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Nar Yakushi

Male. Lives in 4163, Rink Way,  Vanhoover,  Equestria. 26 years old
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Man can't leave his sona dead. The character.
Roleplay Universe
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Entertainment » Professional Sports Team
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78 Members

Status Update

Nar Yakushi
"You're a freak of nature, you know that?" Asuka reaches over to flick a tuft of Nar's hair from his position in a hospital bed. "The hell dude. The doctors said you'd be in the ICU for at least a wee... View More
3 people like this.
Sprouting Bulb
"NAR!!!" The door swung open, revealing Sprout, her face wet with tears and snot. "Nar, oh my Queen, you're alive!!" She trotted up to his side, not seeming to notice Asuka. "As soon as I saw what happened, I was on the first train here!! I-I..." The ostensible pegasus' face crinkled up, follo... View More
Like July 24, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout grabbed a tissue, blowing her nose and wiping off her face. "S-sorry, I just...I thought I was gonna lose a friend a..." She nearly said "again", but she didn't want to risk turning Nar's recovery into her own pity party. "...mine. A friend o' mine." She sighed, looking up at Asuka. "S-... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Nar Yakushi
Asuka's response is a simple shake of her head. "You're fine. The more the merrier as they always say." She offers a warm smile, then motions for Sprout to sit in a chair next to her. Nar gives a solemn nod. "Yeah. I get you. I know what it's like to lose people close to you, and I wouldn't want my ... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout sat next to Asuka, smiling softly. "Of course I care. You're the only pony I know who didn't run screamin when I--" She glanced at Asuka. "...when I, uh, showed you my horror movie collection! I know I've got some sick stuff in there, after all." She chuckled nervously, deciding now was... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Rosa Cavalier
Rosa would appear in the doorway, arms crossed as she walked in. "The young take the dumbest risks, you know that? It is good to see you well, after that. Camille wouldn't stop crying for hours. Which is strange because she only knows Asuka. I should have recommended some fighting lessons, or reacti... View More
Like July 24, 2024
Nar Yakushi
There were few things in this world that truly scared Nar. Usually, cryptic warnings and threats were not one of them. For some reason though, Rosa's words cause a chill to run down Nar's spine. He visibly shudders for a brief moment, followed by a quiet "Ow." Needless to say, movement of any kind w... View More
Like July 24, 2024