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by on February 18, 2021
// Part 3. This time with edge, and anxiety. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri, Silver Bullet, and Carmine Gumshoe with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, Gray, Silver, and Carmine. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human sprites because 1. I love Paul Robertson's work, and 2. I can't do anthro to save my life. [STORY START] ...
313 views 0 likes
by on August 29, 2020
"Dude! We nailed that show!" Nar's enthusiasm radiated to the rest of the band huddled around a table in the dining room of the mini-mansion. This time the enthusiasm was well earned instead of just being hopeless encouragement like it normally was. Juno lifts a bottle, and nods in agreement. Asuka also nods, though she is not holding a bottle. Of the four bandmates crowded around the flimsy plastic table only one was unsure of their success. Roy stands with his unblinking eyes staring at a spec...
375 views 3 likes
by on August 27, 2020
//Taking a break from the kiddie lore posts to do a more recent one I've had in mind for a while. 1 year ago, Vanhoover, 3 weeks into winter. A thick blanket of snow has coated Vanhoover. The road crews have been working tirelessly to keep the roads from icing over, and many citizens have been shoveling the sidewalks almost hourly to keep them visible. Which is lucky for the group of four running nearly full speed down Pine Street. Three of which appear to be wearing guitar cases. ...
335 views 4 likes
by on December 3, 2019
Greetings, everyone! As all of you may know, today is our website's second year anniversary, hurray! We are so excited to be able to be in service for you guys for two years! It's unbelievable and crazy that the time has gone by so quickly too! Here at Canterlot Avenue, we do our best to ensure that the site is as enjoyable as possible so that you, the users, can return, provide support, and even recommend us to your friends so we can continue to grow our community and build more friendshi...
857 views 27 likes