Friendship Letters
The beautiful Continent of Australia is in flames. Over 50,000 animals have died due to the bushfires already and that number is going up. Animals are losing their homes, people are losing their homes. You can help! These are links you can go to to help Australia.
You can adopt and track a Koala here:
Australian Red Cross:
Sweet made herself dinner that she didn't eat again.
Or maybe it was lunch. She'd stopped tracking the clocks. Whateverr the meal was, it was just sitting on the bar, getting cold.
Tinkora had always been really big on clocks. Honestly, she hadn't put much stock in it. Before the E.D.C. was finally realized, then had subsequently failed, all that was just "Tinkora being a crazy bitch" to her. But now that Terra had been lost, Terrans scattered to the cosmos, and an elimination of any known...
Ya’ll gonna fall apart.
Like at the seams.
You live on hopes, and dreams
Is this your last resort?
Life is a storm, we’ll seek any port.
It's been 123 days since I've crashed. It's been hell living here I was almost eaten by a pack of Raptors..... it's a good thing I'm a great fighter . I'm also a survival expert so I built myself a home in a cave from a mountain + theres a lot of fruit so that's good ....... also never go to the lagoon because theres a mosasaurus living in there I almost jumped by her ..... but at least I get the beautiful scenery from my cave ...... so my life here is hell but it has its upsides.
It was a warm, slightly cloudy day. There was a slight breeze that kept it from being too hot when not in the shade. Overall, it was one of those days that was perfect for a picnic and Solaris was doing just that.
Further up the mountain, on a grassy patch that offered a scenic view over Canterlot and the surrounding area, Solaris was enjoying himself a glass a wine and the company of one other. Sitting next to Solaris was an earth mare. Her coat was a light grey, mane/tail like flowing silver ...
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(First off im not an native english speaker so sorry for any mistakes i made. You could help me by telling on what i could improve or could change. Thank you)
FSB Head Directory Moscow
Report by Major Yuri Abakan analyzing the Country of Equestria
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Persona sighs as she pushes her door open to her room, moving slowly inside.
She'd been trotting around the castle with Snowy again-even being a bit jovial. The stallion was cute, even if she wouldn't admit she found him cute often. He wasn't terrible. And she was also baffled he didn't outright hate her. He really should. After what she did. But he doesn't. She rather appreciates that really...
What she doesn't appreciate at the moment is this castle. It seems oppressive. Sepulchral. Melanch...
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Ok. so.. legitimate question here.
What's so damn bad about giving a new AU a try? Why is everyone *obsessed* with using *only* the show style Equestria?
It's actually a legitimate concern in terms of AUs. Yeah it's a familiar territory and easier to come up with ideas for... But there's a few things that I have issues with there...
With Christmas being Just tomorrow, I thought it would be fun to talk about the celebration of the pagan and Wiccan holiday of Yule, the winter solstice!
What is Yule?
Yule is the holiday celebrated at the winter solstice as the rebirth of the great horned hunter god. This year of 2019, Yule began on December 22nd and will end next year on January 2nd. Yule celebrates the longest night of the year and the rebirth of the sun. Most witches don’t typically celebrate all 12 days of Yule, and on...
Trish really dislikes his useless feeling.
The longer his teammates are gone with him hearing nothing, the more the feeling builds, and they've been gone quite a bit of time on their separate assignments...which has left him restlessly productive. Part of him had considered taking a trip to Rusty's house to visit his family, force himself to relax for a day. But like all changelings, his family emotionally perceptive, and they'd know he was bothered all day...there would be no rest for anyone...
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Its tough living in a new world that your not familiar with . Back in 1941 I still had those baseball cards in my room dout that there still there. I even had a best friend his name was Bucky ....... the died saving his country and me just wish I could have saved him ......... but I'm trying to find my place in the new world ..... I'm going to try to ask princess celestia to give me a royal guard position since I knew back then . Hope I get that job
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Greetings, everyone!
As all of you may know, today is our website's second year anniversary, hurray! We are so excited to be able to be in service for you guys for two years! It's unbelievable and crazy that the time has gone by so quickly too!
Here at Canterlot Avenue, we do our best to ensure that the site is as enjoyable as possible so that you, the users, can return, provide support, and even recommend us to your friends so we can continue to grow our community and build more friendshi...
Anyone is allowed to make up any award for anyone but themselves. Ships can be nominated but nominators can't be in ships. Polygamy allowed. 1st to get nominated gets the award. 1 user/ship per award
♥ Users ♥
‘The one’ and only fish in the sea = Hymn
In case you haven't noticed, I'm no longer a mod. I am also no longer on this site. I don't have much to say about either one of these things. Sorry!
It was a good run! I hope you all live wonderful lives. Buggo out.
Dear Journal,
It would seem I've found myself in a new land. It looks, smells, sounds, and even feels like the other one. But that is not the case. I have recently emerged from my last home and I am now looking for a new home. Hopefully, the citizens of this place are just as willing to help as every creature back there was. Only one way to find out.
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Hello. This is for anypony looking to hire somepony. My name is Honey Glow. I'll be open to a job of any kind as I am a quick learner and a hard worker. Please answer this request when you are able. Thank you and good-bye.
How many nights do you lie awake
In the darkest place?
How many days do you shed the pain
Of your darker days?
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Mina lays across her bed. Peacefully fallen asleep. Her quill rested onto the paper in the little pink book in which she wrote out her thoughts:
Imagination is my bestie!
Silly string makes a mess everywhere
It's sticky and gooey and gets in my hair
We did dress up and dancing and other fun things
Lock On genuinely dislike dfoals in general, and the sneaking suspicion that the orphanage had been feeding the child with sweet lies about himself wasn't helping. Despite all that, the moment that tiny little Everglow called him "Papa" was without a doubt, one of the weirder days of his life. He felt so happy and content, yet wistful at the thought that he's standing before this child without "mama", which the child mentioned soon after.
He's delayed bringing the little one home, for reaso...
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Prince Artemis just couldn't take his eyes away. No matter how hard he really tried. He just couldn't understand it. How could such a beautiful creature be made with his help? A beautiful mare that is sure to grow up and take on the world. A mare that may be fierce and clever, but at the moment was sound asleep. Lilith Moon, a precious mare that is to be growing up too fast for him already. Watching her sleep seemed to bring peace to him, but also. It seemed to bring back a special memory.
Migraine came back in full force. Might as well write something to pass the time while I wait for my number.
Vanil had 3 drafts to go with, one of them is for her to be in an abusive relationship (Note that I didn't play that big a part in making Vanil, as mentioned in the "About Me"). Imagine K.Flay's song "Cops" (honestly, never heard of it and don't intend to) crammed into an oc, that's one of her earliest iteration, as referred to by her creator. Thank goodness I managed to convince them ...
Asuka was having a hard time sleeping tonight. It certainly wasn't because the bed wasn't comfortable. She actually wasn't quite sure why it was so hard for her to fall asleep at the moment. No matter what she tried her eyes just wouldn't stay closed. It's not like she was cold, or too hot. In fact her parents had managed to keep the house constantly just right. It was completely quiet both inside, and outside of the house. Maybe that was it. Maybe she needed the sounds of a bustling nighttime c...
Wyatt sat in his Office, clenching his eyes shut, opening them once again, his breathing slow. He seemed to be concentrating hard on something. The voice that first spoke was tormented, and sounded like a raspy whisper, almost full of rage. "Do you know how it "
The next voice was Wyatt's. "Of course I do. How long have we known each other, after all?"
"Far too long."
Wyatt sat there talking to this individual, and he appeared to not be enjoying said conversation all that much, although seeme...
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