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King James Crone

King of Everfree

Male. Lives in The City of Everlasting Tears,  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on October 31, 1999
King of Monsters
Roleplay Availability
About Me
//Rat Boy here!
Crone is an old character who I personally didn't get a chance to be more than what he was at the time. That said, here we are!
Profile art by: @stormfront
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
King James Crone
A new chapter in Crone's life and if the blood it must be then blood it must endure. Freedom is rebirthing. Now with that done, left to do is escape the prison that binds us. Welcome to Chapter 3 of... View More
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Everfree forest eh ?, ;3
Like July 20, 2024
King James Crone
Crone would be talking to someone that he seemed pretty pleased with. His good spirits were quite immeasurable. They spoke to Crone like he was a long lost child. Mainly, because it was a child. "I'... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins trotted up to Crone. "Who was that?" she asked, looking in the direction the kid had trotted away. "Another daughter?"
Like July 18, 2024
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King James Crone
Crone would have glanced over at Sprout, his dinner plate irises glowing amongst the darkened morning. "No. Sprout. I have been busy lately. I have deemed it necessary to take back our lives." He would grab his blue-wrapped garb. Weirdly enough, it is more usual to see monsters in clothing than a p... View More
Like July 18, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"Nah, I'm used to it." Spins was on the verge of tears. "But...who was that guy? He seemed like a nice fella, racism notwithstandin. Maybe I should be walkin around in one of my new disguises..." She changed into Golden.
Like July 18, 2024
King James Crone
Crone would hum to himself before shaking his head. "Unfortunately, I cannot hardly understand my pain and I have lost everything many times." He would close his eyes to think for a moment as he said, "(Jaer-ald) Gerald Allmine. His title was Gerald, Sun Herald. He had led and fought in notable ones... View More
Like July 19, 2024
King James Crone
More fun facts about Crone: 1.Crone has a unique affect when near Crystaline Ponies. When close to one, his eyes glow intensely blue and when touching them but to ponies it makes their crystal bodie... View More
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Kinda like some of these Fun facts! Crone! Use Disco pony! Also would Ghostbit be considered a Monster and what kind as He wasn't born a Ghostkin, But partially turned into one!... View More
Like July 15, 2024
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King James Crone
The Abnormal absolutely can count as monsters. Ghost bit would probably be considered a mutant for classification purposes. Those are very cool facts. All of these would probably go over Crone's head. Although, if he hung out with ghost more he could even learn his spectral veil. However he wou... View More
Like July 15, 2024 Edited
If Crone ever learned Spectral veil then Ghost would have a Panick attac! But I can see Crone actually being able to withstand the Passing effect I call it: Basically the First time one uses the state, They are in Excruciating pain due to their body not being able to withstand it, so one must Adapt ... View More
Like July 15, 2024
King James Crone
Unfortunately, Crone can still feel pain. He could be a puddle and feel every molecule coming back together painfully. Good thing is, he is extremely resilient and it is worth learning. Thus he will spend some time practicing and secretly watching Ghostbit.
Like July 15, 2024
King James Crone
Crone would slowly waltz through Canterlot as he had moved behind a hospital. After some time, he came back out. He had a small bag attached to his back. Uniquely enough, the bag moved every so often.... View More
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The Mimikin
The Rouge Creature Known as the Mimikin seemed to follow behind Crone, Observing. Using what He learned to better Adapt to the future, Until It finally started it's Metamorphosis into it's True form. They looked at Crone with a face of Blank intriguement.
Like July 4, 2024
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King James Crone
Crone slowly walked around through alleyways and he went around a corner to be fully gone. Crone has unique powers that are sorely hindered by others. However, one always remained the same. He was gone for sure but something in Mimikin's flesh that he had to be around somewhere until. "Hello, Mimi... View More
Like July 4, 2024
The Mimikin
"...Why not ?, It's so easy to take away what was Giveth... Life" It told them, staring at it's paw whilst trying to figure out why they haven't gone through this option.
Like July 5, 2024
King James Crone
"I forbid it. We do not attack unprovoked as you will die and I won't help." He said, plainly and perhaps harshly but it was true. "My life is important as many people rely on our love and support that we would only hurt the ones we love. For simply acting a fool. So, feel free to throw yourself ... View More
Like July 5, 2024 Edited
King James Crone
//To all I am rp'ing with! Fret not, I am getting to you I just have had my time infinately absorbed with work. I also start school soon and I have been incredible addicted to baldy gate 3. Also, I ha... View More
King James Crone
Crone would be outside practicing his magic. On the outskirts of everfree and ponyville, The field of bones. #rp A monsters hunting ground for many ponies and other monsters alike. Crone is sure to k... View More
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Ghost stared at Crone, Rubbing his eyes as He was awoken Apon seeing lights flash in his face In the middle of the night, so He went and investigated... dragging his very small comfort blanket with him. C...rone... What are you do-*Yaaawwwn~* Oing ?" He spoke In a very tired tone.
