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Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on March 20, 1999
Earth Pony
Roleplay Availability
About Me
hey, i’m pretty friendly, so don’t be afraid to ping me for a roleplay or a chat. i don’t bite! if you’re too shy to send a DM, just boop me and i’ll treat it as the “go ahead” to fire the first shot!
this baby’s very new, so there will be some changes made as i understand more what i want to do with her. in the meanwhile, help me out with a roleplay!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed up the hill using some very large boots on his legs. He smiled to the pony as he stood over them. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bounced on some bubbles that he was blowing into the air. He landed in front of the pony and then smiled. He then passed them a large gift* Happy Birthday to you!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus spun like a top toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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The end of the performance in Trinity’s skating rink came with scattered cheers and applause. The singer broke her pose’s loop to hop back up to the microphone and show her gratitude. “Thank you for ... View More
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i want to hear the thing that makes you shrivel up and die inside with cringe for me, i don’t know why, but whenever i watch, like PMVs and the video includes a pony bobbing its head to the beat, i g... View More
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Mlp sfm in general always had that cringe factor to me. It just always felt off, aside from a few select creators
Like February 12, 2023
i feel that, it’s really hard to make 3D ponies look acceptable
Like February 12, 2023
Amy Callihan
Political rap. Not politically charged rap. Political rap. Policy =/ a good song topic nor is it good as a teaching tool. Let's stop making it seem like kids wanna learn through intense cringe.
Like February 12, 2023
god that does hurt. kids don’t wanna learn about Bush’s WMD fib. they DEFINITELY don’t wanna learn about Bush’s WMD fib with DJ RepubloCrat & Spittin’ Abe Lincoln
Like February 12, 2023
Trip Wire
Those Tiktok videos of people lip syncing songs??? Kryptonite.
Like February 12, 2023
i know just what to start sending you now! thanks!
Like February 12, 2023
where the fuck is everyone coming from what’s behind the surge this time
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Hi :) PR team is back baby
Like February 10, 2023
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Like February 10, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Were... you that shocked that you said wtf twice?
Like February 10, 2023
you know how in JoJo whenever they attack they go like “oraoraoraora” or “mudamudamudamuda” yeah, that’s my stand cry, just rapidly screaming “what the fuck” over and over
Like February 10, 2023
Welcome to the herd
Like February 11, 2023
“I assure you, I am not looking respectfully in the slightest.” Her eyes were fixated on your snack. “I am, in fact, violently drooling.” #rp
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Silverspark;shares her milk and cookies with Trinity
Like February 8, 2023
Lactose intolerance made this a bittersweet victory, but a victory nonetheless.
Like February 8, 2023
Rough Winds
He approches it to her, then takes it back and takes a good bite off it.
Like February 8, 2023
Trinity blinks until her eyes become red and wet. Her tear ducts are revved up and ready to bawl.
Like February 8, 2023
Polo Fastter
Like February 8, 2023
Like February 8, 2023
Maxh Vezpyre
Like February 8, 2023
“Chili dogs.” #rp
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"See? She's doing it again."
Like February 6, 2023
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"A-and you! Go back to the 80s!!! You-- uh! Space freak!"
Like February 6, 2023
“Chocolate swirl hair!”
Like February 6, 2023
"Rainbow Sherbet!"
Like February 6, 2023
Polo Fastter
Like February 6, 2023
trini dogs
Like February 6, 2023
Trinis special talent is that she can eat a hotdog without swallowing
Like February 6, 2023
in danger scenarios, she can also spit it back out at lightning speed
Like February 6, 2023
So trinity is a pokemon
Like February 6, 2023
Trinity disembowels you for posting a meme in #general. This is chronologically the end for your character. Every post past this point is either a prequel or a flashback. #rp
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Flam posts a general in #memes
Like February 4, 2023
i don’t know what the punishment for this is, but it’s probably just as bad
Like February 5, 2023
Golden Note
Man, I'm dead :skull:
Like February 4, 2023
yeah, you get that on the big jobs
Like February 5, 2023
The Lost King
Sombra tears the fabric of time and space by disemboweling Trinity sometime prior.
Like February 5, 2023
Like February 5, 2023
The Lost King
Paradoxes are so overdone, though!
Like February 5, 2023
Princess Silky ❤
*gigglefits at the curious words that come out of this interesting pony* Oh gosh, but please... whatever you do, don't mention MARS! For some reason, there's a silly little pony named ... View More
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but….. but they aren’t right?
Like February 4, 2023
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Prince Vibrant Grove
*gasps in shock* Flim Flammery?! Silky, why? You break my heart with such words!... View More
Like February 4, 2023
y’all it’s so early what am i reading HOW DO YOU GET THEM OFF MARS??? the price of fuel is insane, do y’all just throw them hello :relieved:
Like February 4, 2023
Prince Vibrant Grove
There are Secret methods not to be specified anywhere, for my competitors never rest! *says as he hides his year summary showing milion dollar loss with "stop this stupid business idea, Vibrant" written on it*
Like February 5, 2023
Princess Silky ❤
*gigglefits at such shenanigans*
Like February 4, 2023
Wait you grow chocolate bars on Mars?
Like February 4, 2023
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Princess Silky ❤
It’s because they’re trying to cover up the top secret information so the name was changed by “autocorrect.” D: They’re unto us!!! (Btw I’m just being silly <3 )
Like February 5, 2023
Silverspark:"Yet I am a pony who has a memory loss Maybe the pony that took my memory was hiding a big secret that I am not ready for or I could blab it to ponies that are not suppose to here
Like February 5, 2023
Princess Silky ❤
That’s oki! I respect you either way ^~^
Like February 5, 2023
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