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by on February 24, 2020
Solaire just nods his head. He remembers the priest telling him this before. It's like deja vu. Except...he is certain the priest that trained him only ever told him this once. This wasn't something the old man had repeated. Why was he being told again? He rubs his neck as he turns, looking at the reflective mirror beside the purifying basin-to help the user look into their own soul and identify impurities-there's a human face staring back at him. Soft, pale skin, hair bleached from magical s...
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by on February 21, 2020
*continuation of The new bloom* Honey was slowly relaxing from the sudden shock of the experimental magic. It felt stretched out and a little sore. It was feeling something new. Something moving inside of it. Honey ignored this for now and opened its cleched petals. It was overwhelmed by the sudden and surprising light. The light seemed to dim down for Honey and it took in the surroundings. Green everywhere. Plants that were previously systems of colored light were now different than what Hon...
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by on February 21, 2020
Warning:This series of canon progression will contain rather mature themes in the forms of Blood, possible vulgar language, ultra long posts Ambient sprints down the streets bolting for her life, as out of nowhere a loud screech was heard, as a griffin comes from above her digging their claws into her back, causing her to scream in pain and trip over rolling from her crash into the dirt. A soft noise of a gem bouncing across the ground into the open, as the griffin lands down onto the ground...
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by on February 21, 2020
Shining down on the forest below, plants bathe in the sun's glorious light. Wind blows calmly through the trees' leaves. The nearby river flowed smoothly and occasionally licked at the bank. The flowers awoke and revealed their beautiful colors. Steps in the grass moved through the grassy terrain, closer and closer the garden of new and old blooms alike. More so to the red flower that stood out of all of them. The steps stopped right in front of it... Then, the flower felt something... It cou...
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by on February 21, 2020
Seafoam stare deep into the Ponyville night sky, transfixed upon the distant stars. She didn't move from her seat on the grass in an hour, lost in the expanse of black and the speckles of white, a sky so vast her mind could not comprehend its infinite depth. Yet, here she observed the impossible to convey. Her perception of the sky had grown tremendously since her vampony transformation one week ago. From gazing to perceiving, from awe to wonder, from dying-- to undead. Her previous methods of...
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by on February 16, 2020
Canterlot at night is a beautiful sight. But for many years it's been kept this way by the many ponies who fight for and defend it. Ponies like (although bounty hunting is quite the grey area), or (-) Seafoam Wake. Others that protect the innocent like the guards, or medics like . Some hunt demons, dark creatures that escape from Tartarus or lower, while others stand to the ponies who have lost their way. On the other hoof, there are the few that stand up against the unknown, the unexplained, ...
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by on February 16, 2020
Fifty-two are broken And broken are fifty-two Thirty-two snails running Sixty fish so blue Eighty-eight dogs yelling ...
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by on February 16, 2020
A dark sky void of stars blinded me in my natural appeal I've seen this show a thousand times in a different light some time before The repetition is unnerving Finding itself inside of me yet again ...
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by on February 15, 2020
It had been five hours. Five hourse since Trish had been locked up in royal dungeons. Under guard. He'd been under the impression that he was a rather trusted individual on the royal grounds given his presence there during his mother's time as an ambassador to the princes, and moreover, as a rather esteemed physician and this was quite odd to him. The only questioning he had recieved was immediately as he was arrested. They had asked him if he had recently accessed the forbidd...
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by on February 11, 2020
As much it is a coveted feature among ponies, Fruit hated being all poofy. It's noticeably harder to move faster than a scuttle and completely disables his flight capabilities. This doesn't even include the stray foal or god forbid, a full grown pony lofting on his back every now and then, trying to share warmth, as if his coat isn't burden enough!
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by on February 10, 2020
Dear Princess Celestia, Ma always said that a good leader listens to her ponies. I hope this reaches you because me and my brother really need your help. You see, me and my brother live near dodge junction on one of the apple farms. Im sure you heard what happened after the buffaloes attacked. It killed Ma, and we dont know where Pa went. We really need your help, because we are working really hard! And a scary stallion in a buisness coat says that if we wanna keep the farm, we have to give...
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by on February 5, 2020
A few days into kindergarten, and Everglow is already being bullied. Fortunately, the little one followed Lock's advice and reports it to the teacher, whom (who?) promptly calls the parents of both sides. Long story short, Lock had to confront an adamant bully's parents which escalated quicky. After patching himself up and covering the gryphon claw marks under bandages, Lock introduces Everglow to comfort food, this one being a waffle, a scoop of ice-cream on top, and a whole lot of toppings....
