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Asuka Yakushi

Female. Lives in 4163, Rink Way,  Vanhoover,  Equestria. Born on July 7, 2000
by on April 1, 2021
The time had finally come. After years of work off the clock Asuka could finally realize her dream. After leaving her old band behind Asuka could finally start her solo act as a streamer musician. Everything was set up perfectly. She had subscription, and donator tiers, channel memberships, custom notifications and alerts, and all the other vital components to being a full-time streamer. With a deep breath, she flicks the switch, and begins to broadcast herself to the internet at large. Putting ...
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by on March 29, 2021
//The final part of this story series. Featuring the 'climactic' final battle, and epilogue. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri, Silver Bullet, Carmine Gumshoe, Ruby Trogdon, Vanil, Celtic Cross, Ephemeria Spring, Sherem, Zerathur A. Naszberuk, and Thunder Riff with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for the mentioned characters. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human sprites because 1. I love Paul Robertson's w...
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by on March 5, 2021
A fire crackles at the foot of Mount Lunae. Three figures sit around the fire absorbing what little warmth it provided them. It's not as though any of them needed it. The cold here was nothing more than an annoyance. Just another in a myriad of troubles they all faced. So they sat by the fire to at least pretend to feel some grain of comfort. Morale was low after so many failures. One could only come so close so many times before they cracked. Yet the trio had yet to break. They refused to back...
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by on February 24, 2021
//Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, and Gray. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human sprites because 1. I love Paul Robertson's work, and 2. I can't do anthro to save my life. [STORY START] ...
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by on February 18, 2021
// Part 3. This time with edge, and anxiety. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri, Silver Bullet, and Carmine Gumshoe with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, Gray, Silver, and Carmine. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human sprites because 1. I love Paul Robertson's work, and 2. I can't do anthro to save my life. [STORY START] ...
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by on February 4, 2021
February 14th, 2019. Vanhoover. Asahi stared at his reflection in his car's mirror intently. He doubted every little thing about his own appearance. His mane wasn't styled perfectly. His suit jacket wasn't tucked in right. He had wrinkles in his dress pants. It's like he came here just to get embarrassed. Worst of all, it was February in Vanhoover, so he couldn't let his car's top down like he loved to. The sound of shoes clacking against concrete catches Asahi's attention. As he looks ov...
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by on January 21, 2021
//Part 2 of the Battle of the Bands storyline. I plan to do more of these stories with edits. Also looking to borrow characters for these stories if people want to see their characters in the stories/scenes. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri, Silver Bullet, and Carmine Gumshoe with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, Gray, Silver, and Carmine. I don't do requests/commissions since I am not the original artist. Human spri...
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by on January 17, 2021
//It's time for me to write a story inspired by a game/series I'm engrossed in again. This time with accompanying sprite scenes. Might do more of these stories with edits. Also looking to borrow characters for these stories if people want to see their characters in the stories/scenes. Featuring Gray Rivers Alton-Yuri and Carmine Gumshoe with permission. All spritework was originally made by Paul Robertson. I only made edits for Asuka, Nar, Juno, Roy, Gray, and Carmine. I don't do requests...
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by on January 3, 2021
//This is a story that explores a sort of alternate future I had in mind for Asuka. One that I ended up scrapping since it would effectively retire her prematurely. So I've decided to write it as an alternate future story. A young stallion steps off of a rickety old bus in the middle of the Frozen North. Despite his heavy coat the young man can't help but shiver after hearing the crunch of the compacted snow below. His eyes focus on the mountain ahead. A mountain so tall that it pokes above...
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by on December 28, 2020
When an old mare claimed to put a curse on Gray after he refused to give up food for a fortune everyone just thought she was crazy. Sure, magic was real, but she wasn't even a unicorn. How was she going to curse Gray without magic? "Uh. Guys?" Nar's voice cuts through the current conversation between Gray, Asuka, and Carmine. They all stop to listen. Asuka feels the car begin to slow down before it comes to a complete stop. Nar then finishes his statement. "We're out of gas." Everyone is qu...
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by on December 14, 2020
//Part two of the series featuring 2 characters I've been allowed to borrow. Music included. Asuka and Nar had been on the road for only two days, and they already found their food supply starting to run low. If they wanted to make it to Canterlot they'd have to stop regularly to gather supplies. This would be a much simpler task if it weren't for the fact that pretty much every place you could find supplies was either crawling with zombies, already looted, or both. The duo had already passe...
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by on December 11, 2020
//Had this idea for a series of stories in mind for a while. Decided it was time to start the darn thing. Also going back to an old habit and adding some music links to this series. Might feature some other people's characters in this series if their owners don't mind. ...
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by on October 21, 2020
Gravel and dirt shift as an ambulance comes to rest on top of it. Inside the occupants of the vehicle can barely make out the shape of a large manor backlit by the full moon. The lights in the front of the vehicle dissipate as the engine is turned off, leaving the area ahead in darkness. The doors to the vehicle open, and two ponies dressed in EMS uniforms step out. From the driver side, an older earth pony stallion of 36. From the passenger side, a young mare of 22. The doors of the ambulance ...
