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by on November 15, 2022
Lord Somber: "I have an interesting experiment for you to participate in, my most precious Apprentice. This test is to see if you have been taking in any of my wise teachings. For understanding how to view life correctly? It aids in understanding how to view Arcane. For Arcane is in everything we do. And seeing is one of many things we constantly do." My Master's words seemed to seek in subtly upon my body as he looked before more. Being inside the Throne Room, next to my Master was not an od...
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by on November 12, 2022
6:00 AM, August 7, 2026, Ponyville. Asuka has been up for around 2 hours this morning, and for good reason. Today was the first day of school, and Asuka wanted to make sure everything would be ready for Cyan for his first day of Kindergarten. She's packed his backpack, made his lunch, and checked, and re-checked all of his clothes for any holes, or wrinkles. She can hardly believe it's time for him to start school, even though he'd already been through Pre-K the year prior. The thought causes...
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by on November 10, 2022
A full three months. A full three months had passed and yet I'm still finding struggles within my research. Arcane is a complicated center point. The subject itself is unique and vastly unpredictable. Therefore experiments, tests, and theories can so easily be stated as fact or thrown out the window in a matter of minutes. Why is Arcane the way that it is? Why is it so addicting yet so corrupt? Why does it aide powerful magic, yet create a unstable process of spell? Perhaps there isn't a why. Ma...
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by on November 10, 2022
Lord Somber: "What is it that you see before you, my dearest apprentice?" These were the words spoken to me by my Master. Lord Somber, the Ruler of the Dark Kingdom and Master of all things Arcane. From first glance, you'd suspect yourself to be meeting the Devil. A large Alicorn with a rather darkened blue complexation. Even darker were his bat like wings and horn, which seemed almost a midnight. The same could go for the horn as well, which was the most upsetting feature, being that it rese...
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by on November 9, 2022
??? "Ahhh! Ahh! P-Please! more. No more please. I-I have done nothing of notice....Nothing of value. I'm just a nopony! Ahhh!" ??? "It is rather sad to hear you refer to yourself as a simple nopony. Where as here? In this space? You are providing purpose. You are involved in the steps for future knowledge." My name is Arold Murk. I am a unicorn blessed in knowledge and will. Brought into this world for purpose. Gifted to this land in order to change it. I may not kno...
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by on November 7, 2022
//Wanted to post this a while back. Figured I should go ahead and do it before I stop using Everest for good. When I begin to open my eyes, I shudder violently. All around me is icy cold water. Light shines from the surface above, and with a little effort I manage to begin swimming upwards. I surface just as my lungs are about to give out. With a large gasp, I suck in much needed air, and begin to cough up some of the water I'd swallowed after plunging into the lake. I've barely even gott...
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by on November 3, 2022
The "date" didn't go as planned, as in it never happened. The stallion whom she pined for long before this, brought along a mare of his own to the hangout. That's right, she told him they were going to hang out. Since it was usually the two of them during then, she thought it would be best to reveal to him her true intentions and feelings for him. Maybe she should have told him outright that she wanted to go out with him as more than friends. No. She definitely should have. It would be bette...
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by on November 1, 2022
Ephemeria Spring's List of Botanical Oddities! ⠀ ⠀ Ephemeria’s first arcane plant. A plant comprised of orange tones taking on a red gradient upwards, with a tall stem containing five to seven curled leaves. The leaves all have a series of smaller flexible leaves extending from them, and when in full bloom give off the appearance of a line of chimes as they lose all rigidity. It is said that when the area has an abnormally high amount of magic combined with strong winds, one can hear a magic...
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by on October 28, 2022
If you may recall, I did a friendship letter earlier in my CA career titled The Terms of the USF. Now I bring to you, the Terms of my entire series, your one stop shop to figuring out what the heckie is going on in my series. If you're ever confused... well, here ya go. Let's get started. The Eternal Ink- An ancient relic given to Stickman to have him turn into a Stickian from his broken macaw form. This star-shaped relic never runs out of ink. It can be destroyed. Not much is known about thi...
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by on October 27, 2022
Tick tock goes the clock... The clock was ticking constantly... always ticking until it wasn't. There was a plan in place, but just like any other plan it needed a contingency plan and what was that plan? Preparing The Queen for full reign over the Kingdom not only that but Equestria itself!! No pressure right? *Nervous laughter* It was no easy task that's for sure... the thought of doing it without her husband kinda threw The Queen off... he had more experience than she did. Sure she did manage...
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by on October 26, 2022
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* Jethro, Grand Wizard: "All levels seem to be as they should be. Good physical muscle structure. Good levels of sugars and water. Standard heart rate. All other tests seem to show normal results for an Alicorn of your age." King Artemis: "Well that's good to hear. Was worried that worse could be going wrong with my body. At least it is able to function as it should. Even with the increase of sour news hitting us all lately." ...
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by on October 25, 2022
Using the last of her strength, Ephemeria fished out her keys and unlocked the entrance to her store, tugging the door open and pocketing back the key into her saddlebag. She walked into the shop and dropped the tall stack of packages trailing along with her, releasing a hefty sigh. It turned out even plants could begin to weigh one down if in significant quantities. Her near-panting breath supported that fact. But... rest will come soon enough. Her rhythm had been set for the finishing touche...
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