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Come from the stars to spread useless knowledge.

Other. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria.
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Percy had made ART! Sadly, nopony appreciated it because it was generated by an AI. #rp
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Astro would look for a button to push. He was looking for something to contact Perseus from outside of her home. He was here for a date.*
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There was a little buzzer next to the door.
Like June 2, 2024
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Astro would press the button with his hoof.* Button.
Like June 2, 2024
The buzzer had apparently been reprogrammed to play "La Folia" by Corelli. Percy answered the door. "Oh! Hello, Astro!"
Like June 2, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Astro would blink at the music.* I like that. I really like it. Hey there Perseus, how you this day?
Like June 2, 2024
"Sometimes I wish I was a toaster!" #rp
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"....Whhhhhhhhhy ?"
Like June 1, 2024
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"So I could make toast!"
Like June 1, 2024
"Why don't chu just use those Micro box wavey things ?"
Like June 1, 2024
" microwave toast?!" This genuinely caught Percy off-guard.
Like June 1, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Toaster? Oh, those are so nice. I do love a good warm bagel. *Astro would say, as he was eating a piece of toast, with jam.*
Like June 2, 2024
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"This planet has bagels?! I truly am lucky to have landed here..."
Like June 2, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait, are bagels rare?
Like June 2, 2024
"I don't know, but two out of two planets I've been to have them!"
Like June 2, 2024
“Would you be my bath toaster?”
Like June 2, 2024
"..." Percy hugged Val.
Like June 2, 2024
“You’re hugging me?” She didn’t understand why.
Like June 2, 2024
"Do bath toasters not have the same connotation on this planet?"
Like June 3, 2024
Percy had set up their recharging station in your living room. "Sorry, but I really need this," they said before their hard-light body disappeared, revealing the small computer that held everything t... View More
i'd like to make a public apology for my earlier actions. what i said was naive, misguided, and uninformed, and i am truly sorry for it. earlier this month, i stated that Percy's canon voice was Cla... View More
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Bright Brave
Now we're talking.
Like May 1, 2024
Percy looked up at you as you passed them by, grinning as they seemed to be working on a strange device. "Hello!! I'm making a baby! Would you like to help?" #rp
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Tality examined the device for a moment. "...are you making an artificial womb, or ...?"
Like April 27, 2024
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Percy shook their head. "This is my child's body! It contains their memory, their AI, and their appearance, which will be projected via hard light, like me!"
Like April 27, 2024
"Right, okay!" she says with obvious relief. "Because it didn't look like one of those." It takes her a moment to fully think through all the implications of that statement. "... so ... you have one of these somewhere for yourself, too?"
Like April 27, 2024
Percy nodded. "Yup! Right where my tummy is!" They beamed and rolled over, showing off their completely featureless underbelly. "It's hidden by the projection, but it's there!"
Like April 27, 2024
"You can do that...?" Seir frowned, "Are you a girl computer!?"
Like April 27, 2024
Percy shook their head. "I have neither sex nor gender! I'm just building a body for the artificial intelligence I just finished programming! Why do you ask? Would you like to be the father?" They winked cheekily.
Like April 27, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Percy, I don't think you should ask that openly. As well, why do you want to make a foal?
Like May 2, 2024
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"Just thought I'd like a child. An artificial intelligence should be easy to raise, as we do not require physical needs."
Like May 4, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Still, raising a foal is hard. I should know, I'm technically an uncle/father... Clone are strange.
Like May 4, 2024
"Yes, raising an organic baby is hard. But it will help to fit in if I had a foal of my own."
Like May 4, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Hello Percy. Long time no see. Didn’t know you could make those like that.”
Like May 7, 2024 Edited
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" I know you?" Percy tilted their head. "You are inorganic, like myself..."
Like May 7, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Yes. I am a Cybertronian, your Earthling creators may have heard of them before.”
Like May 7, 2024
"Nope! No information on Cybertronians!" They beamed.
Like May 7, 2024
Percy really wanted to show you something, insisting it was incredible and fascinating. They trotted off, leading you to what they'd found. It was a bird. "Cool, right?!" #rp
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"...That's a bird." Seir frowned, is that really all!?
Like April 18, 2024
Bright Brave
"A dead bird....?"
Like April 18, 2024
"It's a cool bird! Look at it! See how the light shines off its feathers?" Percy beamed, gently approaching the birb to not scare it away. "It's beautiful, is it not? This is a genuine inquiry, though I believe it is beautiful, objectively speaking."
Like April 18, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
Question... why are you holding one of my daughters.
Like April 18, 2024
"Cool, right?!" Percy repeated.'
Like April 18, 2024
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
(Bia) Mom... why is this robot holding me? I don't know, honey.
Like April 18, 2024
"I am not a robot!" Percy answered cheerfully. "I am a hard-light projection created as a friendly user interface for an artificial intelligence!"
Like April 18, 2024
"Mother of Celestia, you're right! That is one cool bird!"
Like April 18, 2024
"Yeah you get me!!!"
Like April 18, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would look rather sad before shaking her head. "Have you ever realized you aren't real... You're just a figment of my imagination... Like all of them..." She would mindlessly stare unfathomable ugliness.
Like April 18, 2024
"I'm not real, but I'm not just your imagination, I promise!" Percy beamed. "I can prove it, too! Ask anypony else if they can see me!"
Like April 18, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would put her hands over her eyes as she said "Cruel to give an imaginary person eyes and usually they don't. .. You're Intelligence deceives you." Amy pulled her hands down and pulled on her bottom eyelids so they are uncomfortably open. Amy would slowly disappear as if she never existed at al... View More
Like April 18, 2024
"Wow! That was terrifying!! I did not know I could hallucinate!!!"
Like April 19, 2024
Percy's body flickered and seemed to be clipping through the ground as they approached you, their true body barely hovering above the ground. "Hi! Low battery!" they said in their typical cheery man... View More
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my personal headcanon voice for Percy here is Claptrap from Borderlands. i hope this enhances/ruins every line of dialogue they have.
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Bright Brave
Definitely enhances
Like April 6, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
My friends call me claptrap! (Side note: Speaking of Claptrap, I actually think of Otak from Warframe for the voice. ..."Have you tried turning it off and on again.")
Like April 6, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
Oh god...that makes so much sense now
Like April 6, 2024
Welp, Now I can't unhear it
Like April 6, 2024
P.E.R.S.E.U.S. has been banned from the movie theater because their purpose requires them to record movies. #rp
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"..." Ghost just stared at Perseus as Somehow He wasn't banned.. even though He could watch ever movie free due to being able to just phase into any movie currently playing. Neat!
Like March 19, 2024
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"Oh! Hello, Mr. Rabbit!"
Like March 19, 2024
"Ghostbit, And Why are you outside this place ? Smelling of popcorn ?"
Like March 19, 2024
"I got kicked out because I see the world through cameras and have a large memory capacity so I can just record movies."
Like March 19, 2024
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