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by on March 8, 2025
( Muffled voices fill Aki's ears. She sits curled in the corner of her room in her childhood home. A shadow looms over Aki, as a figure stands in the room's doorway, blocking most of the light trying to get in. The voices of her parents trickle in from the other room. She can hear them talking about her. Comparing her to Miki. Degrading her. "I wish Aki would learn to smile like Miki does!" "Miki has so many friends! She's so popular! Aki just si...
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by on February 18, 2025
It's been less than a week since Attack on Mango reached the top of Equestria's music charts. Which, makes it a little weird that Nar has called a band meeting. With the band gathered in the living room of their shared house (Well, except for Scrappy.) all eyes are gathered on Nar. He stands beneath their large TV, a somber smile on his face. He looks a little nervous, but nobody knows why. The silence almost settles, but Nar breaks it before it can become awkward. "Guys. I know this might n...
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by on November 5, 2024
It's been about 3 hours since the patrol started, but everything's gone smoothly so far. Wattzis Buckets, and Wildfire have been standing guard in the Lord's Manor since they arrived. There's been little to do, and conversation has to be kept to a minimum, so more than anything, Wattzis has been bored out of his mind. Such is the life of a guard. Wattzis' eyes move to watch as Lieutenant Spellsword enters the manor's atrium on her patrol route. She gives the two guards a short nod. Nothing to ...
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by on September 8, 2024
In the living room of their house, the members of Attack on Mango sit in a circle. For most people, this wouldn't be much different from a normal night, but when Attack on Mango was sitting in a circle, that could only mean one thing. It was a band meeting. For once, Nar was the one to call a band meeting. The others were thoroughly confused, as this was unheard of for the band. Nar usually didn't care enough about band stuff to call an official meeting. He usually just brought his concerns up ...
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by on September 3, 2024
The Skyscraper that serves as the headquarters for Equestria's most prestigious record company, Royal Records, towers over the city of Canterlot. In size, it's only beat out by Canterlot Castle itself. At the base of what is essentially, the gothic spire Attack on Mango, and their agent prepare themselves. All morning, they've been giving each other pep talks, and re-assuring one another that they can do this. After Nar's speach on the jet yesterday, the band already has their mind made up. They...
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by on July 31, 2020
According to the other agents in the room getting the jitters before a meeting like this was common. Only the Special Agent-in-Charge wasn't usually missing like he was now. The three other agents in the room are sitting around a well made circular wooden table. They've all grouped up towards one end of the table, leaving the other end open with it's own chair. Hiari stands guard by the door. Everyone's wearing formal clothing. Suits and ties. Stuff like that. The room is mostly silent until the...
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by on August 31, 2019
//This blog is here to help my new storyline to get started. It's a long one so if you plan on reading it i suggest getting some snacks and a drink. 7:45 AM, Vanhoover's industrial district, old Mintford Company Masonry plant, 3rd floor office. 6 stallions stand in the dusty, old office of the long abandoned masonry plant. Two stallions stand across from each other across a table. One wears casual (mostly yellow) street clothes. The other wears an immaculate suit and tie with an expensive...
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