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by on February 9, 2022
A band of griffin mercenaries were traveling south toward Equestrian territory when they came across a factory in the mountains. They figured they’d stop there to rest for a day before setting off again. The crystal magitech that could be found here was still operating to some degree. The lights were on, but dim, and the place was heated and air ventilated, all by crystal magic. A few of the mercenaries messed with some crystal tech that had been abandoned and showed to still be working by cr...
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by on February 7, 2022
(And here we come upon the most important event that changed the course of my series forever, and also started an annual event on the 15th of January every year, the one... The only... Operation: Final Battle! The first one too! In this tale, we come upon our heroes as they take to the Maelstrom Tower, where the fateful meeting between light and dark collide. Stickman VS. The Darkitect, the biggest battle that was foretold in the prophecy. Will he succeed? Find out in this friendship letter! Let...
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by on February 6, 2022
I'm not very certain what I should put here. I suppose I am very happy to see that I am gaining friends slowly, I hope you are listening to this princess Twilight. Thank you for hearing my friendship letter. I do wish Satan was seeing this
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by on February 4, 2022
(As per Comp's vote, I give to you the origin of the USF Base and my world, The Planet that was Long Forgotten. This one's lore heavy and contains a few plot holes that I'll probably fill later on in some RP posts or whatever. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one!) CHAPTER 1: AN ANCIENT PLANET As Stickman and crew were setting up preparations for... whatever, a beacon pinged the force, which caught the attention of our fellow heroes. "Seems there's a beacon still active on a nearby planet, b...
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by on February 4, 2022
(Alright let's get this one outta the way. Those who have roleplayed with me may have noticed a... different form of mine. That being the Unleashed Form. And you guys may have wondered where and how it came to be. Look no further than a episode I have never done a typed story on, neither have I published it to the wiki of mine, named The Posessed Stick. As for when this takes place in the timeline of mine? Let's say... a few episodes after Stickman and the Paw Patrol (Debut of Skye) (dont judge ...
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by on February 3, 2022
Knight being emberrassed was an understatement, he sat in the back rooms of the stage chugging more rum as make up artists moved all about him. "Three nights I have done this, do you not think this is enough?!" he says angrily to Devine who leaned on a wall nearby "Hey dont get all angry at me, you're the one who agreed to do two more days because you were piss drunk," she says also feeling annoyed, she wouldn't admit it but she disliked how all these other females were clinging on to him,...
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by on February 1, 2022
(Aaand here we come to the origins of Phantom S, Flying Samba, and, for now, Flowing Melody, aka Stickman, Jewel, and Skystar's Rhythm Thief aliases. This one should be a real treat for everyone, so take the time to read this particular one, and enjoy! This one's going to be the original series version with some "present timeline" mixed in cause there was no reboot version of this. As for when this takes place in the Rhythm Thief canon? Let's say... after the events of the game.) CHAPTER 1: D...
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by on January 31, 2022
(And now we move on to the next key moment, 2,000 Leagues under the Seaquestria, aka Skystar's debut in both the series and the force. I'm going to be doing the reboot version of this particular adventure instead of the Amazing Adventures version, cause in the reboot, this is chronologically where Stickman and Jewel discover Equestria, and this is the 2nd episode of the series. In the original series, the introduction to Equestria was called, well, Welcome to Equestria... and had little to show ...
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by on January 30, 2022
(Since it's the 10th anniversary of my series, let's start with the first adventure that started this all, coincidentally called The First Adventure. This will be the first of many special lore-related blogs that relate to the first original series. There will be special blogs relating to key moments in all 4 series that relate to the history of my series, as well as show off what makes my series so special. THIS way should help clear confusing things up. Think of it like an origin story that wa...
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by on January 27, 2022
Continuation of Part 3 ------------------------ Artemis wasn't exactly sure what the correct process in collecting his current thoughts should be. So much had already happened during his path towards a mountain in the distance. A mountain in this Dark World that was said to hold a Castle at its peak. He knew in order to get there from his current path required him to cross through a forest. Something that wasn't simple on paper or in action it seemed. He had been derailed by the possibilit...
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by on January 23, 2022
Continuation of Part 2 ---------- "Okay Artemis. Time to give yourself a quick recap of everything that's happened ever since traveling to this World or Realm of Darkness. The Land is one that lies as a connection to our reality for some reason. It's a Land that appears to be alive, flowing deep and rich with Arcane. The Moon above seems to act as a transportation, spilling out Arcane Magic onto the land every Full Moon, birthing new creatures into the land to roam, run wild, hunt, or just s...
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by on January 21, 2022
Continuation of Part 1 "An outsider?" A startled voice of shock seemed to escape the lips of the giant bat creature. Its glowing eyes seemed to only increase in brightness as the words kept repeating in its mind. An outsider? Here? That didn't seem right. That isn't right. That's wrong. It's wrong! It's vile! It's evil!! The Bat creature took a lunge towards the King, attempting to sink its fangs into its current prey in front of him. It needed to kill him. It needed to eliminate him. Feast. ...
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