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Butchie Callihan

A cut... *Flexes muscles* above the rest.

Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on October 25, 1998
Equestrian - Earth
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus floated on the top of a flying guitar. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Butchie Callihan
Butchie would be at the gym as she would immediately be kicked out for punching the bag in half. That and throwing someone across the room in sheer frustration. "Awww. Damn. That was the third gym. ... View More
Butchie Callihan
A stallion would be running at night as he would have taken your bag/purse. He was quick and -- ... He would have run into Butchie. He was looming away from her. "What the- EEEEHHHHAAAAH!" He would h... View More
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You know what they always say: "Never meet your heroes"! Doubly so if nothing in one's purse is worth all that much. Thus, Vanil turned away, and hightailed it to the closest police station. Pictured here, a normal response to witnessing a more traumatic event than the one experienced just before:... View More
Like September 14, 2024 Edited
Butchie Callihan
"Oooh, I like it when they run." Butchie would take the bag and would slowly rotate it. She would do this while running until the bag was spinning furiously. Butchie would let go to where the bag would be launched. The bag going under vanil's legs as a means to either entangle her or trip her up. E... View More
Like September 14, 2024
"All that for monopoly bills" the pegasus sighs. He seems rather unfazed by the senseless portrayal of violence.
Like September 14, 2024
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"All that gore. I can smell it. And the bag was splashed. Has jelly bits here and there" he says as he gently pushes the bag away from his chest. More than scared he was grossed by the splattering. Gladly brains come off easier than swamp muddy water. "Let's say I didn't see anything" he adds as he... View More
Like September 14, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie would grab his arm. She was fast and her intense aura was palpable. Her features were hidden by the dark beside her eyes and her wicked grin. "Ah. See..." Her grip was intense as if she could easily hurl him around like a sack of potatoes. She would use her free hand to pull her sidearm on... View More
Like September 14, 2024 Edited
The pegasus was both surprised and glad that Amy had showed up, though he tensed when he saw her wearing her doll maker costume. He let out a sigh of relief and collected himself, then he tried to explain himself. "Good evening Amy! I didn't expect to meet you here. As for what am I doing around he... View More
Like September 15, 2024
The blind Dino pony would just move her head into the direction of the sound but couldn’t quite figure out what was going on. She would protectively sway her spiked tail around. “Who’s there? What’s happening?” She asked. How rude.. to steal from a blind creature!
Like September 14, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie would have sighed and put the money back in the bag. Luckily, she's cute. And helpless apparently. Confused, but she seemed extra confused as if something wasn't quite clicking. Partial or maybe even full blindness. Unlikely a mental disorder. She's panicking but it didn't seem childish or ... View More
Like September 14, 2024
Sushimi would shriek for a brief moment when she could feel the structure of her hands at her tail that showed her story. “Ah.. I’m sorry.. I just heard loud.. talking like yelling.” She stated as she would keep her spiked tail still now. “A detective?” Her head would tilt. ... View More
Like September 14, 2024
Butchie Callihan
"...." Her would would turn pink as she cleared her thoat. Oh man. She's a cutie. I wanna take her home so bad! She would grip a fist before sighing and saying, "Alright, kid. Come here." Butchie would have taken the time to help put her bag back on. She would hum and nodded. "That comfortable?" Sh... View More
Like September 14, 2024
Mirrorverse Fluttershy
Meh this just a Tuesday ta me, thanks by the way. *she'd take her bag back*
Like September 15, 2024 Edited
Butchie Callihan
A knock at the door late at night. The moon would beat down upon the world and then suddenly go dark. #rp Another violent knock at the door. Answer it or test the patience of the Butcher of Harlow St... View More
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Phoenix Wind
The door would be answered after a few moments by a very tired looking red pegasus "What do ya want?" He asked with a yawn "I'm tryna get some sleep" He said as he impatiently rolled his shoulders.
Like May 29, 2024 Edited
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Butchie Callihan
"Shut it, nuckledragger." She would stand next to the door as something seemed to quickly make it to their door. "I got it." Tip, Tip, Tap... A piece of metal would drag across the door. " Pizza Delivery, Dude! Come on, I don't have all night man take your pizza!" He would tap on the door and bre... View More
Like May 30, 2024 Edited
Phoenix Wind
"Pizza guy?" He scoffed as the officer seemed to take the pony down "Uh huh. Glad you got him I guess" He said with a tired expression "Toss that guy in the deepest pit you've got for as long as you can. That way he can't wake me up again" He said as he rubbed his eyes.
Like May 31, 2024
Butchie Callihan
"Done and Done. Easy catch, eh." She would laugh and a stale grin. This before simply waltzing off.
Like June 4, 2024 Edited
Silver Bullet
Silver was enjoying her night of privacy until there was a knock on her door. She expected no guests, was far past due time for any deliveries and she did not order any Hoover Eats. So she ignored it, blissfully re-entering her own world again. Until yet another, more forceful knock at her door str... View More
Like May 30, 2024
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Silver Bullet
While Butchie was speaking, Silver was busy staring off and having a revelation. Not to say she wasn’t already a bit of a freak athlete even in the realms of the pegasi world, but was she being doped without even knowing? Some things were not really adding up and that started to be the only directio... View More
Like June 4, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie would raise an eyebrow. "Uhm. No. No offense but like I trust your aims as far as...- Well, I guess I could throw you far but the point is I don't trust your skill." Butch shook her head. "Besides, you could shoot through the wall with this thing. You'd end up lightning the block up." Butchi... View More
Like June 6, 2024 Edited
Silver Bullet
Silver had apparent disappointment as she was told no, she can't have the firearm. Honestly this was the lowest point Silver was ever at not really). With a huff and being tugged along nice and close, she'd sigh. "Yeah yeah, just don't feed me to him." She would say once they were outside of her roo... View More
Like June 6, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Hello, GOODBYE!”
