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by on January 23, 2022
Continuation of Part 2 ---------- "Okay Artemis. Time to give yourself a quick recap of everything that's happened ever since traveling to this World or Realm of Darkness. The Land is one that lies as a connection to our reality for some reason. It's a Land that appears to be alive, flowing deep and rich with Arcane. The Moon above seems to act as a transportation, spilling out Arcane Magic onto the land every Full Moon, birthing new creatures into the land to roam, run wild, hunt, or just s...
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by on January 21, 2022
Continuation of Part 1 "An outsider?" A startled voice of shock seemed to escape the lips of the giant bat creature. Its glowing eyes seemed to only increase in brightness as the words kept repeating in its mind. An outsider? Here? That didn't seem right. That isn't right. That's wrong. It's wrong! It's vile! It's evil!! The Bat creature took a lunge towards the King, attempting to sink its fangs into its current prey in front of him. It needed to kill him. It needed to eliminate him. Feast. ...
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by on January 20, 2022
Enclosed are the written reports you have requested. While I understand your need for information to test your theory that these incidents are connected in some way I must again ask that you not reveal this information to anyone. Such things would be judged as misconduct on my part and only serve to sow seeds of panic in the local population, all the best of luck to you. With regards: the officer of mayor Fletcher. Reports by local resident of trespassers during the night of -- July ---- ...
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by on January 19, 2022
"Hmm... hm hm... mmm, mm hm..." Bubblegum's soft humming and the sound of scissors cutting newspaper set against a dull buzz of electricity. Otherwise, the shop was empty and silent. The only light came from a single lightbulb swaying overhead, dangling from the ceiling on a long cord. She laid another picture among the rest and shot a small smile at the plush rabbit that sat against a cold stone wall. "What do you think, Alice? Am I missing any articles?" Naturally, the stuffed animal stayed...
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by on January 19, 2022
Within the Castle Universe lays a separate world. Separated from the current reality of all living beings in the Lands of Equestria. A mirror world. One that is plagued, infected, abused, overrun with the limitless powers of Arcane. A world only rumored in stories. Spoke in riddles. Told in bedtime tales. A world that nopony can visit or escape from. Except for the King of Darkness himself. The King was already uneased by his surroundings. Uneased by the unnatural quiet that seemed to be fil...
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by on December 30, 2021
Torch slams the bathroom door shut and locks herself inside. She tosses her bag to the floor and lays down, sobbing. It's been a rough day. She just lost one of her long-time friends. "Why can't life be FAIR?" She yells at the toilet, hitting herself in the head a couple times. "Life's never been fair." Comes a voice above her. She looks up to see Gray standing over her. ...
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by on December 27, 2021
Part one of a breakdown of the Canon set for Artemis ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1133 years ago: Beginning of the United Era ...
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by on December 5, 2021
“And THAT, my friend, is why you’re the chicken!” Strawberry slurred through a barrage of giggles to an unamused bartender. The laughter produced a large knot in her stomach and she soon found herself leaning against the corner of the bar with one hoof on her freshly emptied glass and clutching her gut with another. The bartender simply blinked and continued to wipe down the glass tankard with a rag. “Alright, Bers. I’m gonna have to cut you off now.” The unicorn dragged her flushed face up ...
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by on December 4, 2021
If u make JC mad, u get a slap >:DD
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by on November 19, 2021
Two years ago. Polo was at a store when the holiday song started to play and he knew one thing so, he leaves the store forgetting the milk as a random group of ponies started singing about Hearth's Warming day. He walks to a different store and enter only find decorations for the green and red holiday on full display as someone put a red and white hat on him. He slowly back out of the store bumping into someone carrying gift wrap causing it to unroll and cover most people near by as he remov...
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by on November 16, 2021
"So dad did you lie about showing me how to use a keybla..." Sivanro duck as Polo throws a nobody into a tree as it vanish in a puff of black smoke. Polo had a keyblade in his mouth as he said "Why would I lie about using a keyblade during these times where nobodies, and heartless are showing up out of nowhere?" Sivanro summoned a keyblade into his hoofs as Polo pick up his keyblade and bites on the handle. "lesson on is magic so first thing firs is have you ever had the dream?" Sivanro take a m...
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by on November 15, 2021
Crystalline water. Grass so green it looked almost fake. Sunlight streaming in through the trees and playing through it all. The clearing had not changed since Faith had left it, that fateful day, and she went still staring around at where she had lived for twelve years. Mirror stepped past her. She fit perfectly into the magical place. Her mane was tied back in braids, but it still glittered and shone in the light - like glass, Faith thought. It was one of those moments that made her heart t...
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