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by on December 2, 2023
Fall, 2015, Yakushi Residence, Ponyville. "Oooooh! You just look so cute!" Asuka's cheeks flush a deep red as her mother dotes over her. Her usually long, straight mane has been professionally styled. She's wearing a sparkling, light blue dress, and is wearing makeup for the first time in practically her whole life. Of course, Asuka isn't all dolled up just to go to some restaurant or something. No. Tonight was the biggest night of her high school life. It was prom. Something she'd thought ...
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by on November 29, 2023
After a long day of classes, the night had fallen and the warm streets of the city became cold -far too cold for this one city-. The crowd were walking out the old classroom, the wooden door creaking one last time for the day as it got closed behind the professor. Whispers filled the now deserted hallways of the campus, yet the silence of the night time filled the dull buildings. Only the fridges from the laboratories broke the dead silence. A couple of pegasi walked out the campus through...
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by on November 20, 2023
8:25 PM, Rouge's Gallery, Canterlot It's been about 10 minutes since the opening act finished, and yet, there was still no sign of the main act. Confusion spreads among the crowd as people begin to wonder where the band they came here to see is. Venue staff have been going on, and off stage for a while now, probably doing some last minute checks, but still no band. At some point, the lights dim to the point where you could hardly see what was on the stage. For a moment, excitement rises, and c...
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by on November 20, 2023
7:47 PM, The Rogue's Gallery, Canterlot. As a wise man once said "Pirates are in this year!" Which appears to be what the owners of the venue for tonight's show thought when they built the place. Tucked away in a small plaza in Canterlot's entertainment district, the place would be hard to miss, if it weren't for the giant ship mast flying a jolly roger poking out above the surrounding buildings. The building itself had all sorts of pirate theming, complete with 3 venues for varying leve...
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by on November 18, 2023
"Spins?" a purple-eyed changeling asked, poking at her sleeping friend.  "Spins, are you awake?" Her friend, Spinneret, sat up suddenly.  "Are we--"  Her green eyes softened when she saw who had woken her up.  "Oh.  Just you, Elly." "Yeah, just me."  Elytron's wings flitted bashfully.  "I, uh...I can't sleep.  Too excited about the invasion, y'know?  And...what comes after?" Spinneret nodded.  "Yeah...yeah, I know you are."  The petite changeling yawned.  "Still plannin on defectin?" "You kn...
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by on November 16, 2023
#: SCP-XXXX Euclid SCP-XXXX is to be contained within a 5m x 5m x 5m reinforced steel chamber at Site-██. The chamber is to be monitored by closed-circuit cameras at all times, and access to SCP-XXXX is restricted to Level 3 personnel or above. Access to the chamber requires authorization from at least two Level 4 personnel. Personnel interacting with SCP-XXXX must wear specialized protective gear designed to prevent accidental physical contact. No prolonged exposure is permitted for any per...
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by on November 11, 2023
Amy would be perusing the web when she saw that a local orphanage was being harassed by who allegedly claims to be the "Doll Master". A squad car has been there each day to monitor the children's well being. Amy would huff and grit her teeth. "Not again. You fucking bastard." She would break her phone from slamming it down on the table. Amy would put on her Doll Maker costume. She would rip her eye patch off her mask. She then reach for her knife and pistol... She would grab the knife but dec...
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by on November 4, 2023
Alone, exhausted, and battered, but Asuka was not without hope. She'd made it all the way from Vanhoover. Gotten through Ponyville, and made the arduous journey up the mountains towards Canterlot. Now, her goal was in sight. All she had to do was get inside the city gates, and her journey would finally come to an end. Swarm Size: ...
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by on November 3, 2023
//Surprise! I've actually been meaning to finish this old series for a long time now. Just never had the motivation to actually sit down and do it. Hope it lasts long enough for me to actually finish the series this time. How long has it been since they first set out on this journey? How many people have they seen who are probably dead, or infected now? How have they managed to keep it together long enough to get this far? All questions that Asuka knew would never be answered, and never bothere...
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by on October 31, 2023
Three young foals -- one dressed as an astronaut, one dressed as a changeling, and one dressed as a skeleton -- approached the Nightmare Moon statue for the yearly ritual of offering candy. "Be careful," the astronaut warned.  "I've heard there's a monster around the statue this year." "Please," the skeleton scoffed, "there's no such thing as monsters!" "What do you call cockatrices, then?!" the astronaut asked.  "Or manticores?!  Puckwudgies?!" "Animals, ya ding-dong!" the changeling replie...
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by on October 28, 2023
Good morning students. Today we will be discussing the current topic EVERYONE is talking about. Rank and what the Fear Settlers do to you. We have a simple ranking system of old. The pyramid.  ...
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by on October 24, 2023
//Warning may contain some violence, but will try to keep it on the downside. Disclaimer what happens here is a dream not reality. Plus, I'm not the best at acting out other characters apart from my own.// What started off as a typical day in Canterlot's Castle soon broke into complete chaos! Whatever was going on wasn't good. In fact, The Queen had ordered everyone to evacuate immediately, but where was her husband... and the guards? Most of the guards had been taken care of, but why? Turns ...