Like June 15, 2024
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King James Crone
An infestation. The grass moved as if it was sentient and the sky would swirl with blue and black clouds that spread death. The lightning would strike the earth in a picturesque fashion. Then and suddenly, what seemed like an army of Gnoll would climb out of the grass. A giant gnoll would shake th... View More
Like June 22, 2024 Edited
Suddenly... Ger'ok would hear something swoop past their check, and then a wet feeling followed soon after... Ghost had suddenly been awoken fully by the sight and by using some quick thinking: Picked up a stone and coated both his Paw in the Magick energy He used to tap into his Spectral veil state... View More
Like June 15, 2024
King James Crone
Ger'ok would slowly turn to look at him as he said. "Oh? Well, Let me introduce myself. " They would laugh and he sighed, content with his laugh. "Sorry! I had to laugh since you don't even know me!" He would hit on his chest with his arm. "I am Ger'ok. Aspiring King for me and my people." He would... View More
Like June 19, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins looked up in awe at Crone's magic. "Incredible..." Her wings flitted excitedly.
Like June 15, 2024
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King James Crone
Amongst the swirling death was famine on Crone's doorstep. A fearless fogure who commands a swarm of pestilence. A new changeling was emerging from the depths below to terrorize the masses. 'You're a fool, you corpse! Nothing will ever matter to me than this moment for I will bring our people back ... View More
Like June 16, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"...w...what's goin on?" Spins asked, confused and horrified at the sight. She's never seen changelings like these before. Unsure what else to do, she slipped into the trees. The sound of her changing rapidly could be heard as she moved around the changelings, before she suddenly appeared underne... View More
Like June 16, 2024
King James Crone
The hit wasn't so sucessful. It hit him but it was like bare punching a concrete wall. His white armor was like nothing ever seen in equestria or at least not by any race that exists today. The big man would slowly look down to see Sprout. He grabbed her head and said, "New aged! New coat of paint.... View More
Like June 19, 2024
King James Crone
"Bare witness to the love you're about to receive!" Epicly made by @stormfront. Thanks!
King James Crone
A carriage would move amongst the cars and carriages of Manehatten. The Black Coffin. A monster royal sat amongst the seats of the shaking carriage. It had swaying blue soul fires that lit the way and... View More
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The sand-yellow mare looked at Crone with a deeply mixed expression. Fractal layers of surprise was the unifying theme in the emotions that Crone's presence evoked. "Well, this is an auspicious meeting." She took a sip of her drink, never taking her eyes off Crone as she contemplated her approach. H... View More
Like June 8, 2024
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King James Crone
Crone had sat down next to Tality as he would glance over at her. He was very interesting looking. He had the body of a lady but he had the voice of a male. His features were pony-like, a mutation from the old times. He didn't quite understand what just happened but her vitals are oddly changing. ... View More
Like June 8, 2024
Tality's head tilted in curiosity. She didn't quite understand what he meant. His wording was ... quite odd. Manehatten was a pretty far ways off from the Everfree, but she supposed you could make the journey without ever crossing a proper road, it was just unlikely. "Lost? I'll say. Who do you mean... View More
Like June 9, 2024
King James Crone
"Yes. I have been attempting to find sympathetic ponies who would be willing to help the cause. " Crone shook his head as he said, "I am James Crone. One of six monster kings. While I am King of Everfree, I have been pushed back into hiding. Our people fear the light as it means certain doom. They... View More
Like June 9, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." A familiar voice scoffed. That familiar voice belonged to a familiar mare, though with an expression rarely seen on her face: genuine anger. Her lavender eyes seemed to be trying to bore a hole through Crone's flesh, no longer holding the sense of wonder ... View More
Like June 8, 2024
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King James Crone
"...." Crone would shake his head. "Sometimes I forget you aren't one of us. Your emotions are heavy." He would have sighed and sat next to her. "So, this is what sulking is...? Drinking your problems away?" He looked only at her the whole time. He would pause for a moment. "Listen, Spinneret... ... View More
Like June 8, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"..." Sprout stared at one of her shot glasses. Had she been undermining Crone's trauma? Part of her wanted to say he deserved it, but that was the part that was still stuck in the hive. What he'd said hurt her deeply, especially coming from somehyoomin she lo--trusted; she could only imagine ho... View More
Like June 8, 2024
King James Crone
Crone wtould stop for a moment to look back at Sprout. "What Sprout?! Here to call me a coward again?! A coward for suffering for my people to get slaughtered anyway! You don't know what I've been through and I don't need to prove it to any of you!" Crone would grimace as she shook his head. "I see... View More
Like June 8, 2024
"Wait.. is that!?" Ghost said as He hovered over to Crone, having gotten on the wrong trainride so now He was stuck in Manehatten until another train arrived.