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by on September 28, 2020
When Asuka got a call at 7 in the morning she was expecting it to be one of her co-workers, or her cousin calling to tell her he forgot something. Despite the sun not being up yet Asuka found that old habits die hard, and she'd been awake for 2 hours before she had gotten the call. When she picks up her phone she gives the caller an unenthusiastic "Hello?" "Hey Asuka!" Asuka's heart skipped a beat. This was no mere co-worker, or her dim-witted cousin. "H-hey Mandy." Asuka clears her throat...
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by on September 25, 2020
//Disclaimer: I did not compose, preform, or publish any of the songs featured in this blog post. The songs are by Anamanaguchi, and Guitar Wolf respectively. After party post to either follow shortly, or be posted tomorrow. September 25th, 8 PM, Glorian Amphitheater. ...
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by on August 29, 2020
"Dude! We nailed that show!" Nar's enthusiasm radiated to the rest of the band huddled around a table in the dining room of the mini-mansion. This time the enthusiasm was well earned instead of just being hopeless encouragement like it normally was. Juno lifts a bottle, and nods in agreement. Asuka also nods, though she is not holding a bottle. Of the four bandmates crowded around the flimsy plastic table only one was unsure of their success. Roy stands with his unblinking eyes staring at a spec...
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by on August 27, 2020
//Taking a break from the kiddie lore posts to do a more recent one I've had in mind for a while. 1 year ago, Vanhoover, 3 weeks into winter. A thick blanket of snow has coated Vanhoover. The road crews have been working tirelessly to keep the roads from icing over, and many citizens have been shoveling the sidewalks almost hourly to keep them visible. Which is lucky for the group of four running nearly full speed down Pine Street. Three of which appear to be wearing guitar cases. ...
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by on August 26, 2020
It has been long since the owners of the three story house on the hill had gone to sleep, but their little visitors in the basement were not quite ready for bed yet. The four misfits had been doing all manner of things besides sleeping despite the fact that it was around 9:50 PM. This included playing board games, drinking soda (their parents weren't there to stop them), watching TV, and just recently deciding to start a new game. This game was something the group had seen a group of teenagers p...
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by on August 24, 2020
The excitement that filled the SUV could be felt by Kisho, and Betty in the front. The four young children sitting in the seats behind them growing more excited as their SUV crested the hill of an old driveway. At the top of the hill a massive 3 story house came into view. Standing outside the windowed patio that lead into the house, garage, and backyard pool was an older couple. As soon as the SUV came to a stop all four of the children in the back quickly unbuckle themselves. Three rush toward...
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by on August 20, 2020
//Yet again I have remembered a lore post I thought about just before going to bed. It was another long day at work for Kisho. Running a restaurant was difficult work, but the smiles he helped form were well worth the toil. Of course while today was just like any other day it wasn't quite just a normal day. It was his 52nd birthday. His employees had scrounged up some money to buy him a cake, and a gift. Of course the gift was a 'Worlds Best Boss' apron, and he was definitely going to be we...
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by on July 15, 2020
//With special guest appearance by Carmine Gumshoe. (I made sure to get permission before adding him to the post.) If there was one thing Betty Yakushi disliked about the Ponyville Courthouse it was that they always seemed to keep the courtrooms below freezing temperatures. Sure it was better than being left in sweltering heat, but how were you supposed to present evidence, and give statements while your teeth chattered constantly? Despite her dress coat, and long dress the cold still managed...
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by on July 14, 2020
//Said I'd make some story posts for Asuka's family members, so here's the first of the three. The sun has not yet risen over Ponyville, and the lights inside the small restaurant between the 'Haysea Corp' offices, and the Biglow Department store have just come on. Inside stands an older stallion (mid 50's) already hard at work preparing for the day ahead. Kisho Yakushi was always the first one to come in for work. As the restaurant's owner he had to set a good example for his employees. As o...
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by on June 14, 2020
At this point in her career Asuka had gotten used to staying up for long periods of time. Sleep was a commodity in these times, and Asuka was glad she'd finally be able to get some. Her gait as she enters the mansion she calls home is nothing more than her dragging her hooves along the floor. She still wasn't used to how silent the mansion was now. Even if it was 4 AM. Someone was usually rummaging around the kitchen for snacks at this point in the night, but tonight there was no one. The kitche...
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by on May 20, 2020
"No no no! Not like that! Like this!" A red maned stallion shouts as he demonstrates a section of music on his guitar. "What do you mean Roy? That's what I'm playing." The straw hat wearing bassist protests as he repeats what he'd just played. Asuka slumps down on her stool. This was going to be a while. She snuggles up inside her hoodie as she tries to conserve body heat. Over on the broken couch the backup guitarist was doing the same. They were supposed to have band practice at Roy's place, b...