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by on October 23, 2023
(Disclaimer: All characters mentioned are exaggerated actions and views of what my Character views them as, as well as what they think the actions of them would be. This is in no way myself speaking or claiming to know how your character acts or would act. If your characters are mentioned, note that I don't claim to these actions to be Canon nor possible. This is all simple deception and theory to drive a story narrative for my Character) The night is upon me. The sounds of darkness are back to...
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by on October 21, 2023
12 PM, Ponyville District Court. Three figures enter Courtroom 3, and walk up the gallery. One opens a swinging door leading into the well, and another leads the second figure to a table on the left. The three sit down at the table, as another group of 4 enters the courtroom, and takes position at the table to the left of the swinging door. This is followed by a few more official looking figures taking seats in the front right row of the gallery, and finally, the general public are allowed t...
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by on October 21, 2023
She had done as she was told. The doors and windows were closed and locked, the curtains had been shut and all of the lights in the house had been turned off. All of the lights, except that of her room; She could not sleep, no matter how much she tried, for the sound of the woods outside of her house were too weird and haunting. The eerie feeling of being watched crept into her mind whenever she closed her eyes, it was simply impossible. A light flickered outside her window, flashing briefly ...
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by on October 20, 2023
It is high time I explain a lot of this. Things that are important to understand what Star Spawn are, and everything surrounding them. It is confusing, but read carefully and you'll understand. I will update this slowly over time to include more information, and to explain things. A Star Spawn can only be understood by knowing what they are at heart. Above all else, they are spirits of dead ponies and creatures. Upon moving on, they made the choice to evade reaping and became locked into the sk...
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by on October 7, 2023
With the coming of fall, comes Vanhoover's annual Fall Festival. A weekend-long event full of all sorts of activities, tons of booths, a metric buttload of maple themed food, and live performances from local bands. Unfortunately, the number one band in the city was too busy preparing for a tour to perform at the fair, but the number 2 band was more than happy to take their place. Granted, power metal didn't exactly fit the relaxed mood of the fair. Asuka should be at the fair with her bandma...
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by on October 7, 2023
I am a Brony gamer. Who on ocassion makes music remakes and draws ponies digitaly. Over the last three years i have created my for stories to take place in. I also wrote a . If some would be interested in doing an RP inspired by my worldbuilding, that would be great.
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by on October 3, 2023
Seems with every glimmer of joy presented before me, the universe finds a way to remind me of the disgust I have towards a certain problem. Said problem seemed to be invading my mindscape at the moment. Such is the hardships of absorbing a Tyrant Level Arcane Spirit.  "Seems you've been busy, Artemis Luminous." The Spirit spoke towards me as he stepped forward to look eye to eye with myself.  A rather disturbing appearance this Spirit had. Dark as knight coat, with hinges of deep blue. Pierci...
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by on October 3, 2023
A dusty book stands before you, and from it, pages unfurl like a great sea of language, before starting at its  very beginning. The book seemed tattered, almost ancient, but also new, as if from its very torn appearance, came something new. "The Holy Glow" By Sister Glowing Heart ...
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by on September 28, 2023
Amy sat in front of a mirror while pulling down her bottom eyelids. Her eyes was so painfully red. No amount of eye drops would satiate this dryness and eventually blood would fall onto the sink.  She would look to her left to see a tall pale mare staring at her. Her dead greyish skin lacked fur. She had a large flowing pink mane and pink eyelashes. Her mouth was seen shut with pink string. The pink on her was nearly glowing. Her beauty was intense and quite frankly, it just added to her strange...
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by on September 26, 2023
"So. We were Attack on Mango. That was our show." An awkward silence fills the dingy, Ponyville rock club. The band on stage doesn't seem to get the hint as the crowd looks around, waiting for something. It's only when someone asks "So, who's on next?" that they get the hint to get off stage, and out of the club. Of the four, only the bassist appears happy with the performance. The other three members of the band hang their heads in shame was they pack up their stuff, and head out the door. ...
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by on September 20, 2023
PB's parents met in the most unexpected way unlike any other typical couple. Smart Striker, PB's mom met Penned Heart, PB's Father after making a magical device to transport through dimensions. Smart Striker passed through bumping into the stallion as there was no exact location to bring her to. She soon fell for him and refused to return to her dimension when she discovered her male counterpart's lab where she then resided in. Within time Penned Heart married Smart Striker and had PB, known as ...
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by on September 6, 2023
A young filly trotted quickly through the hall, tearing into a corner and almost running over another stable dweller. They dared not make a statement about it, and instead chuckled at her. It was the daily for a filly like her- carefree, and full of energy! She made her way down the next hallway, turned to the door of her dwelling, and basically dived in. The target? An older mare with a lab coat on. Her mission? To finally catch her off guard, and take her down once and for all! Though, just l...
