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Female. Lives in Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on March 6, 1993
Ragdoll Cat
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Just a typical healer herbalist-definitely not a witch.
Roleplay Universe
Equestria Extended
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
The Coven of Equus
5 Members
My Little Minecraft
42 Members

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Commander Nightfall
It was a nice, partially-cloudy day with a soft, warm breeze as the sun started to make its way towards the horizon in the early evening. It was around the time where there weren't many customers, sav... View More
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It was never going to come. Despite Drago's purpose, and even his methodology...Sophie's paranoia had been high lately-with the result being that the poor cat had made sure to cast her fortune on a daily basis. Today...had heralded an ill omen, and she'd been worrying about it all day. The timing w... View More
Like June 4, 2019
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He doesn't understand. What she means is that not everyone that is killed, or even injured, deserves to come back from that. And as much as she says she isn't a judge-she is. She doesn't just heal everyone that is hurt-only those that didn't deserve it. Somehow...she feels like none of this guy's co... View More
Like June 7, 2019
Commander Nightfall
With that, he would stand up. After giving her a bow, he started to leave. As he stood in the doorway, he would stop and turned his head to her, "I will be back in two days. Until then, take care." With a small nod to her, he left, the door closing softly behind him.
Like June 7, 2019
She just stares after him, before uttering what is definitely very, uncouth ladylike terms towards the now-gone Drago. She's not going to help him even if it kills her...
Like June 8, 2019