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by on August 23, 2024
"Dear Everyone who reads this letter You all are doing wonderful doing your best to keep up with yourselves going through life one hoof at a time not giving up "The Great Papyrus is here for everypony That needs a shoulder or a hand to help them through tough times Nyeh hehe ...
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by on August 21, 2024
Below is a letter, found by castle staff while sorting letters to the castle. It sports a wax seal of the Ridgewell family. The age of the letter is unknown. "Darkness enshrouds the good people of the Ridgewell Estate. Through deceit, and trickery, a great evil has wormed it's way into my estate. It took the form of a prince, using magic so powerful, neither myself, nor my estate mage could detect it. Unable to see through it's ruse, I allowed the evil to take refuge in the one great castle u...
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by on August 10, 2024
Imma just keep it short...I'm tired...I'm exhausted really. I don't see a reason to live on. There's no point anymore. They always say things get better, but shit just gets worse. I attempted suicide already for the first time in years...and I haven't been able to shake it since....Ever since I felt as if I don't belong here. Like I should be alive. Really, I'm just too tired of this world.  I'm tired of the injustice. I'm tired of the betrayal. I'm tired of the evil. I'm tired of the lack...
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by on July 2, 2024
Hey everyone, I have a lot of OC's up for sale right now. Recently we found out I have a rare syndrome [i've been send to doctors left and right, this time also.. but they try to help me] Except last week i lost approximately 200$ already more than half was on cat emergency [she got stung by a wasp and had an allergic reaction] the other because of my own situation. ...
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by on May 8, 2024
Moondancer died today.  It wasnt much of a suprise. She was only holding on by a thread, being a centurian does that to the regular ponies.  . ...
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by on April 6, 2024
i doN no hw To rite vRy wel BUt mY leson fr tDay wAS iT sux to not hAv frens :( itS my lesOn fr evRydAy uR obdeNT sbjeC, spRotiN BLB
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by on March 17, 2024
What its like inside the head of a cancer patient. I've been in remission for a couple years now, but the idea of it, and the fear I went through stick with me to this day. In February of 2021, I collapsed in my kitchen, for a few years up until this point I had been feeling faint. My vision would black out, occasionally, and I couldn't stand for terribly long without needing to sit down, but I stubbornly refused to go to the hospital, I had too much to do.... until I collapsed, and passed out...
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by on March 3, 2024
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by on February 29, 2024
you know, we don't really know all that much about how years work in Friendship is Magic.  some episodes suggest Equestria uses the Gregorian calendar, but aside from that, no years are ever referenced specifically.  so, here's what i like to think about how Equestria tracks years; specifically, they're tracked based on certain eras, which themselves are determined based on the current ruler of Equestria. this is the period of time before the first unition of the four ponykinds (Earth, Unicorn,...
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by on February 28, 2024
There was no time for rest. Stormfeather had scarcely had any time in the Castle of the Two Sisters since she arrived in Ponyville, and while she wished she could process her journey through the Maze, she simply had to spend some time doing her actual job. Besides, she felt very good from White Ring’s magical healing, and she didn’t feel she really needed rest. In the daylight, it was no difficult task to find the Castle of the Two Sisters. There was a fairly well-worn trail leading to it;...
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by on February 24, 2024
Seafoam has had alot of posts over the years, and it's actually quite difficult for me to track them all down for reading in the present. This blog post will serve as an easily-navigable (and updatable!) index of everything important in this mare's storied life on CA. [hr]
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by on February 18, 2024
i've already posted these on tumblr but nobody should ever follow me on tumblr so i'll put them here
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