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by on September 2, 2023
Polo looked in a mirror before breaking it. This was during the years before he owned a shop and when things got a bit too hectic. "Wing Blade, why did you want to be a hero?" Polo asked while sitting at a desk looking at the metal-winged pegasus who moves his wings a bit demonstrating how sharp they are by peeling an apple. "I got speed and these wings can open doors for ponies to get out of buildings." Polo gets up before smiling. "You're hired but, make sure you change your coat colors whe...
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by on September 2, 2023
Carmelized Pie, also known as Carmel was born by Pinkie Pie and Candied Death through means of magic. They're biologically male though identifies themselves as genderqueer. Their pronouns are xe/xir or they/them. As a child between Pinkie Pie and Candied Death they have the capability to break the fourth wall and sense when the beings on the other side of the 4th wall are there. They enjoy sour sweets despite not liking lime the most. Just like their ma, Candied Death they learned to make sweets...
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by on August 23, 2023
Sometimes I wonder. I wonder who I am. I forget at times and my brain puzzles the peices together. Slowly I lose concept of time, feeling, love, sensation, taste. It was all replaced with fear. A fear anyone can understand. A fear of losing ones self. In my case, I'm losing my mind. I can't talk to people anymore. I fear losing myself. Time moves so slow in my eyes. Fear rules in godly body as even then I watch their teeth banging. Their lips smacking. The world spins so slowly. Is the wor...
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by on August 21, 2023
Private First Class Proxilia Ramirez. Company K, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines. Near Paneighma City, Paneighma. "Fucking fuck!" ...
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by on August 6, 2023
The Frozen North wasn't always thus close, and tales of Equestrian folklore recount the days before it was so. Before Equestria itself, before the great migration Southwards, it used to be that the lands of the North housed great pony tribes and kingdoms. Their stories haven't been forgotten by the passage of time, but greatly exagerated and simplified in many aspects, now but a tale to tell one's foals around the warmth of a fireplace. Few who were around back then yet live, as is natural for e...
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by on August 5, 2023
A few months ago, an epic battle took place between good and evil. The battle took place in a world filled with darkness and powerful dark magic, a world filled with terrifying creatures who lurked in the shadows, waiting for their prey. Anyone who was either gifted, born, or touched by dark magic would eventually end up here in this dangerous world, but the terrifying creatures who lurked in the shadows weren't the problem here; there was another creature who was far more dangerous, and his nam...
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by on August 4, 2023
7 young adults/older teens stand in a semi-circle around a purple door, which sports what looks to be a white equals sign at about head height. One of them stands in front of the door, while the others gather around him in the semi-circle. The stallion in the middle is the oldest of the group at 21. He's a pegasus with the physique, and clothing of a typical jock. His friends know him as "Austin." Then, from left to right in the semi-circle there's a female gryphon called 'Tipps', who is 19. The...
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by on August 3, 2023
Sy, otherwise known as Silent Scratch is the distant family member of Vinyl Scratch. He had adored his cousin and parents the most. After an incident happened to his parents he was sent to several family members before finally settling in an unsafe home where he was despised and framed. Given his household he soon ends up selectively mute and not understanding the concepts of love and friendship as the closest thing was his dear cousin. To avoid the harshness of reality he listened to music wi...
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by on July 31, 2023
Bored. Yet again, boredom has struck the small changeling as she takes a small sip of her coffee. With her kids all grown up and doing their own things, Ramirez, on most days, has nothing to do except shoot at the range and take strolls through the Everfree or Ponyville's park. Sighing, Ramirez got up from her chair and went over to her couch in the living room. Taking her seat, Ramirez grabbed a remote and turned on the TV. "--33 years since the Equestrian invasion of Paneighma, operatio...
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by on July 1, 2023
"Daddy!" An excited Amy would come over to a just as excited Thomas Reid. Reid would have adjusted his glasses and crouched down to her level to pick her up. "Up you go! Look at you!" He would give her a gentle smile as he would sit on her pink bed. "Time for your check up, Amy. " ...
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by on June 27, 2023
Oh my Celestia... Oh my... He's so my type! Gold mane and beautiful white fur. His smile is so... Beautiful. Amy would adjust her binoculars and slurp up the saliva about to run down her face. Yet... YET...! Amy would reel back as her eyes nearly went back into her head. He had a girlfriend... Bastard. How dare you cheat on me?! We've been talking behind another girls back this whole time... Bastard... bastard... BASTARD! She would break her binoculars in half out of sheer anger. Amy would...
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by on June 27, 2023
//CA died on me when I tried to post this regularly, and I'm not willing to type it out again. After 32 hours on shift, Asuka is finally able to go home, and get some sleep. While walking from the tram to her house one may be forgiven for mistaking her for a zombie. Her eyes are bloodshot, sullen, and unmoving. Her hair is disheveled, frayed, and caked with dirt, soot, and blood. Then, there was her uniform. Once a spotless white. Now it's more of a light gray. Asuka's feet can barely mov...
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