed proudly.  " was chosen to participate in Operation Cuckoo!" Prosoma scratched her head, a behavior she'd learned from disguising as a pony.  "What's...'Operation Cuckoo'?" "It's a fitting name," Mandible butted in.  "After all, Damsel's pretty 'cuckoo' herself!"  He laughed his loud, obnoxious laugh that everyling in the h...
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by on March 11, 2024
Dusty can hardly believe that a month has already passed. Guess time starts to blend together when all you see for a whole month of travel is sand. He, and his compatriots arrived at the border of the San Palomino Desert a day prior, and have set up camp to await the caravan from Ponyville. In the distance, he can see the green hills of the road to Ponyville. He's not sure exactly when the caravan will arrive, but they've got supplies for a good month or two so they should be able to wait fairly...
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by on March 8, 2024
(Content Warning: Body Horror) A lone voice screams it's rage into a ceaseless, and uncaring void. A man thrashes against his restraints, but they only tighten in response. Visions flash into Nar's mind. Visions of a life he could have had. A life of joy, and happiness. A life with his beloved cousin, and best friend. A life he threw away.
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by on March 8, 2024
"I swear to Luna, this is the fifth night in a row you've brought your case to me, Bright Spot. You need to learn to talk to your neighbor instead of insisting they're some kind of chimera in disguise. We've already confirmed their identity, you're just being paranoid. My decision is the same as yesterday, further provisional investigations are denied. Now go home." My exasperation was not a difficult emotion for the blue stallion standing in my office to comprehend, and with my closing remarks ...
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by on March 6, 2024
Cheesy, upbeat Italian music plays at a fairly quiet volume over the speakers inside a mid-sized pizzeria. Generic 'Italian' themed decor lines the walls painted to look like a stone balcony overlooking the sea. Though there are plenty of seats, and it's currently dinnertime, the pizzeria is occupied only by staff, and one group sitting at a corner booth at the back. Around the circular booth sits the members of Attack on Mango, alongside their plus one, Deena. Arrayed on the table in front o...
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by on March 2, 2024
Being a town on the Equestrian Frontier, Appaloosa was home to folks from all walks of life. From hard working farmers, and cowboys, to rich businessmen who lived surprisingly lavish lifestyles in such a small, dusty town. Despite this, almost everyone was as friendly, and welcoming as could be. Though, with the town being so secluded, trouble was bound to pop up every now and then. This afternoon, Dusty is making his rounds. Checking on the townsfolk, and gathering supplies for a coming trek...
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by on February 22, 2024
Things have been pretty hectic for the Yakushi family ever since Asuka returned. Many people have had questions, but none of the 4 people involved in her return are willing to give any concrete answers. Asuka won't talk about her experience at all, which her father is adamant everyone respects. Nar will only give small snippets on answers that usually just leave more questions, Ruby is following Asuka's example, and not talking. Then there's their new friend, Deena. When she's asked questions, s...
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by on February 21, 2024
"Hello. Butchie here. Hi, how are ya?" ...
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by on January 31, 2024
"Life rarely turns out exactly the way we want it to. For most, navigating the unexpected is simply a part of life. Though it is easier for some, than others. The man who's heart was once full of joy, and cheer, was crushed by the departure of his close cousin. Though he tried his best to live a happy life without her presence, it had become far more difficult. As time went on, his remaining friends were pulled away from him. Some by choice, others by circumstances. All the things that once b...
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