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Other. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on June 10, 1994
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Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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“I can’t believe they got rid of me just like that…” Bill lamented, “… I was with them over 10 years, and even did my internship there. And this is how it all ends?” He ugly sobbed. His vanilla milk... View More
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Amy Callihan
Amy would have a milkshake. It seems familiar somehow Amy then cleared her throat. She wiped her face to clear any laughs. Amy placed a hand on his should. "Hey, there, pal. So... You're out of a job, huh? Well, looks like you have vented in the wrong place but right time pal." Amy grinned at hi... View More
Like January 17, 2024 Edited
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Amy Callihan
She would be watching his emotions go from one to another. Just an oddball, they're all the same out here. She drank part of the milkshake. Also, Amy would never do that. Clearly she bought it. "A paper pusher? Hm." She would put her hands together before raising a brow. She tapped the bar table... View More
Like January 17, 2024
"...a butler?" Bill blinked once or twice. Fair, the tasks that Amy described weren't that far removed from his old job... but still, something about becoming a domestic worker as opposed to spending his days rotting in an office seemed to upset him. "It's better than nothing..." he half-heartedly m... View More
Like January 18, 2024
Amy Callihan
"Listen." She would gently caress her right shoulder, as she was in his right. She plainly said. "True. However, your job isn't tea making. It's more like you're my better half." She would slide her hand away to grasp her fists together. "I need someone who will be there for me. I want you to like m... View More
Like January 18, 2024
Sprout looked over at Bill. " gonna drink that?" she asked, pointing to his milkshake before putting another piece of pancake into her mouth.
Like January 17, 2024
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"That's Sprout's little secret!" She beamed, dipping her next bite of pancake in her egg yolk. "So are you gonna drink that shake or not?"
Like January 17, 2024
"Just take it." Bill rolled his eyes and returned to sulking. "You wouldn't understand it. I based my entire personality on that old job. What am I going to do now? Who am I???"
Like January 18, 2024
Sprout took a sip. "You based your personality on your job? That's sad, mister. I wouldn't base my personality on MY job, that just sounds like an awful way to live."
Like January 18, 2024
"Tell me about that" the pegasus wiggled his crooked wing. "They drop you like a hot potato and wash their hooves at the drop of a hat" the stallion snarked.
Like January 17, 2024
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"Work accident. A fall, actually. And you might be wondering how can a pegasus fall. Well, in some chemical plants flying is forbidden due security reasons. I worked in a brewery and the air was usually full of alcohol and other flamable gases. So flying was dangerous. When we fly, our feathers char... View More
Like January 17, 2024 Edited
After listening to that entire saga, Bill couldn't do much more other than to stare at him in bewilderment. The eventual blink and/or grimace was an added detail to indicate that he was in fact listening. And still, at the end of Petricor's tragic (and somewhat gruesome) tale, the other only had thi... View More
Like January 18, 2024
Petricor had a laugh at the lack of words of Weevil. A guy of few words, it seemed. "Indeed. My point is, companies suck. It's better to run your own bussiness"
Like January 18, 2024
"That's crazy," she said, "I just got a new job at a big office company! Maybe you should try applying there? I heard they just got rid of a lot of workers..."
Like January 17, 2024
"Sleep with one eye open."
Like January 17, 2024
"Why? What did I do?"
Like January 17, 2024