Like June 8, 2024
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King James Crone
Crone would look over at Ghostbit. "Hello, Angel. It is nice to see you again. " He balled his hands together and bowed. "I am... Experiencing your lives. I am new to this... Socializing." He would sigh. "I'm afraid I'm no good." Crone shook his head.
Like June 8, 2024 Edited
"Oh!, I would've thought you forgotten my real name!, But you're doing good, Just takes practice." He told him, patting his head in response.
Like June 9, 2024
King James Crone
"Yes. I plan to do just that. Thank you. I am learning how you speak and make sounds. It has been a long time coming, I finally feel... Useful. I just... I don't have good emotional balance." He would sit down at the bar. "What are you doing in a place like this? Don't tell me you drink, you bad b... View More
Like June 9, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Hello, Crone. Any news on your side?”
Like June 9, 2024
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King James Crone
"There is always news to be had. A few goblin children were born this week and we celebrated the adult hood of a few living trees. They protect our forest and ward off the evil." He would mention.
Like June 10, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Nice. So, what is your proposition this time?”
Like June 24, 2024
King James Crone
"I plan to increase the forest backwards as to not disturb the people of Ponyville and increase my influence. This allows for more monsters to have safety and rehibilutate themselves from their animalistic nature." He would mention. "Ultimately, I will for all creatures to support and love. Not hur... View More
Like June 24, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
your cover image makes me feel like i should be trying to find slenderman in it
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King James Crone
Accurate. Crone had put a dense miasma around the everlasting tears. It can peel armor and skin like orange peels being ripped apart. A town map is coming spoon though.
Like June 1, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Like June 1, 2024
King James Crone
Legends has it, A creature lives within the walls of the hospital grounds. The ruins of this hospital was home to hundreds of children and eventually the graves as such. It would move between shade ... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret heard the murmur and smirked before deciding to teach this creature all the swear words.
Like May 31, 2024
King James Crone
It's song would reverberate in her head. A sad tune but unfortunately, indecipherable. It was clear his sad lonely song would allow her brain to see the myth himself. Ot was hard to see but the eyes would glow intensely red. He looked at Sprout who has now witnessed him. He gazed upon the tiny Spr... View More
Like June 1, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"WHOA!" Sprout stumbled backwards, not expecting the sudden aggression. What are you doin in my head? she asked, turning to face the creature.
Like June 1, 2024
King James Crone
"...." He said while looking around. The word "Whoa!" Would be said a few time in a few different ways. "...." He continued. "What. Are. You. Doing. In. My. Head. What ate you doing in my head?" He said back at her.... View More
Like June 1, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"...can you repeat words in a different order, friend?" Sprout asked. "And do you have a name?"
Like June 1, 2024
King James Crone
"...." He would mention before saying. "You repeat. Can you ? Do you have a name, friend. Order in different?" His deep whispers said. "....?" He said out loud.
Like June 1, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"My name's Sprout," she answered. "Sprouting Bulb. Can you say your name, or can you not?" She figured, the more words she gave this creature to work with, the better they could communicate. "Are you a mimic? A ghost? Some sort of hallucination?"
Like June 1, 2024
King James Crone
"...." The creature would finally sink down into the ground before appearing in her shadow. He stood tall as he peered down at Sprout. Finally, his attention gained he would say. "Tō." He said, plainly. "Given by Master Crone. Once slave to my frustrations. To think I was defiled in such a harsh... View More
Like June 1, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout nodded. "Of course. Crone." She rolled her eyes. "Ugh...well, Tō, what brings you to Ponyville? I know a lot of ponies still aren't quite on board with monsters, and Ponyville especially has been victim to a few attacks from the Everfree..."
Like June 1, 2024
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