by on February 18, 2023
Dear princess Celestia, Today I learned you should check if you're welcome before joining in a roleplay, otherwise you're likely to make someone uncomfortable. Including, but not limited to, yourself.
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by on February 15, 2023
Fremserp es majik
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by on February 14, 2023
//Actual final post for the site. I wasn't happy with the ending I gave Asuka and her family before, so I wanted to give it another shot. If I don't end up being dissatisfied with this one I'll probably go back to to being dead after this. "Hey. Sock. Is my mane still good?" Mateo questions his wife on the state of his hair for about the fifth time since he'd styled it an hour ago. Asuka rolls her eyes, but her coy grin betrays her feigned annoyance. "Yes Matty. It looks great." Mateo pops a...
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by on February 12, 2023
Hello, This is Thomas Reid of the childrens ward. I will be discussing an oddity. The Glutton. The Gluttonous Eater is a unique mutant that isn't made by anything alive. In fact, the creature in question is made up of the corpses of livestock. Pig, cow, and sometimes chickens. The idea was coined by me in an attempt to lessen the loss of children. The point of using them is attempt to use cadavers or animal bodies to out advantage. Mayhaps the mystetious substance that is Choke can bring lif...
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by on February 9, 2023
NEFARIOUS! would be walking the streets as a small child would grab his hand. "Help mister! There is a bad man and he has my brother! Please!" NEFARIOUS! would sigh and walk towards the alleyway. It was a trap. He knew that much but what was it? Gang activity? Murderers who rope children in. No... He would keep an eye on the left side of the alleyway. Neffy hears breathing instead. Once he got close, he could see deformed fingers as he stopped mid-walk and just after a big row of teeth would ...
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by on February 5, 2023
This is Thomas Reid of the childrens wing. Today, I will discuss another failure made by simple morbid curiosity. I also want to put on record that despite the children being considered failures, I will always interact with them. Even the most dangerous of the sorts. Just because they are made this way doesn't mean they are worthless or unlovable. The Conjoined is the first mutant to make me realize this. This gentle type of mutant is often loving, kind and, touchy feely. It enjoys hugs an...
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by on February 4, 2023
Greetings and hello! This is Thomas Reid of the childrens wing. I specialize in child psychology and humane human transformation. This was what my goal is. Now my goal is to not only save what children I can buy uncover corruption unlike anything. I will be going over every 224 cases involving child experimentation here at Sunnyside Childrens "Hospital and Orphanage". Our first case is going to be about myself. Unlike my cohorts, I use only willing people and myself. However, I have don...
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by on January 23, 2023
Talon had now become part of the group, he was a welcome addition especially since Knight and Devine still had trouble talking to each other like they used to, they really needed to talk things out but it just never seemed to be the right time. As they traveled Knight would train Talon in weapons and combat as well as teach him science and a few other things that he thinks he could master. "So, not to pry, but we have been traveling together a few weeks now, are you two like dating or somethi...
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by on January 22, 2023
Hello, everyone! I'm sure you're all curious if I had scrapped content from all 4 series that I've done. Well... *Pulls out big idea journal* I sure do! I'm not gonna go into every detail, but know that there have been 3 journals worth of scrapped ideas for the 4 main series, yes, including the reboot. I'm gonna go into the more interesting ones to save my fingers some room. Here we go! By the way, to save my fingers even more, I'll title each of the 4 series as such in chronological order: Orig...
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by on January 17, 2023
(Welcome back to the island of tortured memories. Ready to see the mascot-only room once more? This is a sequel to a horror story I did way back when involving Destroy Man from No More Heroes, and the Abandoned by Disney creepypasta main location, Treasure Island, or, as it's called in this story, Mogwlii's Palace. This time around, the heroes return back to the horror place where it all began. The abandoned Mowglii's palace. There has been some unusual activity on the island lately, and Stickma...
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by on January 15, 2023
First up is of course my main girl Svarlet Batfire! She is a precious baticorn. She is in many different AU's with many different ships, one of which she has 3 children! In her main AU she is just a simple baticorn who travels with her friends! She hangs out with Spoof the most. He is her most loyal companion. Svarlet Batfire and Spoof by Alanah Perrone Svarlet by Wolf_lover1227 ...
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by on January 11, 2023
After the scuffle with Reid. Shila and NEFARIOUS! would be at the incubator. Admittedly, the lack of security was rather... Off putting. The grandiose nature of the Devil's Incubator was so incredible... What was the catch. Neffy would have stepped up the placible staircase with worry. He would then look over to see it completely darkened. He stared for a long while as the door to it was left unsealed. He sighed and said. "Alright... I'll bite..." He would move to the door to open it. Neffy w...
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