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by on February 4, 2020
Today was a special day. Perhaps one of the most important days of the year for the lovestruck investigator: Hearts and Hooves day. It was a little early, at least a week and a half, but that was the tradition they've followed since their first time spending the holiday together. Carmine could hardly wait for the holiday to come around back then so he decided to reveal his surprise a week early to his lover. It began with breakfast in bed. Then lunch in bed, followed by dinner in bed. He even we...
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by on January 30, 2020
For the entirety that I've been involved in the MLP Roleplaying community across various websites, forums, chatrooms, and the such, I've always wanted to have a roleplay experience that is dynamically controlled through some means other than the group. Where the circumstances of the RP are controlled by some exterior force rather than the creativity of those that are participating in the RP or the host of the session acting as a dungeon master. I wanted something more, something that is more r...
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by on January 28, 2020
Emptiness. Complete emptiness. A clear area of pure nothing. Nothing but clear white. Not a sound. Not a smell. Not a sight. Nothingness surrounded me. Why was I here? Wasn't I just visiting dreams a moment ago? Wasn't I just solving a pony's nightmares a few seconds ago? How did I end up here? What even was here? Everything was starting to move. Shapes and figures were appearing and being made. Grass along my hooves were appearing. Soft and comforting. A breeze was going through my mane. My sur...
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by on January 23, 2020
I've been thinking a lot about this, so I decided to make a blog (Tia's Tips!) about these particular kinds of characters, and how fun and sometimes beneficial it is to roleplay, or roleplay with a villainous character. To start, I have to say that villains are one of my favorite types of characters. They are complex. They require a lot of thought regarding their behaviour and motives. They can make some of the best roleplays ever, if portrayed properly. And naturally, it's just damn fun to ...
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by on January 22, 2020
It's been three days since the search began. Despite several tips from the citizens Vanhoover Police have come up empty handed at every turn. That was, until today. Only a few minutes ago, a citizen called the emergency line to report a suspicious individual at the Northside Central Subway Station. They described the individual as "fidgety", and "alert" while wearing an outfit that covered their body, and parts of their face. It wasn't until a second call came in that the dispatchers were certai...
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by on January 18, 2020
This is a planned spoof i had of the mane 6, in the knight wolf timeline. This would include Flam, Foundation of Loyalty ...
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by on January 18, 2020
After releasing all her anger, Mina had been left with a heart of sadness, she uses this as inspiration to write a second poem, following a first about rain, hoping a more playful tone would help her to feel better. One day I had a pet storm cloud It was dark and thundery and really loud I've been crying all day Because my storm cloud just wouldn't go away ...
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by on January 18, 2020
Mina's been feeling really down lately. She's been spending a lot of time alone and needed to write her feelings out on paper. She was stuck between a mix of exasperation and melancholy, both controlled the quill in her hooves. Thumping Thumping In my brain I feel your warmth douse my body And comfort me until I smile wide from cheek to cheek ...
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by on January 18, 2020
January 16th, 3 PM, Snowy Hill Suburbs, Vanhoover. Police Corporal Franco Marcetti's boots make a quiet 'thud' as he steps out of the SWAT van onto the street below. He's followed by more thuds as 6 other armored ponies exit the vehicle behind him. Once they've exited the vehicle the team quietly forms a neat single file line behind Corporal Marcetti. Once the squad begins to move Corporal Marcetti speaks into his earpiece. "Entry Team to TOC. We've reached the drop off point, and are making...
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by on January 16, 2020
I felt prompted to write this after some lowkey vitriol I found myself unable to let go of lately. It regards my former DM exploits and how they led me to a jaundiced view of not only DMing but also D&D in general. This is rather vent-related, which is something I don't do often because I don't find it effective OR worthwhile, but from a psychological standpoint, talking about it has a higher chance to benefit me than not talking about it at all. What this is NOT is a cry for assistance or a ...
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by on January 14, 2020
Now, things have gotten complicated between universes that flam is in, so i decided to clarify them here just to make some sense 1: Main Canon Universe. Everything is normal. Flam is coltfreind to marina. Las pegasus was burned. 2: unity universe ...
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by on January 11, 2020
In orbit around equestria, sol 3 the pony home world “ Captain we seem to have approached Sol 3 but she is a vibrant green colour” said lime manning the helm “ Are you sure? Check the star maps again. That’s literally impossible Equestria with evidence of life? Ludicrous!...” Cherri said sadly ...
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