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Female. Lives in Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on March 6, 1993
Earth pony.
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Cool beans.
Roleplay Universe
All of them.
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20 Members
Space Ponies Society
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The Castle
173 Members
Turnip Lounge
77 Members

Status Update

She's barricaded the room with herself and and slumped down with a sigh as she drops a little probot that floats to the center of the room and immediately becomes a console. "Why did I think t... View More
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"Weddings are oftentimes a bore-snore. The only personal investments either of us have are one or two ponies we actually know and that you brought the ship." He plops next to her. "Even so, this is a pretty unique place. And hells- if we're here for the catering, that could be an excuse to try out t... View More
Like May 10, 2019
"It'll be a gamble, socialization for food..." she says as she eyes Zera, who seems to have dozed off. "Nap also sounds good..."
Like May 10, 2019
Dex slaps himself from dozing off. "What if there's that thing where you're at a mysterious new place, then you fall asleep and when you wake up, you're back where you came from?" He says suddenly in a half-asleep slurry of words.
Like May 10, 2019
"Dude that's called sleep teleportation, but I think you'll be good..." she says as she stretches. "Is it just me or has it gone quiet...?"
Like May 10, 2019