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by on May 7, 2020
//It's Asuka's time for some lore. Except I'm just going to be going into her relationship with her family. We need a break from all the sad lore so have some happy lore. "Alright! Lunch time!" A straw hatted unicorn stallion rushes past the camera headed for a row of folding tables lined with bowls and dishes filled with food. "Hey hey hey! No cutting!" Another stallion grumbles. "Cutting? You weren't in line." The camera pans to reveal the straw hatted stallion standing in front of a somewh...
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by on April 20, 2020
//WARNING: Some of the events in this story may be disturbing to certain people. I've made sure to keep everything site appropriate, and avoid Gore/Grimdark, but you shouldn't read this story if "messed up serial killer quirks" disturb you. 8:12 PM: Seyne Residence, East of Las Pegasus. ...
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by on February 25, 2020
57 aspiring paramedics had applied to the Advanced Care Paramedic program Asuka was in. By the end of the semester, there were 22. After yesterday's exam there were only 10, and that number was expected to drop again after today. That was because today's practical exam was one of the toughest mentally, and physically. The 10 candidates would be tested alongside members of the Vanhoover Police Academy to test how well they preformed during a mass casualty scenario. The grounds where the exam...
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by on January 22, 2020
It's been three days since the search began. Despite several tips from the citizens Vanhoover Police have come up empty handed at every turn. That was, until today. Only a few minutes ago, a citizen called the emergency line to report a suspicious individual at the Northside Central Subway Station. They described the individual as "fidgety", and "alert" while wearing an outfit that covered their body, and parts of their face. It wasn't until a second call came in that the dispatchers were certai...
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by on January 18, 2020
January 16th, 3 PM, Snowy Hill Suburbs, Vanhoover. Police Corporal Franco Marcetti's boots make a quiet 'thud' as he steps out of the SWAT van onto the street below. He's followed by more thuds as 6 other armored ponies exit the vehicle behind him. Once they've exited the vehicle the team quietly forms a neat single file line behind Corporal Marcetti. Once the squad begins to move Corporal Marcetti speaks into his earpiece. "Entry Team to TOC. We've reached the drop off point, and are making...
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by on November 12, 2019
Asuka was having a hard time sleeping tonight. It certainly wasn't because the bed wasn't comfortable. She actually wasn't quite sure why it was so hard for her to fall asleep at the moment. No matter what she tried her eyes just wouldn't stay closed. It's not like she was cold, or too hot. In fact her parents had managed to keep the house constantly just right. It was completely quiet both inside, and outside of the house. Maybe that was it. Maybe she needed the sounds of a bustling nighttime c...
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by on October 29, 2019
In the early afternoon Detective Joe Winters exits his house, and enters his vehicle. His wife watches from the front door as his vehicle backs out of the driveway, and heads off down the street. As far as she knows he's off to the police station. Things have been very tough for him, and all the other detectives, and officers lately. She's hoping that whatever it is that's causing them all so much stress will be over soon. Joe on the other hand doesn't just hope. He's certain what he's doing tod...
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by on September 22, 2019
Asuka swears she was falling just a second ago, but right now she's hanging in the air. She looks up to find her front right hoof being clutched tightly by a silhouette. It's slowly, but surely pulling her up over the ledge. She grabs onto the ledge with her free hoof, and pulls herself up. "Thanks. I thought I was-." When Asuka looks up to speak to her rescuer she finds no one. She stands in confusion for a few seconds before snapping herself out of it.
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by on September 16, 2019
Asuka had eaten breakfast, and packed up her things to continue her climb. She was expecting another tough day ahead, so she had taken a little extra time to rest after waking up this morning. After having packed up, and being ready to leave Asuka decides to check her campfire one last time just to make sure there are no embers. Sure she was on a freezing mountain, but Smokey the Bear would be upset if she didn't properly put out her fire. Asuka turns back to her fire pit, and leans down to make...
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by on September 11, 2019
Her guide had told her to look out for weird stuff today, but she never expected this. Blocking her path wasn't a rock, ice block, or anything natural. It was a restaurant sitting on the side of the mountain. How, and when it got here was a mystery to Asuka. Without much of a choice Asuka enters the building hoping to be able to just walk through. She's greeted by a small lobby with a few dusty chairs, and a podium where a well dressed stallion is standing. Before Asuka can utter a word to qu...
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by on September 9, 2019
Asuka steps off of the rickety old bus, and turns to watch it as it slowly churns through the snowy wasteland of the Frozen North. She turns back in front of her, and looks up at the mountain ahead of her. Wrapped up in thick winter clothing Asuka makes her way to the only building in sight; a small shack with an old sign reading "GUIDED TOURS." As Asuka enters the shack she's greeted by a small room with a few decorations on the walls, and a counter with a stallion standing behind it. A radi...
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by on August 31, 2019
//This blog is here to help my new storyline to get started. It's a long one so if you plan on reading it i suggest getting some snacks and a drink. 7:45 AM, Vanhoover's industrial district, old Mintford Company Masonry plant, 3rd floor office. 6 stallions stand in the dusty, old office of the long abandoned masonry plant. Two stallions stand across from each other across a table. One wears casual (mostly yellow) street clothes. The other wears an immaculate suit and tie with an expensive...
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