"Shit shit shit," Talon yells as he runs through a temple that is collapsing
"Dont touch anything! Thats all you had to do!" Knight yells as he runs farther in front with Devine on his back
"Argue later boys! Knight left at the next turn!" Devine yells as she reads a map
"Will you tell me why you have been holding back?" Devine asks Knight as they lay together in a tent.
He takes a deep breath and turns to face her, "Long ago I fell in love, but the one who I fell in love with was someone who I was not able to be with easily, we faced many difficulties and all who knew us stood against our relationship. We were even engaged at one point but our opposition was so dead set on ensuring we would never wed that they attacked her during her bachlorette party. She l...
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Talon had now become part of the group, he was a welcome addition especially since Knight and Devine still had trouble talking to each other like they used to, they really needed to talk things out but it just never seemed to be the right time. As they traveled Knight would train Talon in weapons and combat as well as teach him science and a few other things that he thinks he could master.
"So, not to pry, but we have been traveling together a few weeks now, are you two like dating or somethi...
Ever since they voiced their feelings for each other they had grown slightly awkward, unsure of how to treat whatever their relationship had become. Knight hated it, he kept thinking of ways to end this annoying awkwardness.
In the time they had traveled, they now found themselves flying through snow covered hills, a place called bleak valley. It was snowing slightly and the breeze was cold but neither of the two were cold, Knight had his thick coat of fur and it helped keep Devine warm who r...
Knight being emberrassed was an understatement, he sat in the back rooms of the stage chugging more rum as make up artists moved all about him.
"Three nights I have done this, do you not think this is enough?!" he says angrily to Devine who leaned on a wall nearby
"Hey dont get all angry at me, you're the one who agreed to do two more days because you were piss drunk," she says also feeling annoyed, she wouldn't admit it but she disliked how all these other females were clinging on to him,...
"You know you like it so why do you always act like you don't," Devine says smirking as the walk the streets of Saddle Arabia
"You just know when to take advantage of me," Knight says as he looks at the things the vendors have for sale, he then looks at his bag of bits, "Hmm," he says and she looks at the bag
"Are we out of bits?" she asks and he scoffs at her, "I'm out of bits, because someone always needs a midnight meal
Knight shudders in the bed, he moves around groaning
He sees flashbacks of his claws slashing through many, so many, the amount of blood he has spilled is too much yet he cannot stop, his rage is too much, Flam has taken his sister from him after he had tried to assassinate him during the peace talks, there is now no peace as he destroys Las Pegasus in his anger, as the building topple and blood fill the streets
Now weeks later he is standing in the middle of the field with his army behind...
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Knight and Devine walk the dangerous mountains of Nightmare Cliffs, Knight would have just flown but a certain mare is extremely pissed because of a couple of stunts a certain wolf did in the air.
"Look I said I was sorry, no one got hurt," he says walking down the cliffs.
"You did get hurt! The cliff you crashed in broke and created a landslide that took what i think were griffin or dragon nests into the ocean! I would have died if I hit the sharp cliffs!" she yells at him
Knight continued his wandering journey through the remains of the many cities that the war affected, he made sure however to avoid taxis now since last time he was swindled out of a restful night to one full of well, he blushes as he remembers the beautiful mare that tricked him into bed. He shook his head as he crossed the desert and stared into the vast emptiness it held, he walked aimlessly forward for days until he came across a place called klugetown. Once entering he had already had to kno...
When Knight was traveling during his five year wandering period, he met many different creatures and cultures, he traveled across seas and continents and opened his eyes to the diversity of this world. Of course he got into plenty of altercations since he is an adult male with needs that only the opposite gender can provide, and the altercations happened when some mares that were umm providing him with relief, failed to mention to having husbands. He also had plenty of run in with law enforcemen...
Joshua continues destroying den after den asking for the location of the fortress of shadows to make sure that he is not being misled. His actions have not been ignored, from high up in the vampire society his presence has left its mark. He has also been hailed a hero in the human society for killing so many vampires, but what they don't understand is that Joshua is merciless, should he find any humans in the dens, whether they became prisoners or were helping his enemies, he killed them all.
One thousand years have passed since Joshua has taken this form, over time he has killed many of every kind of creature. Trolls, golems, Orks, lizard men, zombies and even the most feared vampires have been slain by him, there are countless other species of monsters that have met their end at his claws. The humans slowly recognized that there was a new beast among their already long list of monsters. Stories of wolves all over the world leaving their territories and being herded by a single gian...
The morning after the attack, the Lycan family made sure to burn all the windigos and to take their dead home, to bury them honorably. Many had died, only a few adult men where left, Gabriel included now more than ever, once the last carriage had collected theirs and head home, Joshua and Gabriel began to bury their father. Inside were the women of the family asleep from the ordeal, and from crying out in grief from the loss of a father and a husband. Their lands had been burned in the battle, ...
He had been born in medieval century Earth to a poor farmer family, they didn't have much but they had each other and that was enough. At the time, Knight Wolf was called Joshua Lycan a young farm boy at 13 years old. He had an older brother brother Gabriel who was soon to be celebrated a man at age 16 and a younger sister Emily who was 8 years old and very cheerful. His mother Elizabeth and father Henry were often working the fields, tending the cattle and working very hard to keep their lives...