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by on November 14, 2021
“Now, my precious little flower, you must stay here and stay quiet. Do you understand? This is very important. I love you more than anything in the world.” “I love you too, mum,” Hebe whispered, confused and frightened, but always obedient. The door shut. She sat huddled in her parents’ closet on the floor, in the dark. Muffled voices came from downstairs. Two were harsh and stern, two defensive, and then came a fifth voice that had a distinctly pompous air to it. She heard her name. Pressing ...
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by on November 13, 2021
It was just late enough that Mirror had returned from the woods, but not quite late enough to end the day and go to bed. The clock kept ticking every so often, infuriatingly slow, to signify the marching of time, and that made for the only sound in the cottage. When it had begun to grow colder, the crackling of a fire joined it, and bathed the lower floor in a rosy glow. Light rain fell outside. ...
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by on November 8, 2021
East of the Wandering Woods and North of the Jackalope Slopes lies a small town, named for a brook which runs to one side and provides the water this town needs to survive. Buttercup Brook and Buttercup Grove are perhaps the most fairytale-esque part of Equestria, secluded from every major city and kingdom, and even with their very own witch. She is not a wicked witch. Her alignment is parallel to good, yet rather unlawful. At this moment, she is the closest the town has to a doctor, and she st...
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by on November 8, 2021
"You came into my presence, this very hour of work, to simply host a worry? A mere suspicion of actions? Do you perhaps understand what we are currently doing at the moment? Or perhaps you were too busy ignoring your current assignments to host meaningless thoughts. I'd like fair reasoning as to why you're disturbing my presence!" "As you say, I'm currently ignoring current orders given. However, I seek your ear on matters I'm finding concerning. As of recently? Things have changed a bit. I'v...
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by on November 6, 2021
Blood is thicker than water. The full quote reads, “the blood of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb” and is rather misrepresented. In this case, however, the shortened version is the more apt choice. This is the case of Winter Rose, better known as Blind Faith, whose loyalty is swayed in the passing of a strong breeze. She longs to be better than she is, yet falls short of every opportunity that might make it so. At this moment in time, her fickle nature has lead her to a high sec...
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by on November 4, 2021
There was no way to know for certain how long it had been since the pegasus had been apprehended. Locked in a horribly cramped room with no window and with bright lights on at all hours, Faith's only measurement of time came every few days when she was held down by several guards and the IV that slowly fed her just enough liquid to survive on was replaced. She was exhausted, yet unable to sleep for more than moments at a time, for fear of losing the precious time she needed to plan an escape. ...
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by on November 2, 2021
10 years ago. Polo break down a door before tackling a nobody into the ground and used reality shift to beat it. The family inside are looking at Polo with fear as the nobody vanished then he spoke "Sorry about the door..." The earth pony punch Polo in the face and said "Get out of here you monster." Polo was about to say something before thinking about it then leaves the house. He look at the keyblade as a few heartless appeared from the shadows like a swarm before charging at him but, as fa...
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by on October 31, 2021
Perhaps the worst of it all was the sickly smell of decomposing leaves, Fletcher was never a fan of the Fall season for that very reason. Mist crept through the trees, crawling up their roots and wrapping around his legs as he made his way through the woods. He didn't mind the cold, he didn't mind the dark, those had become oh-so natural to him over the last few years. What truly bothered him was that smell, decay. The certainty that all things are one day to whither and rot. He halted by ...
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by on October 30, 2021
A List of Pre-Unification Deities and Beliefs Earth: The Spirits of Water, Harvest, and Rot (Three Spirits for the Birth, Life, and Death of All Things) Pegasus: The Four Winds (The Winds Will Guide You, If You’re Willing to Listen) ...
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by on October 22, 2021
Concentration. It's the first rule of all magic users attempting any form of spectacle performance. Magic starts at the base of concentration. Wiping away the world around you, whether it be for hours, minutes, or seconds, to purely focus on what you attempt in achieving. It's at this beginning stage where no mistakes must come into being. For the most minor distraction or hesitation will only result in failure. Sadly....failure was a common pattern as of late. A small flower was straight ah...
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by on October 21, 2021
Greenery on all sides soon gave way to the familiar clearing which housed the cottage Mirror called home, and she made her way to the door, face set with determination and head held high. The illusion of confidence provided her with just enough real confidence that when she pushed open that door and stepped inside, she really was ready to confront Faith. She had practiced in her mind exactly what she would say. But Faith was not there. A quick glance confirmed that. No lights were on in any roo...
356 views 7 likes
by on October 20, 2021
It was evening, and a beautiful one at that. Gold cascaded down from the heavens above to find a lone pegasus bent over her desk in a little cottage in the Wandering Woods. She gripped a letter open tightly in her teeth by its dark leather handle. Naturally, this pegasus was Blind Faith herself. ...
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