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by on April 30, 2019
Sup fools. Vectoring is fake art. I like doing vectoring. It's the only method I am capable of using to draw ponies for myself and others. Vectoring is tough to get right unless you do it a LOT, but even then making quality vectors is about the tools and methods you use rather than how familiar you are with it. As opposed to real art where you can draw amazing shit with just a pencil. So today I'm going to show you the few ways you can tell that a vector image is absolute shit. Here's my exa...
604 views 7 likes
by on April 29, 2019
Trish groans loudly as, for the third time this week, the wifi goes out. He's only been able to afford the cheapest service for the little moving fort he'd enchanted, he didn't have more for anything else. Which is not good, he'd been in the middle of researching possible cures for vampirism, since his books had worn him out. Of course this takes some serious research since half the articles are made-up or fanfiction-level solutions. It's sad. But it's now sadder cause he can't do anything at al...
317 views 0 likes
by on April 27, 2019
Leon laid on an uncomfortable, thin mattress, the sway of the small ferry he was currently on not helping his already aching back. It had been almost three weeks since he'd been forced to flee Neo-Canterlot. Now, being forced out of the second largest trading hub in all of the land was bad, being chased out by people who had claimed to be his allies, his brothers and sisters, his friends, that was a whole other can of worms. He'd been forced to flee to the west coast, had stayed there for a coup...
309 views 2 likes
by on April 23, 2019
Drama. Ah, such a wonderful little thing, isn't it? No, it isn't. In fact, it is quite the bummer, be it for the person who is the target for said thing and for the one who's causing it. How does it start? Simple! Lack of communication. This whole blog is about how to avoid starting drama and I'll be using the example of, let's say... A roleplay. It does still apply to most other cases, if not all, if you were to change the subject from RP into (Something that was done) or (Something that wa...
329 views 2 likes
by on April 23, 2019
Fact 1 Ambient acts differently depending on which sister she is with. Examples: When she's alone she normally is herself a curious little spunge, always eager to learn either doing something stupid or such. ...
329 views 3 likes
by on April 20, 2019
[i]Hey Abby here! I'm about to turn this entire blog post over to Pinkie, because honestly I'm pretty rankled about the contents of this blog and what I have to say is going to come out not so nice! And we all know that Pinkie can handle anything in the sweetest manner! But before I turn it over, I am dedicating this letter to Darren Cuffs, Cally Ber, myself, and any other current or future police officer roleplayers! Because we're collectively tired of your shit. You're killing our OC's. To DEA...
520 views 21 likes
by on April 17, 2019
This is a giveaway for 1 free patch! - Rules - This is on Canterlot Avenue (but this is not a site event) - Your entry should go into the forum post as a reply ...
569 views 7 likes
by on April 16, 2019
This is a quote by Darren Cuffs. I don't claim any part of this as my own, as it was all his. so thank him, not me for this wonderful literature he has blessed upon us. Being the loser so someone else can have the spot light is healthy. It keeps your OC in check and doesn't let them become any thing else other than what they are; imperfect. ...
477 views 4 likes
by on April 16, 2019
I, the undersigned agree for FlimFlam Industries to hire me, the undersigned. the undersigned shall not: A: reveal company secrets B: enter restricted areas C: disobey any employee guidelines D: communicate with Apple family inc. ...
463 views 2 likes
by on April 15, 2019
Today I learned something important about friendship. Sometimes, they might be nice, but you never know how they might really feel about things. You can never tell how anypony will act. Sincerely, That buggo who likes making friends, ...
371 views 2 likes
by on April 15, 2019
"I'm tellin' ya man. One date. All it takes. Give it a go. When was the last time you actually did anything with a girl besides pray with her and listen to her problems. I bet one's blushed at you at least once as you've held her petal-soft hands in yours...mmmmmmmmff" Couper sniffs loftily before taking a bite out of his souffle, chuckling at the sound of discomfort from the stallion across from him. "Can we please stop talking about this. I don't want a date." "You are wasting your life...
320 views 4 likes
by on April 14, 2019
Heyo! This blog is how you can easily credit art on CA, please remember that just cause you credit it does NOT mean it is okay to post! Find out if the original artist allows for reposts with credit. Check out my other blog on this topic: and about reposting art: -- This is an easy step by step tutorial to show how to credit artist in the description of your photo. ...
398 views 9 likes