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by on October 24, 2022
Here's another info letter coming atcha. This one's on the outfits Stickman has. And he has quite a few! His normal outfit The outfit everyone knows. This outfit has Stickman wearing Green sunglasses that are actually the Vision Shades, a blue, red, and white hoodie, a wristwatch, the USF Logo, golden shoes, and a gold chain. ...
221 views 0 likes
by on October 21, 2022
(Welcome to For My Brothers, an episode themed after Veilbreaker, an update where a badass grineer clone gets a starring role. In this episode, it's gonna be a bit special. We're gonna have 2 different paths that combine into one for one epic finale. I will specify which chapter has which path. The overall plot? Kahl-175 has broken free from his veil from Sentient Reign. He sets out to find his grineer brothers and eventually meets up with Stickman and his friends in their Warframes. They team u...
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by on October 15, 2022
Ever since they moved to the proximity of the Whispering Woods, Frost Tear's parents warned her of the dangers of the forest. Never explicitly so, keep in mind, for legends and myths are perhaps one of the best ways to elicit a child's imagination. Tales of trees that walk on their own, that snatch up lost children, and poof, they are gone. On her eighth autumn, she found that trees were the least of her worries. Instead, it was they who shielded her from Fletcher's eyes. Her father took her...
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by on October 14, 2022
(Anthro perspective. Horror themes (light body horror, light lovecraftian), violence. Blueberry Hill was once a vibrant farming community known for, unsurprisingly, its blueberry farms until, one year, the blueberries suffered from a terrible blight, withering the crops and leaving the farmers destitute, driving many to leave the small town in search of employment elsewhere. It seemed like that the town, like the blueberry bushes, was about to wither away to nothing until, like a miracle,...
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by on October 10, 2022
I was conscious through it all. I watched the fluorescent lights like mile markers ruin my eyes in a continuous cycle over and over and over and over again… I could hear Gray’s wailing. I was listening to Carmine relay my medical history to some lost looking intern. I also saw Doctor Sawbones and her odd mask… staring down at me from above with a calming smile on her blackened lips. “I will fix you,” she said. “I can fix what is broken. Rest now.” You know how there’s so many tales of grote...
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by on September 29, 2022
*The royal archivist returns once again to the cities library and royal archive for another entry to add to the royal records he sat down and uses his horn to begin writing in a new blank tome* "Since my last entry, much change has come to not just the city but to all of the Frozen North region as well by order of our liege the monarchy that has been the ruling government of New Coltenheim and by extension The Frozen North has been reorganized into The Great Houses of the North. This came abo...
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by on September 21, 2022
Something went bump in the night in the house of Dr. Reid. A place where only fear resided and stood watch at the cradle of Everfree. Only the fearless or the guided usually enter this part of the forest. In this case, a fearless assassin came to snuff the flame that the Doctor had set. The fear that blanketed the deep and beyond. A dangerous pursuit but mayhaps it would be the only way. It was known that Reid is a heavy sleeper and slept he did. The assassin is named Gloom. A vicious person wh...
221 views 1 like
by on September 21, 2022
//Quick lore dump before I head back in to work for the night. Hello adventurer! If you are reading this document, that means you are one of a brave few! Of countless adventures across our plane, you have chosen to assist our noble organization in the exploration of the plane known as the Astral Highway System, or, Subspace in less formal terms. For this, we are ever grateful. With your help, we can learn much more about this mysterious, seemingly nonsensical realm, and possibly find some use...
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by on September 19, 2022
Bellowing roars and guttural screeching from below marked the entrance of this cave as the only way into their Hive. And yet, despite the stench of blood and bone, the corruption that spreads through air and land, there was no one at the door. Not a single insectoid guarded the area, only the carpet of flesh that pulsated with a heart and mind of its own. As he trudged through the snow and stepped into this revolving putrid mass, its tendrils latched onto his hooves but were not able to stop his...
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by on September 18, 2022
The two sat side by side, watching the rain fall just outside the window. It was peaceful then, something about the silence within this old wooden house kept her at ease, or it was simply his presence. A lot has changed since they first met, but this calm and nearly depressed aura that came from the Velgran has remained the same. That and his hatred towards her. She knew that he hated her with every fiber of his being, and she loved him for it, for she too felt the same about herself. As her ...
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by on September 3, 2022
[/u] There was an unfamiliar tense air filling the interior of the Spring household, in the otherwise pleasant and sunny dawn of a weekend day. A gnarly-looking bandage on the upper half to shoulder of Ephemeria's left leg appeared to be the main contributor to the awful mood. Odd enough, her current frustration and gloom laid particularly on the immobilising part of the injury. Any more than a minute and the pain left her panting and burning up. The admittedly funky and cool metallic crutch p...
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by on August 26, 2022
After a long shift fraught with stress, tension, and a hostile drunk, Asuka and Frank are glad they're on their last call for the shift. With the clock at around 2 AM, neither of the two can wait to head home, and sleep for the rest of the night. Asuka sits in the back of the ambulance talking with a young stallion who was bruised, and had scratches all over his body. According to him, he hadn't gotten his significant other the right gift for her birthday, and she proceeded to beat him with it. ...
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