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by on May 5, 2020
Set when Cally was within the Canterlot Police Department. A cold breeze set the pace for the soft snowfall onto the streets of south Canterlot, a false silhouette of purity. 'The Cliff' was the nickname of the lower-income part of the city. The soft cloud of innocence that was dimly lit by the moon was the only source of safety within the area of The Cliff. A barely standing few neighborhoods consumed by gangs, drugs, and prostitution. It was just another night in 'Princesses Country' to the...
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by on May 4, 2020
"You fuckin' idiot. You know this formation is supposed to be like this. You tryin' to get these soldiers killed?" "Calm down, Shiv. Despite his physical prowess, Gale isn't in here for his intellect." "...I'm gonna beat both of your asses." "Y'know if you clock both of them, you're gonna flunk your exams." ...
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by on October 12, 2021
The damage was worse this time, and Whiplash had already been dismissed for the night. The sting of her numerous cuts and bruises dulled out any sense of emotional pain at her best friend leaving her to rot in the jail cell of Manehattan’s holding cell. The all-too cold bench of the cell had become somewhat of a comforting embrace over her numerous years ending back up in here – now going on three or four years of this dance. The pain-laced scowl was etched on her strikingly-bright face – a h...
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by on May 23, 2020
Albho was a very small village hidden inside a cave deep within the Crystal Mountains, a veritable asylum close to the Frozen North. Despite it being a cave, there was a luminescence shimmering from the town, gems and crystals lining the roof of the cave above the wooden huts and cabins that the inhabitants called home. Unlike most villages and cities, there were a variety of species living here: Pegasi that had developed thicker and more complex feather layers, griffins with similar adaptations...
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by on April 11, 2022
————————————————[FOUR YEARS AGO, STYLO APARTMENTS. 2:04 PM]------------------------------------- The shrill voice of the radio host somehow managed to wake me up from my third nap of the day, my whole head felt awful and dry. I didn't hear a single thing she said... it was all muffled. Noise. My focus was on my dry mouth. Like cotton balls clung to the roof of my mouth and the strings dug deep into the cracks of my tongue. I look up at the clock hung above my fridge and only now do I notice the...
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by on May 27, 2020
Many years ago, there were only hills in the area near the forest, thick and rolling, natural wild flowers growing atop them. Fertile and empty, the land was left alone for quite some time, waiting for the right group to come across it...And one day they did. Two rabbit beastkins, a sailor and a florist, came here to settle. Taking inspiration from ancient ancestors, the two began to create their home on the side of a hill, lovingly dubbed ‘The Burrow’. Over time wildflowers were joined by culti...
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by on May 6, 2020
At long last, the years of rigorous, downright abusive training was over. While most children were busy studying math and sciences, Loki was undergoing the Trial of Grasses. The trial where where he was subjected to powerful alchemical ingredients, so deadly and harmful to the body that a mere three of ten boys who underwent them survived. Such low survival rates, at what cost? Those who passed the Trial gained lightning fast reflexes, enhanced speed, strength and had their senses dialled to ele...
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by on May 24, 2020
"Where are we? It's… so dark." She heard the adolescent teen express a soft concern from her back; eyes kept focused on the dark steps descending the stairwell with a beat of excitement pulsing her heart. Her calm gentle pace seemed to vanish any trace of initial worry, reverberating down and up the narrow steps. "It's alright, 'Phee, the lights are just really old here - and afternoon! I was wondering if you were going to wake anytime soon," the mare cheerily whispered over, only to receive a...
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by on August 18, 2020
Adherence is a curse. Adherence is a blight in the form of addiction. An addiction that when played out screams in the face of those that follow its dark definition. Adherence, over all else, is a word- but words have power. A vocal call, a spell, a command that is conjured up through the voice. ...
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by on May 27, 2020
The air that was once calm and soft became increasingly humid and thick to breathe. The beautiful forest scenery began to melt and metamorphose into a swampy waste with dangerous cliffs and crags. The colors of the environment began to turn dark greys and greens, beautiful deciduous trees fading away to overhanging and gloomy coniferous flora. The swamps were murky, hiding whatever critters or dangers that called this hostile environment home. They could hear the calls of wild birds, scavengers ...
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by on May 7, 2020
//It's Asuka's time for some lore. Except I'm just going to be going into her relationship with her family. We need a break from all the sad lore so have some happy lore. "Alright! Lunch time!" A straw hatted unicorn stallion rushes past the camera headed for a row of folding tables lined with bowls and dishes filled with food. "Hey hey hey! No cutting!" Another stallion grumbles. "Cutting? You weren't in line." The camera pans to reveal the straw hatted stallion standing in front of a somewh...
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by on August 24, 2020
The excitement that filled the SUV could be felt by Kisho, and Betty in the front. The four young children sitting in the seats behind them growing more excited as their SUV crested the hill of an old driveway. At the top of the hill a massive 3 story house came into view. Standing outside the windowed patio that lead into the house, garage, and backyard pool was an older couple. As soon as the SUV came to a stop all four of the children in the back quickly unbuckle themselves. Three rush toward...
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