Like May 31, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie didn't even pay attention. She was busy picking for gold.
Like June 4, 2024
Minty Frost
“What the fuck? Who in celestia’s ass is banging on my door at this hour, I hope it’s worth it, cause these cases have been really dry lately” Minty opened the door, her little space in her office, which she also used as sleeping quarters. Was clean, however there was stacked papers and newspapers a... View More
Like September 1, 2024
Butchie Callihan
You would partake in daily duties as the shadows creeped slowly. The walls works shift and life felt... Down. We all feel down, no? However, this down was sudden and it felt like your world was coming... View More
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The pegasus yawned. "Yo Amy! Sup?" he'd greet just as if he saw her on the street on a common day. He looked around. Not a fan of BDSM nor torture dungeons, but he wasn't scared. "This place could use some scented candles. It reeks like cheesse" he snorted.
Like March 29, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie would grimace and cross her arms. "You pay attention to her and not me! " Amy seemed to be absorbed in her work as she didn't even acknowledge what he said to her. "See? Busy bee. Welcome to the three sisters workshop." There did seem to be a third person. She couldn't be seen very well in ... View More
Like March 30, 2024
"And just who might you be?" he asked. He didn't recall this mare.
Like March 31, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie would have two homemade metal riot shields on each hands. These giant behemoths will make offense fun! She would make a war cry before rushing the front entrance to a gang hideout. After some ... View More
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Sprout looked over, unable to ignore the snoring as she walked the streets of Manehattan. At the sight of blood, she reached into her saddlebag and rummaged around. "Where is it, where is it...aha!" She pulled out a small first-aid kit and pressed some gauze against the wound. "Please don't sto... View More
Like March 27, 2024
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Spins' heart stopped. "I...a changeling?! Where'd you come up with such a preposterous assumption, Detective Callihan?! I'm a tourist from Ponyville, heading to my hotel room after eating anchovy pizza from my favorite pizzeria. I have the receipt if you don't believe me." She reached into her ... View More
Like March 28, 2024
Butchie Callihan
She would squint and shrug. "Oh? What am I not allowed to touch?" She would purse her lips and say, "Awww. Poor Sprout. I know you quite simply because of my sister. I mean... You think she commits atrocities all by herself, naive little girl?" She would grab under her chin and wrap her fingers aro... View More
Like March 28, 2024
"...of course a serial killer's sister would be a cop." Spins rolled her eyes. "Alright, then...what do I need to do to convince you not to turn me in? Community service? Rat out the other changelings hidin in the city? Go on a date with you?"
Like March 28, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie would be wrestling with some dude in an alleyway as it would spill onto the streets. Straight up brawl as they got separated and Butch showed her badge. #rp She was off duty today so it felt ... View More
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Shifter Burnside
“Good job.”
Like March 17, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Butchie would sit down before you as you were handcuffed to a chair. Butchie would smile incencerely as she said. #rp "We're gonna have so much fun, you and me." She placed a hand on your leg and lea... View More
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Rough Winds
He stared in silence for a few seconds then contemplated the idea of squeezing through the key hole or using his head as a projectile to break the window and fall a few feet to make his escape. “Well to be fair I’ve watched a lot of movies, maybe you can tell me your favorite genere and we can sta... View More
Like March 15, 2024
Butchie Callihan
Unfortunate for Storm, there was no windows. On closer inspection, the floor was concrete and it was a bit room with dark corners. No lights. Nearly full darkness. It seemed it was a warehouse or storage unit. Away from prying eyes. Away from judgemental ears. "I like horror movies the most but rom... View More
Like March 15, 2024
" I never even seen a Film, Also who are chu ?, Where's am I ?" The strange creature asked, looking all around wondering if this was another one of Amy's Strange kidnapping's again.
Like March 15, 2024
Princess Starwatcher
Why am I being handcuffed this seems odd for a movie date but I’ll take it as long as get to spend time with another mare anyways the movie I wanna see is scream 2
Like March 15, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Well, this is what I get for leaving that 1 chained lock unlocked. What movies do you plan to show?
Like March 16, 2024
The ground beneath the New-comer would start to shake, before put of it rose a... Plushie of a Strange new creature, one that resembled a rabbit with a strange swirl in their ear's. Meanwhile The Gho... View More
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Butchie Callihan
Butchie looked around for a moment before grabbing the plush by its ears. She stared at it for a prolonged amount of time to simply drop it, shrug, and then, start to walk away.
Like March 10, 2024
"A!?" Ghost watched before shouting at the figure "OI!, You are supposed to keep the good luck charm!, It's even scented!"
Like March 10, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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Butchie Callihan
"A simple hello is sufficient, baby face. As for enjoyment.... Well, I'm sure I will, mister." She said with a slight grin.
Like March 9, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Its a pleasure, oh, I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are? *Completely ignoring the baby face comment.* Also, you're very tall.
Like March 10, 2024
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